I Desire You

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*You lay on the bed as Bucky towers over you

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*You lay on the bed as Bucky towers over you. The lighting lights up the sky and Bucky just looks incredible, he slowly lifts his shirt off and tosses it to the side. You run your hands up his chest, feeling his muscles beneath your fingertips. He smiles down at you as you enjoy feeling his body, you run your hands down his thighs and around to his ass. He leans down and takes you in his arms as he flips you over and on top. You straddle his waist as he slips his hands under your shirt, lifting it over your head and tossing it behind you. He sits up and brushes your hair back off your shoulders. Looking at the canvas before him, he begins to paint your chest and shoulders in kisses and love bites. You run your fingers through his hair and let your head fall back. Bucky slips his hands behind your back and unclasps your bra, he pulls it off and tosses it somewhere in the room. He leans his head down and he kisses your breast, just enjoying his time. You smile and keep playing with his hair as Bucky lays you back, your head near the foot of the bed. He kisses down your body and slips his fingers in the waistband of your pants, he pulls them down and tosses them off. He kisses your clothes center and then takes off your underwear as well. He sits back up and just stares down at you. He gently smiles as you pull at his pants, he kisses you and takes them off, throwing them with the rest of the discarded clothes. He lays his body on yours, you spread your legs wide enough to let him completely settle between them. You rub his back as he kisses you and moves his hip against yours. Bucky speaks first for the first time in about 10 minutes.*
Bucky- what do you say to taking it slow first?
*You nod and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- yeah, it's been a while since I made love to my husband. *Bucky smiles and kisses you. He moves down your body and kisses your clit. He sucks and licks your clit, just turning you on more and more. You slowly grind against his face and moan as he twirls his tongue around your clit.*
Y/N- Oh Bucky, Mmhmm Baby
*Bucky kisses your inner thighs and makes his ways back up your body. He kisses you as he settles between your legs. He pushes in and you gasp and grab his arms, arching into him. He stretches you so well, it's been a couple weeks maybe even months since you and Bucky have been together like this. There have been a lot of hand jobs and oral favors these past few months because that's all you really have time for, so to feel him, every inch of him inside you, you feel so full.*
Bucky- Mmhmm y/n, I've missed you. So much! *He slowly starts to move his hips and you moan and kiss him*
Y/N- Bucky oh baby, I've missed you too.
*He kisses you as his speed stays the same but his thrust is deeper and hitting just the right spot. It feels so good. You look into his eyes and take his face in your hands, he leans his forehead down on yours and you smile as he speeds up a little. You two start to move as one, just passionately holding one another and moaning. You hold his gaze and you see a tear form and that's when you feel yourself crying as well, you didn't even notice.*
Bucky- I know baby *Bucky kisses the tear away* it's been too long.
Y/N- I love you so much, Mmhmm *You hold his gaze and you can tell he is trying to hold off till you cum. You wipe the tear from his face and kiss him as you whisper.* cum baby, please, cum for me.
Bucky- Mmhmm of y/n- *He let's out a choked moan as he cums and kisses you. He comes down* I'm sorry I-
Y/N- No baby, never be sorry for enjoying yourself. I love knowing I can make you feel good. *You smile and sit up a little, Bucky sits up and pulls out. You turn around and pull Bucky's chest to your back, you leans forward and Bucky kisses your back. You spread your legs and Bucky pushes back in and lays against your back. He kisses your neck and you smile as he starts to move his hips again. The lightning and Thunder rattle the house and the rain picks up. Bucky and you get a little more intense, more passionate.*
Bucky- Mmhm you know what this reminds me of?! *He says as he moves against your body, pulling you to the edge.*
Y/N- Mmhmm what baby? *He kisses you and reaches around you to rub your clit.*
Bucky- our first time
*You smile and reach back to play with his hair. You kiss him and he speeds up, you moan in his mouth.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Oh- Mmhmm yes baby, yes!!
*You cum and clench around him. He moans and bites your neck as he cums again. You lay down with him still inside you, feeling so full and satisfied*
Bucky- Y/N, I vow to you that I will never let our sex life become so stagnant like it was. And I mean that in the nicest, sweetest, most sensual way I can express it. I love you and it's a shame that our physical representation of that love fell by the wayside. *You cry a little and kiss him.*
Y/N- I vow to make sure you're needs are met. I understand that you need/desire sex more than I do-
Bucky- I desire you, y/n. Whatever that entails. *You cry and kiss him.*
Y/N- I'm sorry that I let our kids take priority over you and the physical aspect of our marriage.
Bucky- I vow that our marriage will come first. I was really good at that in the beginning-
Y/N- you were always good at that-
Bucky- I haven't been faithful in that recently and I'm sorry baby. You will always come first, I love our kids but they are not you and they can and will never replace you. *You kiss him and climb on top of him. You grind down against him as your lay on his chest. Bucky rubs your sides as you start to ride him*
Bucky- oh baby, Mmhmm yes *He says breathlessly, he flips you over and you two start to go at it again. Just moving as one, completely bare and emotional.*
Y/N- Mmhmm I love you so much baby
Bucky- I love you too
*You cum again and so does Bucky, he collapses on you and you rub his back.*
Bucky- we will have sex at least twice a week, that's the minimum. And I mean real, time consuming, sex. We need to make this time a priority again. I never want to lose this intimacy like we did.
Y/N- we didn't lose it baby, we just got busy in living life for our kids that we forgot to live our lives. Yes our physical intimacy was in a slump but our emotional intimacy was off the charts baby. *Bucky smiles and kisses your head*
Bucky- yeah, I guess you're right. We were kinda like one brain there for a bit. *You nod and kiss him. You lay in his arms and he rubs you back.*

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