Best Boy Ever

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‼️I had to share this photo!!🥵😏😈😋👅‼️

*You get Bucky to stop smashing bottles and to come back to the house with you.*
Y/N- come on, we will spend the day with everyone and we will pack tonight.
Bucky- I'm much rather have sex with you tonight.
*You smile*
Y/N- you've waited this long, you can't wait one more day? *You tease and Bucky glares at you*
Bucky- you're evil *Bucky shoots back and smiles. You smirk and kiss his cheek*
Y/N- I will make it worth your wile. *You kiss him and tease him through his pants*
Bucky- Mmhmm ffff *He pulls you into his arms as he falls back into the snow, careful not to hurt Ben. You scream and laugh as he kisses you.*
Bucky- I thought we both needed a cold "shower"! *He laughs, you shiver as you stand up. He smiles and teases you as he stands up. First from his knees he kisses your thighs, then your clothes center. You giggle and pull him up. He kisses your stomach, then your breast, then your neck, finally your lips. You laugh and he holds you tight as you walk back to the house.*

Winnie- mommy? Why are you all wet?
*You look down at your pants and they are wet from the snow. Bucky smirks at you as he passes by*
Y/N- daddy pushed me into the snow, that's why. *Winnie gasps*
Winnie- did daddy hurt the baby?!? Daddy that's not nice!
Y/N- yeah daddy! That's not nice!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well mommy was mean first!
Grant- that doesn't matter!
Jonnie- yeah! Just cause someone is mean doesn't mean you are mean back.
*You stick your tongue out at him and he smirks*
Odette- you should say you're sorry!
Elizabeth- and make sure the baby is okay!
*Bucky nods and smiles*
Bucky- okay, okay.
*He walks over to you and takes your face in his hands*
Bucky- I'm sorry I was mean and pushed you in the snow.
Y/N- I forgive you
*He kisses you and the kids all scream and act sick*
Grant- Eww!!
Winnie- not what we meant!
Jonnie- gross! We eat with our mouths!
Odette- Ulgh!
Elizabeth- yuck!
*You and Bucky just laugh against each other's lips and kiss again then pull away.*
Bucky- well let's go mama, need to get you cleaned up!
Odette- why do you have to help?
Bucky- you want me to check on the baby, don't you?! *He acts annoyed and snooty. The kids giggle and agree.* okay then! *He smiles and walks upstairs with you, he yells back* y'all stay inside and watch a movie! We will be down in a bit!
Grant- okay!

*You get in the room and Bucky pulls you close*
Bucky- how about a nice, warm, bath. Huh?
*You nod and kiss him*
Y/N- think you can handle it?
*You tease as you unbuckle his pants and slowly pull them down over his ass.*
Bucky- oh yeah baby. Just the knowledge of what's gonna happen this weekend will keep me warm... and hard. *You smirk and kiss him. You slip your hands up his shirt and feel goosebumps under your fingers. He slips his hands down the front of your pants and starts to tease you, rubbing circles around your clit and against your center.*
Bucky- also I might not be cumming till we get there but I can tease you and make you cum as much as I want. *He kisses your neck and you smile.* let's get you out of these wet panties. *You moan and nod as you rub his back and pull his shirt off.*
Y/N- Mmhmm yes! *He dips a finger inside you* oh Bucky!
Bucky- I love the faces you make when you cum. *He bites your neck a little and you whimper, needing more.* you need more baby? *You nod and grab his arm as it sticks out of your pants, his fingers working away inside.*
Y/N- y-yes!! *You cum, it drips down his fingers and pools in your underwear.*
Bucky- these are really wet now *He smirks and you give a lazy smile. He helps you undress and get in the tub. He slowly strips down and climbs in behind you.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I love this. *He rubs your back and pulls you to lay back with him. He massages your breast and kisses your neck*
Bucky- Mmhmm I want more. *He guides you to turn around and get up on your knees. He slips his fingers inside you again, curling them against your walls. You clench around him and grab his wrist*
Y/N- yes!! Right there! Don't stop!! Mmhmm
*Bucky kisses your temple.*
Bucky- who am I to deny you. *He speeds up and adds another finger. You are so close.* oh wait, I'm your husband. *He stops all movement and slowly pulls his hand away from you.* your lover  *You open your eyes and drink in the lustful look he is giving you.* your fuck toy.
Y/N- Bucky-
Bucky- shh shh shh baby. It's okay, I'm your toy baby. *He sits back*  use me. Make me beg for a break because I don't want to disobey but anymore stimulation will make me explode. Use me and my body to fulfill your needs and maybe if I'm good, give me a treat. *He strokes himself under the water as he watches you move closer.*
Y/N- says the man who was just throwing a tantrum because he didn't get to finish. *You smirk as you move his hand away and take over, teasing his tip and causing him to moan, loudly.*
Bucky- to be fair- *He takes a deep breath* all those times I was denied, you had every intention of letting me finish and I wasn't able to because we were interrupted... there's a big difference. Now, I want the torture, I want to be on edge and please you by moaning and begging and letting you get off while I sit here like a good boy. *He smiles and you keep teasing him. You stare him down with a smirk as you get him closer and closer to the edge. He wants torture that's what you'll give him. You see the fear flash over his eyes as he gets closer and closer. He's at the point that he can't stop, but you do. You ruin his orgasm and he screams. It's worse then you just denying him. He has the actual release without any of the pleasure. It's the worst.*
Y/N- oh my good boy. You did exactly what I wanted you to. *You kiss him* thank you, you asked for a treat so I gave you one, did you like it? *You smirk, knowing he in fact did not.
Bucky- I love whatever you give me baby. *You smirk and tease his tip. He whimpers* Y/N- how do you feel?
Bucky- like I want to fuck you into next week *He whines and you smirk*
Y/N- good, you'll need that for the weekend! *You turn back around and lay in his arms. You warm up quickly. Especially since you and Bucky end up making out the whole time, just groping each other as you moan and grind against him. You pull back to catch your breath.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I'm not done with those lips *You giggle*
Y/N- yes you are, we need to get back downstairs.
*Bucky pouts and you kiss him*
Y/N- be good and you'll get an extra special reward.
Bucky- when? *He narrows his gaze.*
Y/N- as soon as we get to the cabin.
Bucky- I'll be the best boy ever! *He smirks and you laugh* so good!

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