I'm Always Good

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*Throughout the night you toss and turn, not quite able to get comfy

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*Throughout the night you toss and turn, not quite able to get comfy. Bucky on the other hand slept like a baby. He kisses your cheek when he wakes up in the morning.*
Bucky- Mmhm good morning, how did you sleep?? *You grumble and sit up.* I slept great. Honestly best sleep I've had in awhile-
*You laugh*
Y/N- so what? All you need is someone or something holding your dick all night and you finally get a good nights sleep?! *You look back at him, he has his hands up and a slightly amused look on his face.*
Bucky- I don't think the cage had anything to do with it babe. I think it was all the late night activity we had. *He moves closer to you but he acts like he's approaching a caged animal about to snap. He gently rubs your shoulder and kisses your neck.* I wasn't trying to brag or anything either, just telling you about my night. I'm assuming yours was not that great. Huh? *He rubs your sides and continues to kiss your neck.*
Y/N- Ben wouldn't stop moving. Right as I got comfy he would move till I moved. Then he'd stop, I'd settle down and then it would start all over. I think I finally just passed out.
*Bucky rubs your belly and kisses your cheek.*
Bucky- I'm sorry baby. *Ben kicks his hand.* hey bud, come on. Give mama a break.
*He leans down and kisses your belly. He then moves in front of you and helps you stand up. He eyes you and smirks*
Bucky- you want me to help you out? Make you tired? *He winks and You let out a tired laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- No, I'm okay. *You kiss his cheek and then squeeze his ass* plus we both need to save our energy for later. *You smirk and pat his face. He smiles and watches you walk away, really it's more like a waddle. He quietly laughs and then looks down at himself.*
Bucky- it was totally the cage. *He says to himself* might have to break this out every night. *He stretches and follows you to the closet.*

*You move around slowly and get dressed, going over the day with Bucky.*
Y/N- I'll make breakfast-
Bucky- are Grant and Winnie being dropped off?
*You sigh, forgetting you were suppose to get them in about 30 minutes.*
Y/N- No, I am
Suppose to get them. Shit. *You rub your forehead*  I'll- *You look around exasperated* I'll go get them and get breakfast started when I get back. Can you get the girls-
*You stop talking because you see Bucky already dressed and slipping on his shoes. He kisses your cheek as he walks past you and  over to his night stand. He grabs the keys and his wallet and looks back at you.*
Bucky- text me what you want from IHOP. I'll order it on the way and pick it up after I get the kids. *He waves over his shoulder as he heads out. You rub your belly and call after him. He pops his head back in*
Bucky- yeah babe?
*You gently smile and walk over to him. You rub his chest and push up on you tiptoes to kiss him. He smiles and kisses you back.*
Y/N- thank you, I'm sorry I was grumpy this morning.
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- you are growing a tiny human inside you. You get to be grumpy sometimes. *He kisses your forehead and you hum.*
Y/N- slowly but surely you're getting back in my good graces. *you tease and Bucky laughs. He slaps your ass.*
Bucky- I'm always in your good graces *He winks* even when I'm in trouble! *He kisses you and the heads out the door. You get the girls up and dressed.*
Odette- what are we doing today mama?
Y/N- lots of thanksgiving stuff. We've got to get ready for tomorrow!
Elizabeth- I thought you told Aunt Nat that you weren't doing anything this year. *You laugh and nod, then you turn around and look at her.*
Y/N- wait?! When did you hear me say that??
Elizabeth- you were talking to Aunt Nat outside. It was when you also said that you had to put up with daddy.
*You sigh*
Y/N- no more eavesdropping, understand.
Elizabeth- yes ma'am *She sighs*
Jonnie- mama can I have breakfast??
Y/N- Daddy is getting it now. He should be home soon.

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