Too Good

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*The kids spend the afternoon jumping on and off the bed and playing with their toys of the floor next to the bed

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*The kids spend the afternoon jumping on and off the bed and playing with their toys of the floor next to the bed. When you needed help up you sent Grant to find Bucky and yell help. The first few times you had Grant do that Bucky was mad that you weren't actually in need of help, now he just follows Grant at turtle pace.*
Grant- Dada!! Help!! Mama!
*Bucky sighs and stands up and follows Grant back up the stairs to the room.*
Bucky- you sent the baby..*You laugh*
Y/N- yeah, Winnie needs a diaper change and I need to use the bathroom. *Bucky nods and helps you up. He changes Winnie as you do what you need to and then helps you get back in bed*
Bucky- alright my little Wolf pack, let's go! Diner is almost ready! *Winnie looks back at you*
Winnie- mama! *She pulls your hand and you smile*
Y/N- I know Winnie boo but mamas gotta stay up here. *Winnie pouts*
Grant- Mama?! Foo at da able!
Y/N- that's right we do eat our food at the table but mama has to eat up here.
*They both pout and Bucky chuckles, Bucky has an idea and leaves the room.*
Y/N- gee thanks Buck!! *You yell as he leaves you with two pouty toddlers. They cry and pull on your arms.* I'm sorry guys! *You hear a commotion coming up the stairs and Bucky walks in the room with the kids high chairs.*
Bucky- I didn't abandon you, I just thought if you can't come downstairs and eat with us then we will come and eat with you.
*You smile and beckon him over with your finger. He smiles, walks over, and kisses you*
Y/N- thank you baby.. you're too good *Bucky blushes and scrunches his nose. You kiss him against and then kiss his nose*

*You all eat in the room together, Bucky puts a tarp down under the kids high chairs so the carpet is ruined. He gets the kids bathed and Peter and Kate help take the high chairs back downstairs and clean up the tarp*
Y/N- thanks guys.. *Peter smiles*
Peter- you're welcome y/n. How are you feeling??
Y/N- huge and tired *Peter smirks and gives you a hug.*
Kate- well you look- you're really- good! *You chuckle and thank her, she walks out and bumps into Bucky coming out of Grants room*
Kate- oh- ha! Sorry, umm Bucky. *Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- it's okay Kate. Alright, thanks guys. I may need your help tomorrow are y'all free??
Kate- free as a bird
Peter- I have no where else to be.
*Bucky nods and walks towards you. Peter walks away and Kate is just left in the doorway. She sees Bucky take your face in his hands and kiss you. She smiles and closes the door behind her*
Peter- why are you smiling??
*Kate walks towards him*
Kate- they're just cute. I hope to have something like that. *Peter smiles*
Peter- you will
*They walk downstairs*

*Bucky kisses you and hears the door shut. He looks over and chuckles*
Bucky- definitely thought Peter had already shut that. *You smile and kiss Bucky again*
Bucky- so how about that bath?? *He smirks*
Y/N- are you gonna join me?? *You kiss him*
Bucky- you want me to?? *He pulls you up and rubs your arms. You nod* then let's see what we can do... huh?! *You walk into the bathroom and Bucky helps you undress. He gets the bath going and filled with bubbles. You climb in and he helps you sit down, he slides in behind you and you lean back against him. Being so close and just feeling connected was everything you needed. He massages your body and kisses your shoulders and neck, you moan and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- can't be making those noises baby, else you're gonna have another pain in your back. *You laugh and rub down his thighs and legs*
Y/N- it just feels too good baby. *You lean back into his arms and kiss his hands* I love you Bucky.
Bucky- I love you too baby..
*You both sit back and enjoy the warmth and silence*

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