My Girl

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*You pull him into your arms and kiss him

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*You pull him into your arms and kiss him. Humming against his lips.*
Bucky- are we really about to do it in the jet bathroom?! *He kisses you and moves his hands down your back and squeezes your ass. You smile against his lips and move your hands up his chest and then push him to sit down. You straddle his lap and wrap your arms around his neck.*
Bucky- if I wasn't sitting on a toilet right now this would be really hot.
Y/N- oh really?!
Bucky- oh yeah, you turned on by my parenting and just ready to have your way with me?! I've died and gone to heaven!
*You giggle and kiss him. You slip your hand between your bodies and palm him. He moans and pulls you closer. Ben doesn't like that and he starts to kick against your belly. Bucky and you laugh, he looks down and talks to Ben.*
Bucky- Umm excuse me, we are trying to have a moment. Mommy and I really need this, so could you please, chill out. *The kicking stops and Bucky kisses your belly.* thanks bud!
*You smile and Bucky meets your gaze*
Bucky- what?! Don't tell me that worked too?! *He teases as he smirks, knowing full well it did.*
Y/N- you are just- ugh!! *You crash your lips to his and start to unbutton his pants. He just laughs and lets you. You stand up to help him adjust and you bump the sink behind you. Bucky laughs and you do too, he pulls your pants down and off, placing them nicely on the sink. You sit back on his lap and you move a little against him. He feels so good, you need more. You move your hand down and guide him into you, he bottoms out and you just smile at the feeling and look of pure bliss on Bucky's face. It makes you even hotter to know you are the one causing that face. He lifts you up and then thrusts up into you, you moan and kiss him, needing to be as connected as you can. He starts to whisper against your lips*
Bucky- Mmhmm so wet for me. My girl, Mmhmm my Doll! This what I did to you, being authoritative and taking charge? Huh?!
Y/N- Mmhmm yes! So good baby, Mmhmm
Bucky- you like it when I start throwing orders around?! *He says as he kisses your neck and slows down his movements. You moan and nod, Bucky chuckles* words baby girl, I need to hear your sweet voice. *You whimper*
Y/N- yes Bucky, Mmhmm I love it when you tell me what to do. *You try to move faster but Bucky keeps you in place* you always know what I need. *He slaps your ass*
Bucky- Mmhmm yeah I do, hold on baby. *He stands up and sets you on the sink, your legs wrapped around his waist. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you as he starts to thrust into you. You slip your hands up his shirt and rub his back as he thrusts into you.*
Bucky- so good, Mmhmm always so good.
Y/N- Mmhmm please Bucky?! I- Mmhmm I'm gonna-
Bucky- cum baby, just cum. *He bites your neck and then kisses up you jaw to your lips*
*You do and clench around him. He moans and squeezes his eyes shut as he chases his own high. You push him away and you see the hurt and anger in his face, he was so close. All that disappears though when he sees you drop to your knees and open your mouth. He lets out a breathy laugh and takes your hair in his hand.*
Bucky- go on Doll, Mmhm
*You take him in your mouth and start to bob your head up and down. Taking everything and deep throating him when you can. As you got farther into pregnancy you've developed a slightly stronger gag reflex so it isn't often that you can stomach this so when you can you really try to pull out all the stops. Bucky moans and starts to thrust his hips forward as well causing you to take more of him with each thrust.*

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