Next Stop, Home

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*You wake up to Bucky pressed against your back

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*You wake up to Bucky pressed against your back. You smile and pull his arms around you tighter. He hums and presses his hips against your but. You laugh to yourself, you turn over a little and see he is dead asleep. You reach back and rub his side, squeezing his thigh and butt a little. He nestles his head deeper in your shoulder. You laugh again and move to kiss his cheek. You then guide him to his back. He lets you, he is still dead to the world. You get an idea and for once during this pregnancy you think you can actually stomach it. You crawl under the covers and lay on your side. You gently pull his boxers down inch by inch. You look and he is still asleep. You watch as he springs free, half hard due to it being morning. You move and kiss his hips, kissing all the way to his length. You take him in your hand and you slip his tip in your mouth. You feel him get harder, he moves around a bit. You smirk and keep teasing his tip with your tongue. You slip him further and further into your mouth and you hear him moan.*

*Bucky wakes up to the most incredible sensation, you lips on him.*
Bucky- Mmhmm *He arches a little and he feels himself slip farther into your mouth.* oh y/n Mmhmm baby
*You pull off and giggle*
Y/N- shhh wouldn't want to wake anyone up. *He moans as he lifts the comforter up and sees you positioned between his legs now. You take him back in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. He tosses the covers back behind you and rests an arm behind his head to watch you and has the other playing with your hair.*
Y/N- it's been too long since I properly pleasured you this way. *You smile and Bucky smiles back. You go back to work and Bucky just moans and watches as your lips slide over his length.*
Bucky- Mmhmm just like that *He says breathlessly* mhmm so good *He let's out a breathy moan* yes Mmhmm don't stop baby-
*The door handle turns very loudly, it gave Bucky enough time to just yank the covers up over you. He props her knees up in hopes of hiding the you are obviously under the covers. The kids come in pulling Peter and Tony behind them.*
Peter- they may not be awake- OH! *He clears his throat*
Tony- Op- y-yeah they're awake!
Bucky- Ha- Umm h-hey! Tony! You're here!
Tony- ye-yeah! Got in early this morning. Umm Peter take the kids to breakfast.
Peter- Yup!! Let's go!!
Odette- where's Mommy?!
*Bucky blushes as Peter and Tony shoot him a look. They are also trying not to laugh.*
Bucky- she's Umm I think she's in the bathroom. You know doing her face-
*Odette starts to look*
Bucky- Odette give her some privacy. We will see y'all when we come down for breakfast. Go on sweet girl.
*She agrees and follows Peter out. Tony shuts the door behind Peter and just looks at Bucky. He rolls his eyes*
Tony- come on out
*You slowly crawl out from under the covers and hide your face. Seeing as Bucky had almost cum when the door opened and you have no idea what your face looks like at the moment. Tony very dramatically locks and unlocks the door. Bucky sighs and laughs*
Bucky- we get it! It's also 6:30 in the morning so how were we suppose to know our kids would be awake!?
Tony- first rule of parenting Barnes, always, always assume they are awake and just waiting to ruin the perfect moment. *Bucky laughs and throws a pillow at Tony he dodged it and then leaves the room. Bucky looks down at you  and you blush and laugh. You kiss him*
Y/N- sorry you didn't get to finish
*Bucky smirks and throws the covers off him. He nods down to his dick and you just laugh. You stand up and go lock the door. Tony hear sit lock from the other side and he just applauds loudly. You and Bucky both yell at him*
Y/N- Shut up!!
Bucky- Fuck off!
*He laughs and you hear the main door close. You run back over to the bed, settle between his legs and have Bucky cumming in record time. You take everything he gives you and for once you don't want to throw up.*
Bucky- wow?! No nausea?!
Y/N- so far so good! *You smile and lick your lips* how was that baby?
Bucky- so *He kisses you* so *kiss* so *kiss* good!! I may have to return the favor.
Y/N- maybe later *You giggle* I'm starving!
Bucky- really?! Still?? *He smirks and you gasp*
Y/N- now I'm gonna vomit! *Bucky laughs and chases you to the bathroom. You two get cleaned up and dressed. You head down to breakfast and you finally face Tony.*
Tony- ahhh! How was your facial y/n?! *He smirks, Peter chokes on his drunk. You gasp and Bucky ties to not laugh and pretends to be annoyed. You decide to get him back.*
Y/N- Amazing! Didn't waste a drop. *You smirk and rub Bucky's shoulders. Tony looks green and shocked. You laugh and kiss Bucky's cheek. Bucky just blushes and start eating. Tony had finally composed himself*
Tony- good one y/n, I'll give you that.
*You laugh and finish your breakfast*

Tony- I know y'all said we would wait a day but I am good to head out tonight if you want.
*You look at Bucky*
Y/N- you wan to head back tonight??
Bucky- yeah, we can. I'm pretty anxious to get back home. *You rub his back and he pats your belly.* I do want to show Tony the land though.
*The kids hear this*
Grant- are we going to the river??
Y/N- yup! Go get your swimsuits. *You smile at Bucky and he laughs and motions for Tony to follow him. You meet them down at the river with the kids*
Tony- so you're gonna use solar panels?
Bucky- well maybe, I'm not sure yet. I've got to get back and get in touch with a contractor.
Tony- this is cool that he left this to you. It's amazing land and great potential. Y'all planning on moving here permanently?
*Bucky looks back at the kids and you.*
Bucky- No, I can't take them away from their lives back home. But maybe during the summer breaks and stuff. *Tony nods*
Tony- then can I use it permanently?? *Bucky laughs* cause with you adding another human to the mix it's getting kinda cramped. *Bucky pats his back*
Bucky- you're a billionaire, build your own house.
Tony- so are you, build me one!
*He laughs and they both walk back over to you.*
Bucky- y/n's got the whole house mapped out already and each of your families have a room. *Tony smiles and nods*
Tony- alright when do y'all want to head out??
Bucky- maybe around 7?
Y/N- yeah Jonnie still had to say goodbye to all her animal friends *Bucky looks at Tony*
Bucky- better make it 8 *Tony laughs and nods*

*You find shuri and thank her again*
Y/N- you gave me back someone I thought I had lost, Thank you! *You hug her and she smiles*
Shuri- I am glad to help. *She looks at Bucky* don't break the arm this time!
*He laughs and nods*
Bucky- wouldn't dream of it.
*She smiles and nods*
Shuri- y'all are welcome anytime. When you start to build let me know and I will do all I can to help.
Bucky- thank you
*He hugs her and then goes to find Jonnie. She is clutching a goat as she sits by the jet*

Jonnie- No!!! *She cries as she holds one of the goats* I'm gonna miss you! You're gonna get so big!! I can't let you go!
*You are actually tearing up a bit. Bucky sighs and looks at you. You sigh as well*
Bucky- we're gonna have to take these damn goats home, aren't we?? *You nod and lightly laugh. Bucky nods and sighs. He goes to find Tony and he he talks to the framer who's been taking care of the goats. He makes the arrangements and they get her three favorite goats ready on the jet. You get them all buckled and Jonnie just beams at her little animal friends as they lay down "sleeping". Truth is y'all had to tranquilizer them in order to get them home without them running around or screaming the whole time.*
Tony- if one of those goats shits on this jet, you're cleaning it up.
Bucky- yeah, I'm aware. *He sighs and you laugh. You sit and lean your head against his shoulder. He kisses your head and then gets up to tied down all the luggage. You all wave goodbye to Shuri as you take off.*
Tony- alright next stop, home. *Bucky looks out the window and he watches as it ass disappears. He feels slightly sad, like he's actually leaving his home. But then he feels your head on his shoulder and all those thoughts disappear. He looks at you and kisses you. His home is wherever you are. Wakanda, avengers compound, a house in the suburbs, sadly even Hydra, none of that mattered, if he was with you then he was home.*

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