A Surprise

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*A couple weeks go by and you just enjoy the summer

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*A couple weeks go by and you just enjoy the summer. You're having a big lake party for James and Steve's birthday.*
Y/N- okay, Grant please go downstairs and help your dad with the gifts and the bags.
Grant- okay
*Grant shuffles out the door and downstairs.
Y/N- Winnie?? Get your sisters and head downstairs, we need to get going if we are gonna make it to the lake house before Uncle Steve!
Winnie- the girls are still getting dressed.
Y/N- what?! Ugh girls!?! Come on! If you don't get your bathing suits on in the next 2 minutes you won't be swimming at all!
Odette- ready!
Elizabeth- all done!
Jonnie- let's go!
*They all follow Winnie downstairs, you finish packing the bag, you grab some tampons from the bathroom and that's when you realize you are late.*
Y/N- oh no, Shit!! Not now! *You dig out a test from under the cabinet and take it really quick. You wait for it to develop.*

*The girls are playing in the living room downstairs and Grant sits with Bucky at the table, they are all waiting on you at this point.*

*You fly down the stairs*
*Bucky looks up from the table at Grant who is just as scared as Bucky*
Grant- She didn't even use the stairs.. she just jumped!
Bucky- Save yourself Grant..
*Grant takes his snack and runs.. you storm in and slam the pregnancy test on the table.. he picks it up and it says pregnant.. he smiles and then sees your face.. his smile disappears real fast*
Y/N- you're getting the snip... today!!
*Bucky just sits there*
Bucky- Yeah so, remember I talked to Bruce and Tony about that after the triplets.. we wondered if it would work or if my body would figure out a way to heal itself.. Ya know, serum and all... *You roll your eyes* And I actually got it done then... but my body-
Y/N- Wait?! You got the snip without tell me?!?
Bucky- Yes.. but y/n we already-
Y/N- I should have known.. you can't just make a decision like that without me... you just went and unilaterally decided for us that we were done!!
Bucky-Yes but y/n we've already talked about this. And your pregnant obviously my body healed it's self and it all worked out for the best..
*You roll your eyes*
Bucky- Okay I'm confused.. your mad that I got you pregnant again
Y/N- Yes!
Bucky- and your mad that I got the snip without telling you, even though we've already discussed this and have been through this.
Y/N- Yes!
Bucky- and your mad that the snip isn't going to work no matter how many times I get it done..
Y/N- Yes!  
Bucky- Okay... is there anything your not made about...
Y/N- Not at the moment... no.. well that's not true.. I'm not mad at this baby... just it's father.
Bucky- Hey I vividly remember you begging me to cum inside you even though you were out of your pill, also I was a glass in of Asgardian liquor... I'm not alone in this!
Y/N- I'm well aware... *You shake your head* you're right you did tell me all this after the triplets I just- I forgot or maybe I was still hormonal or maybe it's the pregnancy brain already.

*You take a deep breath and sit down on Bucky's lap.. you rest your head on his shoulder*
Y/N- Bucky after this baby.. I'm done.. I can't do it anymore..
*Bucky's heart breaks a little but he understands*
Bucky- Okay baby..
*He kisses your head and you start to cry*
Bucky- What's wrong??
*Through tears Bucky hears you say*
Y/N- What if there's four this time!! *He bites his tongue so he doesn't laugh*
Bucky- Then the adults will officially be outnumbered..
*You laugh and cry.. Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- Hey look at me..
*You do and his smile warms your heart.. he rubs your stomach*
Bucky- We're having a baby... *He is so excited and you realize so are you.. your initial reaction was shock because you were finally out of the baby stage.. the girls were 5 and there were no more diapers... but the thought of seeing a cute little baby all wrapped up in Bucky's arms again.. it made your heart so full.. tears start to well up and you laugh*
Y/N- Yeah, we're having a baby!

*Bucky kisses you and the kids come running In*
Grant- We heard everything!! Am I getting a brother?!?
*You laugh*
Winnie- What's the snip?
*Bucky's eyes widen and you laugh again*
Elizabeth- do I have to share my room?!
Jonnie- Can I name the baby?!?
Odette- is it gonna be special like us?!
Winnie- yeah will it have an identical copy like Odette, Elizabeth, and Jonnie?!
Jonnie- Hey! I'm not a copy!
*She pouts and crosses her arms.*
*You and Bucky just laugh and listen as the kids ask a thousand questions.. you think "maybe one more is just what you need"*

*You all  head to the car and climb in. Bucky lays his hand on your thigh and gently runs his thumb across it. You smile and kiss him, you look back at all of your kids and just smile. You make your way to the lake house.*
Y/N- okay kids we can't tell anyone about the baby okay. We need to wait a little before we do and I want it to be a surprise, okay?!
*They all agree. You get to the lake and the kids jump out of the car and run in the house, dropping their bags and stuff as they run down to the dock. Peter, MJ, and Kate are down by the lake with Morgan, Sarah and James. You and Bucky head inside and situate all the stuff the kids just dropped. Nat is sitting down with a sleepy Anthony. Nat is eight months pregnant and honestly ready to just be done with it.*
Y/N- uh oh, did he not want to sleep in the pack n' play?
Nat- Nope! And he hardly slept all night. I'm exhausted. I'm just glad we made the trip yesterday morning so I've had a day to rest.
*You sit down next to Nat while Bucky helps Wanda and Yelena in the kitchen.*
Bucky- so what needs to be done??
Wanda- Nothing, we've got it, go be with the men.
Y/N- Bucky can you go watch the kids in the water? I trust Peter but I'd really like you down there too.
Bucky- yeah sure thing mama *He kisses your head and heads out of the door, Steve hit shin with a water balloon and so do the kids* oh it's on!! *You laugh and watch from where you on on the pout h with Nat. You instinctively put a hand over you belly and Nat sees bugs she doesn't say anything, she just smiles and rubs her belt and Anthony's hair as he sleeps.*

‼️Sorry it's so short! But a big birthday chapter tomorrow!! 🥰❤️‼️

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