Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

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‼️A few, small, time jumps!‼️

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‼️A few, small, time jumps!‼️

*A couple weeks go by, Grant turns 3 and has a Dinosaur themed birthday party. Winnie turns 2 and she has a Tangled themed birthday, she runs around with a fake frying pan and a toy Pascal. Only a few people end up getting wakes with the pan so it was a successful party. Sarah turns 2 and has a Brave themed birthday party and Nat couldn't be happier. The princess with no man who saves herself. The triplets are growing strong and by the time Christmas comes around Odette is crawling and trying to cruise around the furniture, Elizabeth is crawling and pulling up on things, and Jonnie is crawling and is so close to pulling up. You and Bucky start potty training Winnie and she catches on in a flash and within 3 weeks she's is completely potty trained. She has accidents but for the most part she's good and you couldn't be happier. Nat and Steve have a little trouble with Sarah because she gets scared of the potty, she's scared she's gonna fall in. Eventually she gets the hang of it though, Steve takes that opportunity to start asking Nat for another baby.*

Steve- you said once Sarah was potty trained... *He smirks and pulls her close. Nat laughs and kisses Steve*
Nat- Okay, fine. You can put a baby in me. *She pretends to roll her eyes and Steve celebrates and spins her around. She laughs and kisses Steve*
Steve- are you sure??
Nat- Yeah Stevie, let's have another baby. *She smiles and takes Steve's face in her hands. He picks her up and wastes no time trying.*

*A few months go by, Peter and MJ are growing closer and Kate and Peter really start to have a relationship like you and Steve. Bucky and Kate repair their friendship and Kate becomes like a little sister to Bucky. Thor comes and goes, spending time in New Asgard and spending time with Loki. The triplets stop nursing one by one and the last one for you to ween is Jonnie, they still all have a bottle but for now your nursing days are over, and that makes your heart a little sad. Before you know it the triplets turn one!*
Y/N- okay, I say we have a cute little zoo themed party!
Bucky- perfect! Because we are running a zoo already!
Y/N- exactly!!
*You get everything and the day comes, the girls have fun until the photos, they all three start to lose it. But they also take their first unassisted steps while trying to run away from the camera.*
Y/N- oh look at you Odette!! You're walking!!
Bucky- yay Jonnie!!
Y/N- come here Elizabeth!  Yay!! *They all three are happy again and start laughing and giggling. Winnie and Grant try to help but the girls get frustrated because they feel they can do it themselves.*
Y/N- thank you Grant but I don't think Odette wants help
Bucky- Winnie boo let them walk on their own
Winnie- I Elp!!
Bucky- I know sweetie but they want to do it on their own.
Winnie- ugh! *She acts dramatic and sits down, Bucky tries not to laugh*
*Sarah is drawn to the triplets, she plays with them and treats them like little dolls. You think it's because she isn't around them as much as Winnie. Winnie will just walk right past one and not even take a second look. Grant is still smitten with Sarah and Sarah is the same. Winnie is her own women and just does what she wants.*
Y/N- Winnie James get off the back of the couch, now!
Winnie- Okay! Weeee!! *She jumps off and you shake your head. Bucky rubs your shoulders and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- go take a walk? I got them. *You kiss him and leave the house for a bit. You love your babies but now that they are all mobile and they can all talk, well somewhat, you never have a moment alone or a moment of quiet. You feel bad because sometimes all that frustration and stress bubbles up and you end up taking it out on people.*
Y/N- Bucky please! I love you but don't touch me! I need 5 minutes to myself where no one else is touching me. I need my body back!
Bucky- okay, I'm sorry. Hey kids how about we go play outside!
Winnie- yay!!
Grant- I'll race you!
Odette- mamama
Elizabeth- ant!!!
Jonnie- ide???
Bucky- Yup, we're going outside! Let's go!
*Bucky takes them all and you just sit in the peace and quiet. You hate that you lose it somettimes especially since your babies are getting so big! Grant will be 4 in a week, Winnie is almost 3 and the triplets are 15 months. It's all going too fast, Nat knocks on the door and walks in*
Nat- Hey! You okay??
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- just sensory overload... you know?
Nat- oh yeah! I've only got Sarah and there are times I lock her and Steve out of the room *You laugh and she sits next to you.* so you feel like going out tonight??
Y/N- just us girls??
Nat- well the men would come too.
Y/N- who's gonna watch the kids??
Nat- I asked Sarah and Winnie's preschool teacher if she wouldn't mind babysitting them and Grant and then Kate, MJ and Peter are gonna watch the triplets for you. We will have some dinner, drinks, dancing, it will be fun!
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- yeah! I'd love that! Especially since I actually feel like myself again, been training my ass off recently!
Nat- I knew something was missing!! *Nat teases and you shove her* I kid! Your ass is still as great as it was before! *You laugh*
Y/N- what made you plan this for tonight??
Nat- Well Steve and I are actually starting to try-
Y/N- I thought you've been doing that since February!
Nat- sorta, more like practicing. Now I'm actually starting to track my cycles and stuff like that.
Y/N- got it! So this is you last hurrah for a while
Nat- Yup! And I will hurrah all night!
Y/N- Ha! I'm sure Captain would love that!
*Nat lets out a huge belly laugh and then hugs your arm.*
Nat- this time next year I will either have a second kid or I will e pregnant with our second kid.. it's crazy!
Y/N- you want one of mine?? You can have a second kid right now!
*Nat laughs and you smile.*
Y/N- the days are long but the years are short. As much as they get on my last nerve sometimes I just love them so much. *Nat smiles and agrees. Y'all eventually head outside to let the men in on the plan.*

‼️Tomorrows will be the night out and it will get crazy, spicy, and MAYBE have the slightest wink at number 20... MAYBE! 😉😏❤️‼️

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