Bad Ass

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*You pull up to the school and hop out

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*You pull up to the school and hop out. Nat gets Samuel out of his seat and strapped to her. Bucky wraps his arm around your shoulder as you walk in, Steve does the same with Nat. All of you are on edge and watching your every move. They take you back into the office and you see the kids through the window, they are playing and having so much fun. The triplets are just laughing as they watch Grant and Winnie dance around.*
Bucky- how did this happen?! We have given this school so much money the fences should be impenetrable!
Principal- and they are, but we can't help when someone decides to scale the wall.
Steve- have you found them? Did they leave the campus or are they still here?!
*The principal and the resource officer look at one another.*
Officer- we don't know where he is. That is why the school is on lockdown and the kids are up here-
Y/N- so he could just be wandering the halls?!
Principal- no one is actively moving around, wherever he is he is hiding. We are about to start evacuating and clearing the school. We are going through the tapes now to try and see where he may have went.
*Bucky sighs and looks at the kids through the window. He meets Grants gaze and Grant waves. He opens the door and sneaks out.*
Bucky- hey bud *He hugs Grant* I need you to stay with your sisters right now, okay.
Grant- okay but I need to show you where the man is
*Bucky stares at him and looks at you over his shoulder.*
Bucky- what do you mean Grant?
Grant- I heard that he was looking for us, I snuck out of class and I found him in the hallway. I used some moves that you taught me and I used a trashcan lid like a shield. It took a lot but I knocked him out and stuffed him in a closet. Then I went back to class till they brought me here.
*Bucky gently smiles. He looks down at his feet and nods. He lets out and amused breath and then pulls Grant into a hug by the back of his neck.*
Bucky- please don't put yourself in that kind of danger.
Grant- he was coming after my family, I had to protect my family. I also couldn't let him hurt anyone else either, I'm sorry daddy, I just had to. I could make him stop, I had to! *A tear slips down your face and Bucky wipes a tear from his eyes as well.* I didn't mean to make you sad-
Bucky- No bud, I'm not sad. I'm proud of you.
Grant- he was looking for Sarah too, he was outside of her room when I found him, that's when I got really mad. *He looks at Steve and Nat, Nat crouches down and kisses his cheek*
Nat- thank you Grant. You are too sweet.
Steve- thank you Grant. *He hugs Grant and tries to not cry.*
Bucky- okay Grant, I need you to tell us where he is.
*Grant shows them on a school map. Bucky and Steve get ready to go find him. Bucky kisses you and then tussles Grants hair.*
Bucky- stay here and protect your mom, sisters, and little brother, okay.
*Grant nods and heads back into the room. You kiss Bucky*
Y/N- hopefully he's still there.
Bucky- yeah, when I get back and everyone is okay, we are celebrating our kick ass son over there.
*You smile and rub your belly*
Y/N- you better believe it.
*Steve and Nat walk up*
Steve- I'm giving your son my pre-blessing
*Bucky laughs and pats Steve's back. They head down the hall, the officer with them as well. They find the closet where Grant said he put the man, as they open it they are surprised yet not surprised at all.*
Bucky- oh fuck this!
Steve- get up, now!
*John Walker stands to his feet, hands up like he is surrendering.*
John- look I can explain! All I wanted was to get your attention, this seemed like the best way!
Steve- by scaring our children?!?
John- well it got you here, didn't it?! Look we need you-
*Bucky sucker punches him.*
Bucky- and why would you need us?! *John spits out blood*
John- because there's been some trouble, a new enemy.
Steve- human or alien?
John- honestly?? No one knows. *Steve and Bucky look at one another. They cuff John and take him to the front.*
Bucky- there's no need to evacuate, we've got the man and he's coming with us. *The principal nods and calls everything off. Tony lands with the jet and takes John back to the compound to lock him up. Bucky and Steve walk into the room with the kids. The girls smile and run over to Bucky and Sarah jumps into Steve's arms.*
Bucky- hey guys!! Y'all want to go get lunch??
Odette- yeah!!
Elizabeth- I already ate!
Jonnie- I'm hungry!
Winnie- yumm!
Sarah- daddy can we go too?!
Steve- you bet! Then we will go get your brothers!
Sarah- okay!!

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