Slow Down

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‼️So it's been a hot minute! 😅😂 I enjoyed my vacation and I'm back baby! ❤️🥰‼️

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‼️So it's been a hot minute! 😅😂 I enjoyed my vacation and I'm back baby! ❤️🥰‼️

*The night goes on. You are trying not to fall asleep. After waking up early and cooking all morning, even after you said you wouldn't. Fixing the table and seeing everyone, helping Nat through her feelings and then cleaning up, you are exhausted. Bucky keeps nudging you on accident and you keep waking up. You snuggle close and his body warmth is so nice. The kids keep waking you up and asking for stuff. You will get up and get it for then and then sit back down with Bucky. You fall back asleep and Steve gets Bucky's attention and nods to you. He whispers*
Steve- she okay?
Bucky- yeah, the baby is just taking a lot out of her. *Steve nods*
Steve- we'll she keeps dozing off and the kids keep waking her up
Bucky- I didn't even notice- thanks for the heads up. *Steve nods. Winnie comes over and taps you, you wake up*
Winnie- mommy is it bed time?? I'm tired
*You look at your phone*
Y/N- Mmhm yeah it is, let's go
*Bucky pulls you back down*
Bucky- No no baby, I'll do it. You rest. *He smiles at you, You try to play it off like you're not exhausted.*
Y/N- you know I'll probably go get the room ready for tonight *You wink. Bucky gently smiles.*
Bucky- okay baby *He kisses you and then gets all the kids upstairs*

*since it's thanksgiving some people stay up and hit the Black Friday deals early. You and Bucky opt out of that and so do the other parents. Yelena pulls Nat to the side as she's heading off to bed.*
Yelena- Natasha I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wasn't sure how you would react to the news since they wouldn't let you adopt.
Nat- I'm just happy that you're happy.
Yelena- I need to explain though, I asked the agency why they chose us and they wouldn't choose you and Steve-
Nat- I don't need to hear-
Yelena- yes you do, look *She sighs and takes Nat's hands* they chose me and sam because we aren't as important to the safety of the world than you and Steve.
Nat- what-
Yelena- they said that if there was anyone who needed to be "at home with the kids" it was me or Sam. *Yelena looks down at the floor and then back at Nat* they said the world needs Black widow and Captain America more then it needs me or Sam. So they didn't want to give y'all a kid that would pull you away from saving the world.
*Nat starts to cry and then slightly laugh. Yelena tears up and laughs as well.*
Nat- Thats so fucked up
Yelena- yeah it is!
*Nat laughs and hugs Yelena*
Nat- well jokes on them! I've got 4 little gremlins to keep me away from saving the world! *Yelena laughs and nods* I am happy for you though. You will be great. *Yelena cries and nods.*

*They head off to their rooms. You finally pull yourself off the couch and head up to the room. You find Bucky laying Jonnie down for bed.*
Bucky- I know baby, come on. You are okay let's just lay down and go to sleep
Jonnie- but I want mommy-
Bucky- I know but she's too tired baby, she's already asleep *Which wasn't a lie, he thought you would be passed out by now*
*Jonnie whines and is asleep before she hits the pillow. Bucky kisses her head and then kisses the others as he leaves the room. He turns around and is met by you hugging him tightly.*
Bucky- oh! Hey- hey, what's wrong? *He looks down at you*
Y/N- I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you.
*Bucky takes your face in his hands. He kisses you and rubs your back.*
Bucky- you will never have to find out.
Y/N- Bucky we don't know-
Bucky- I know, trust that. Trust me, I will never leave you. You will never have to live without me, I will wait till you go and then die moments after you.
*You laugh through your tears and he kisses you.*
Bucky- but I will say we need to maybe sit down and write out all that legal stuff.
*You nod and he wipes your tears*
Y/N- later though. *You kiss him and rub his back* I believe I have something else to take care of tonight. *Bucky smirks and gently kisses you. He wants to sigh because you won't take the hint from your body. He just plays along as he devises a plan.*
Bucky- that you do. *You giggle and Bucky picks you up and takes you to the bedroom.*

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