I Miss Them Already

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*You wake up in the morning and turn over to see Bucky. He is laying on his stomach with his arms stretched above him. His hair and beard is fluffy and soft. He looks so peaceful, you smile and lean over, you kiss his cheek and he gives the slightest smile and he blushes. You know he is still asleep and it makes you feel special that in his sleep he blushes at your kisses. You rub his back and kiss he neck as you whisper.*
Y/N- Bucky... baby... hey, my big teddy bear... we need to wake up. *You kiss his neck and cheek as he starts to stir. He is deep asleep*
Mmhmm Bucky, wake up baby. I wanna spend some time with Softy Bucky. *you kiss his back as you rub it and you feel the slightest chuckle vibrate through his back.* come on baby. *Bucky lifts his metal arm and wraps it around your waist, it's warm and comforting. He lifts his chest a little and you slide halfway under him and his lays his chest back down. You intertwine your legs with his, he kisses your nose. He does all of this while keeping his eyes closed.*
Bucky- okay, are we gonna talk or-
Y/N- Mmhmm I think we can talk later, I have something else in mind. *Bucky gently smiles and kisses your lips. He slowly moves his hands down your body as he moves his body against yours. It was so sweet and sensual. His lips never left yours and his hands were always on some part of your body. No roughness or swearing, just sweet, beautiful, soft love. When you both finish Bucky stays inside you and holds you close. He kisses your forehead and rubs down your chest.*
Bucky- I love you y/n and I'm gonna miss you but I also know you're gonna kick ass while you're gone. *He smiles*
Y/N- you know I just realized I've never been on a mission without you. You were always with me in Hydra and here.
Bucky- oh you're right! Are you okay??
Y/N- yeah!
*Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- you don't have to sound so happy about it!
*You laugh and kiss him. Bucky pulls out of you and then stands up off the bed. He pulls you up and you two shower together. You can't keep your hands off one another and you wouldn't have it any other way.*
Bucky- I love you y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky
Bucky- please please please be careful. You've got two babies and a husband counting on you to come back home.
*You kiss him and nod.*
Y/N- I will come back to you Bucky. I promise. *You kiss his nose and he chuckles*

*You get dried off and as Bucky gets dressed, he is digging something out of the closet. He walks out with your suit.*
Y/N- wow, did you dust it off??
*Bucky laughs and hands it to you*
Bucky- go ahead and get dressed. I'm gonna grab Winnie so you can nurse her before you leave. *You nod and get in your suit. It fits like a glove. You are strapping on your boots as Bucky walks back in with Winnie. He smirks and walks up behind you. He rubs your ass and then gives it a swat*
Bucky- you still got it baby! *You chuckle and turn around and kiss him*
Y/N- thanks, now give me my baby and go get my other baby. *He smiles and gets Grant. You feed Winnie as Grant plays with his toys on the floor. Once she's done you give her cuddles and then Bucky takes her and heads out to the kitchen. You get Grant ready for day and spend some time with him.* okay Little Wolf, Daddy is going to be flying solo these next few days so I need you to be good, okay! *Grant smiles and leans in to give you a kiss*
Grant- mmmwahhh *He plants a big slobbery kiss on your cheek and you chuckle and hold him tight*
Y/N- I'm gonna miss you Little Wolf. I love you.
Grant- uve ooo *He blows you a kiss and your heart melts. You two walk to the kitchen together. Bucky is feeding Winnie some yogurt and has a waffle broken up for her and Grant.*
Y/N- okay, here's Grant. I need to go help load the jet. I'll come get you when we are leaving.
*Bucky nods and kisses you*

*You walk up and see Nat and Yelena loading the last box.*
Y/N- why didn't anyone come get me?! I could of helped..
Yelena- you have little babies..
Y/N- so does Nat!
Nat- yeah but Sarah is only 5 months old. She still can't see past 5 feet in front of her, she doesn't know if I'm there or not unless I'm holding her or feeding her. Yours are big and notice when you're not around.
*You cross your arms and look over the jet*
Y/N- what time do we leave??
Wanda- we should head out within the hour.
*Kate comes running up behind you*
Kate- hey oh sorry I'm late!
Y/N- and where have you been??
Kate- sorry I was up all night.
Yelena- oh, babies floor not as comfy as we thought it would be??
Kate- oh it was but Umm.. y/n, you and Bucky left the baby monitor on all night.
Y/N- so- oh god
Kate- yeah, I guess you never turned off the microphone... I heard Winnie wake up that one time and then this morning-
Y/N- yu-Yup yeah, okay. Sorry about that..
*Nat laughs*
Nat- come on, let's go say goodbye.
*You and Nat walk arm in arm inside, Wanda walks with you. Kate walks beside Yelena. As you walk in you see Grant crying and throwing food and Winnie whining, Bucky is just staring at them. You left him to handle breakfast on his own so you could see how these next few days will go... by the looks of it, not well.*
Y/N- hey! What's wrong?! *You walk over and kiss Grants face and pick Winnie up*
Bucky- he doesn't want the waffles but I said he had to eat them and I don't know why Winnie is crying.
*You chuckle and Kiss Bucky's cheek.*
Y/N- he needs his syrup or else he won't eat them.
Bucky- it's so messy-
Y/N- get him the syrup or else he won't eat them, trust me. *Bucky sighs and gets the syrup, he drips it over the waffles and Grant starts eating it right away. Bucky rolls his eyes and you smile and kiss his cheek again* I won't say "I told you so".
*Bucky laughs*
Y/N- okay, come sit over here and let's go over the next few days.
*Bucky nods and grabs his coffee and sits with you at the table*
Bucky- okay, Winnie gets 5 bottles throughout the day and then her solids when Grant eats.
Y/N- yes
Bucky- Grant eats his three meals and then he gets 2 snacks
Y/N- yes, bath every night. And make sure you put lotion on after their baths.
Bucky- I don't know why I have to put lotion on after they bathe but okay *He rolls his eyes*
Y/N- Bucky?! *Bucky laughs and pulls you close*
Bucky- I only tease! Look, it's gonna be okay. I have been doing this for almost 2 years now, trust me.
Y/N- I know, I just get a little nervous when I think about not being with them.
Bucky- I know baby, call when you're able and I'll send as many pictures as I can. We will be okay. *You nod and kiss him*
Y/N- okay, Nat?? You ready??
Nat- yeah, hold on. *She kisses Steve* remember-
Steve- I know, no baby talk, do the laundry, and speak Russian when I can. I've got this, I also have Bucky here if anything comes up. *Nat looks at Bucky and then back at Steve* Tony and Clint will be here too. *Nat lets out a sigh of relief. Bucky looks offended*
Bucky- wow, thanks Nat...
Nat- it's not that I don't trust you, it's that you have your hands full with your babies and I don't want Steve to rely on you as back your when he doesn't know if you'll be able to help when he needs you*
Y/N- She's got a point.. *Bucky nods and you kiss him goodbye* bye baby, I love you.
Bucky- I love you too... *You smirk and whisper in his ear*
Y/N- Be good *You pat his ass and chuckles*
Bucky- we'll see... *He kisses you again quickly and then let's you go. You and Nat walk back to the jet as they all wave goodbye. You look at Nat as you start to take off.*
Y/N- I miss them already... *Nat is real quiet*
Nat- yeah, me too.

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