They Take After Me

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‼️He just looked too good during this zoom!! ❤️🥵😏🥰 ugh I was just swooning the whole time!‼️

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‼️He just looked too good during this zoom!! ❤️🥵😏🥰 ugh I was just swooning the whole time!‼️

*You have to pull Bucky out of the bed. You get him in the tub and he just lays back and relaxes. You clean up the bed and dry the mattress protector, it was extremely wet. You get the sheets back on the bed and it made. You join Bucky in the tub, you tired to settle behind him but he insists and pulls you into his lap.*
Bucky- Nope, this is your seat baby girl. Right here, always.
*You giggle and kiss him as you settle into his arms. You hum as he rubs you body, his metal hand resting on your belly.*
Bucky- when do you go back to the doctor?
Y/N- next week, hopefully everything will be okay. *Bucky nods and kisses your cheek. He rubs your belly, you get out and dried off and dressed. Bucky walks up to you and kneels in front of you, he speaks to Ben.*
Bucky- hey bud, how you doing in there?? You doing okay? We can't wait to meet you and I know you're brother Grant is going to be so excited to meet you.
*You smile down at him and run your hands through his hair. He smiles up at you and then kisses your belly before he stands up and kisses you.*
Bucky- you have anything you need to do today? Or can we just be together today?? *He rubs your arms and he gently smiles down at you.*
Y/N- I have laundry to do *Bucky pouts a little and you laugh.* you can help me though. It's all the kids clothes and then our clothes. It's a full days worth.
*Bucky laugh and nods*
Bucky- yeah baby, I'll gather them all up and bring them down to the laundry.
Y/N- you know, I'm gonna ask Tony if there is a way we can get a unit up here, maybe even in here.
Bucky- that is a wonderful idea *He kisses you* I'll go talk to him now.
Y/N- thanks babe! *He heads out to find Tony.* and I am now left to carrie the laundry alone... *You sigh and start to gather it up as Bucky runs back in.*
Bucky- so sorry babe! I'll take this and then I'll talk to Tony. *You laugh as he kisses you and then drags the hampers out of the room.*

*You sit in the laundry room and watch videos and read as you wait to move the laundry. Bucky works out with Steve and Sam. You get everything washed and dried and folded.*
Y/N- Bucky! Hey babe?! Can you please take the laundry upstairs??
*Sam and Steve laugh and tease Bucky*
Steve- yeah Buck go put your apron on and help put the clothes away!
Sam- yeah don't let them wrinkle either!
*Bucky shakes his head and they follow him to you.*
Bucky- gladly baby *He kisses you and takes the hampers from you.* oh I also washed all their water cups and they are drying on the counter now. *He winks ay you and you blush.*
Y/N- oh be still my heart! *You kiss him again and give his ass a smack as he walks by you. He makes a face at Steve and Sam as he walks by.*
Bucky- at least I'm getting laid *He shoots back at both of them, they both scoff and walk away, you laugh*
*Even though Nat has been cleared she hasn't let Steve touch her. She's just too tired. Sam and Yelena are fighting and Sam has been on the couch for the past 2 weeks.*

*You sit with Nat and Yelena. Wanda walks in and joins you.*
Y/N- Wanda how are you and Vision??
Wanda- we are good! Umm we've been searching for the kids, still no luck.
*You squeeze her hand*
Nat- I'm sure you'll find them.
*She gently smiles*
Wanda- So how are you guys??
Nat- I'm exhausted, all I want to do is sleep.
Y/N- I hear you! I'm in a constant state of raging, sexual hormones and exhausted mom.
*Nat and Wanda laugh. Yelena just nods* I'll tell you this last one is taking a lot out of me.
Nat- we we aren't 20 anymore.
*You nod and agree*
Yelena- well I mean you two probably feel like 20 year olds.
*You and Nat look at each other and laugh*
Nat- you know she's kinda right. I do feel way different after getting the serum.
Y/N- yeah, I don't even want to know what all this would be like without it.
Nat- it sucks
Wanda- not great, honestly
*You laugh. Sam comes walking through and Yelena looks away until he's gone*
Y/N- Yelena? You okay??
*She waits till Sam is gone, he walks out the front door. She leans forward and cries.*
Yelena- Sam asked me to marry him-
Nat- WHAT?!?
Y/N- NO WAY?!?
Wanda- YAY!!!
Yelena- I said I had to think about it-
Nat- WHAT?!?
Yelena- look we want different things! I don't want to saddle him with someone who never wants a normal life.
Y/N- oh Yelena-
Yelena- No, look I'm okay. I just have a lot to think about. We've created a life together already, we've been together for years, I just- he wants to settle down and I don't.
*Nat just looks at her and she wipes a tear and stands up.*
Yelena- I need to go- I need to do something else so I'll see y'all later.
*You, Nat, and Wanda just sit there trying to figure out how to help her. Or if you can help her.*

*You and Bucky have a nice lunch and get ready to go get the kids. You wait in the lobby as different kids come running down the hall to their parents. You see the triplets walking down the hall, hand in hand with each other. Their little backpacks almost too big for them. You cry a little as you crouch down, They all three run into your arms. Jonnie and Odette don't let go, Elizabeth moves to Bucky who lifts her up and holds her tight.*
Y/N- how was your day?!?
Jonnie- it was fun! But I don't want to do it again!
*You laugh, you'll break the news over ice cream later.*
Odette- I made a new friend! Her name is Maddie!
Y/N- oh yay! I'm glad you made a friend!
Bucky- how was your day sweetie?!
Elizabeth- it was okay, I'm tired though!
Bucky- me too! Let's take a nap when we get home!
Elizabeth- okay!! *You smile and hugs Bucky tight.
*Grant, Winnie, and Sarah coke running down the hall.*
Grant- Mom! Dad!! Eli and Nora are in my class!!
Winnie- Andy is in mine!!
Sarah- and I'm in Winnie's class with Andy too!
*You laugh and hug them all.*
Sarah- where's mommy and daddy??
Y/N- I asked if you could come to ice cream with us and they said yes! They will see you at home.
Sarah- okay!
Bucky- alright, who's ready for some ice cream?! 
*They all cheer and head to the car. Tent get buckled in and you make you way to the ice cream shop. You break the news that the triplets have to go back tomorrow and they are not happy but they get over it. You head home and all the kids head to their rooms and crash. Sarah walks into her "house"*
Sarah- Mommy?? Daddy?? I'm home!
Nat- hey baby! How was school?! *She comes up and hugs Sarah and sits with her on the couch.*
Sarah- it was good, Winnie is in my class again and So is Andy!
Steve- wait who is Andy?!
Sarah- Winnie's boyfriend *Nat and Steve look at each other and try not to laugh. They nod and sit with Sarah as she tells them all about her first day of school.*

*You lay down on the couch and crash as well. Bucky lays with you and rubs your back.*
Bucky- we have some pretty cool kids, don't we??
Y/N- oh yeah! And they take after me!
*Bucky laughs and tickles you. You laugh and kiss him, you lay your head on his chest and let yourself snooze a little.*

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