Merry Christmas!

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*You wake up early to Ben moving around

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*You wake up early to Ben moving around. He's stretching and he has his foot right in your ribs. You sit up and try to get him to move, it's no use. You had fallen asleep in the nude so you go to throw on some clothes before the kids come running in, excited for presents. Bucky wakes up when he feels you moving around. He watches you stretch and try to get Ben to move. He can see Ben move around as his little hand pushes against your stomach. You don't even notice Bucky is awake and watching you. As you stand up you  Bucky can see the literal weight you are carrying. He sees how much your body is doing just to bring this little life into the world. The stretch marks from previous pregnancy, which have faded over time. The scar from the C-section from the triplets. The little
scars on your back from the years of fighting. He admires how strong you are. Before you can stand up Bucky finally speaks.*
Bucky- lay down baby *You gently smile and look back at him.*
Y/N- I need to get dressed before the wolves wake up.
Bucky- No you don't baby, I'll get you dressed.
*You lightly laugh.*
Y/N- what does that even mean? *He kisses your cheek.*
Bucky- it means, you lay back down and let me take care of you.
Y/N- Bucky I can't- there is so much to do before the kids wake up.
Bucky- Nope, you have done so much recently and I need you to slow down. Remember when I told you that you need to slow down?
Y/N- yes-
Bucky- and you agreed
Y/N- I did but-
Bucky- No buts, you are going into the new year, completely relaxed and ready to welcome this little guy into the world. Do you understand me? *He smiles and kisses you as you lay back down.*
Y/N- okay, I understand. *You smile and he kisses you again.*
Bucky- good *He leans down and kisses your belly and Ben moves around.* good morning little guy, chill out a little today, okay?! *He kisses your belly again and then gets up to get your clothes. You smile and watch as Bucky moves around the room. He gets you a shirt and some sweatpants. He sits you up and slips on your shirt. You smile and just let it happen, he slips on your sweatpants on and helps you up as he pulls them up.*
Y/N- I like this, you dressing me for once. *Bucky laughs and kisses you.* I prefer you undressing me though. *You smirk and Bucky spanks you.* ouch, what was that-
Bucky- slow down
*You pout and sit back down.*
Y/N- if I'm "slowing down" you're getting your ass in this bed and cuddling me. Now!
*Bucky laughs and nods. He climbs back in bed and holds you. You sling your leg over him and curl up next to his chest. You grip his shirt and nuzzle to his neck.*
Bucky- Mmhmm Merry Christmas, Y/n
Y/N- Merry Christmas, Bucky
*He kisses your head and rubs your back.*
Y/N- sucks for you, part of your Christmas present from me was gonna involve tons of sex. *You sigh and snuggle up to his chest. Bucky wants to kick himself, seems he can't catch a break.*
Bucky- that's okay, making sure you are relaxed and rested is what matters most. I'll cash in my present later. *You look up at him and laugh*
Y/N- you're so mad with yourself, aren't you?! *You laugh and Bucky nods and laughs*
Bucky- well not mad, I just can't catch a break! *You laugh and kiss him, you move and straddle him. He looks up at you as you wrap your arms around his neck.*
Y/N- how about I promise to slow down and relax *You start to kiss his neck and Bucky smirks, he lightly laughs* but when it comes to our bedroom life *Bucky starts to move your hips for you. You smirk and your eyes roll back cause it feels so good.* I won't hold back at all. I'll spend all my energy on you, baby. Huh?! What do you say? *Bucky flips you over and settles between your legs. He kisses you*
Bucky- sounds like a plan to me!
*He kisses you and you moan*
Y/N- if you hadn't of gotten me dressed we puke be having sex right now *You whisper against his lips. You smirk and Bucky moans*
Bucky- I'm not the brightest sometimes! *He jokes and you kiss him.*
Y/n- I still love you anyway
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Mmhmm so you wanna-
*Bucky is cut off by the feeling of someone else crawling into bed. He whips around and sees Jonnie crawling into bed. She doesn't even notice you and Bucky. She just crawls up and snuggles up to your pillow. You look at Bucky and try not to laugh, Bucky almost cries.*
Bucky- one day I'll have sex with you again. *You laugh and kiss Bucky. He rolls off and lays next to you. He pulls you close as you tickle Jonnie's side. She giggles and looks at you.*
Jonnie- Merry Christmas mommy!
Y/N- Merry Christmas sweet girl
*You hug her. Winnie, Odette, and Elizabeth come running in.*
Winnie- Merry Christmas!!! *She jumps on the bed. You laugh. The girls do the same thing.*
Bucky- Merry Christmas, my girls all in one place!!
*Grant comes running in*
Grant- Merry Christmas!!!
*He tackles Bucky and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Hey little wolf
Jonnie- did Santa come?!
Bucky- I don't know sweetie, how about yall go get on your Christmas pjs and then you all go check. And then wait in the kitchen for mommy and me, I'll make breakfast when we get down there.
Jonnie- okay!
Odette- wait for me!
Elizabeth- I can't wait!!
Winnie- I hope I got my bike!
Grant- I've got to get my gift for Sarah!
*They all run out. You look at Bucky*
Y/N- Grant has a gift for Sarah?! 
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yeah, and it's super cute. *He kisses you* come on mama. Let's get on our Christmas pj's.
*You get up and as you are about to change Bucky grabs you and pushes you up against the dresser. He kisses you and grabs your ass. He kisses your neck and you moan*
Y/N- oh Bucky!! Mmhmm
*He kisses you again and then pulls away. He spanks your ass a little and you yelp and giggle.*
Bucky- I expect my present later! *He winks and bites his lip* now, get downstairs and put your feet up and let me fire on you all day while we watch joy spread across the faces of our children.
Y/N- you got it Daddy
Bucky- Damn! you look good in those pjs Mama. *He kisses you* come on. Oh by the way I got the clock for the kids, maybe it will help with our early morning intruders. *You giggle and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- let's hope!

*You two head downstairs and bump into everyone else making their way to the kitchen as well.*
Y/N- Merry Christmas, Stevie!
Steve- Merry Christmas, y/n! *He hugs you*
Bucky- Merry Christmas, Natasha
Nat- Merry Christmas, Bucky
*He hugs her. You all head downstairs and start your insane day.* 

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