Defend What Is Mine

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‼️If I knew for sure I wouldn't get flagged for posting it I would have attached the photo of Seb in the G-string from Pam&Tommy for this part! 😅😂😏😉🤤‼️

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‼️If I knew for sure I wouldn't get flagged for posting it I would have attached the photo of Seb in the G-string from Pam&Tommy for this part! 😅😂😏😉🤤‼️

*You get settled in the new room, Winnie and Grant feel so far away so for the first few nights you have the monitor up really loud. They are both fine but your mommy heart just needed to be sure. Grant sneaks out of his room a couple times and ends up playing in the main room with all his toys. He then realized he could open the hall door and escape into the compound. It terrified you the first morning you woke up and didn't see him in his room, so you get up and he is nowhere to be found in your new suite.*
Y/N- Bucky go! *He was already out the door, boxers and all.*
Bucky- Grant!! *He whispers screams, seeing as it's 6:30 in the morning. The new rooms are sound proof from outside noise but Bucky didn't want to take his chances. He finds Grant in his old room curled up on the carpet, sounds asleep*
Bucky- oh Grant... *Bucky takes a deep breath* okay, legs get back to bed.
*Bucky picks him up and takes him back to the new room. You hear Bucky walk in with him and Grant whine a little. Tony made it to where the rooms inside the suit are not sound proof but the outside walls are.*
Grant- I ired! *He whines*
Bucky- I know you're tired, can you go back to sleep?? *He nods and Bucky lays him in his bed* okay, go to sleep bud. We will see you soon! *Grant sits up*
Grant- Innie?!?
Bucky- Winnie is still asleep like you should be.
*Grant lays down, grabs his little stuffed wolf, sucks his thumb, and falls back asleep. Bucky smiles and walks back to the room and climbs in bed with you.*
Bucky- he was all the way down in his old room, curled up on the carpet, asleep.
*Your heart hurts from the cuteness.*
Y/N- Aww poor baby. He was probably wondering around and didn't know where else to go.
Bucky- yeah, I'll install and other lock on the door, one that's higher up. One we will only lock at night.
Y/N- okay. *You at the clock, 6:45am* I'm so tired but I'm too wired to go back to sleep..
*Bucky pulls you close, as close as he can.*
Bucky- I can help with that.. *He smirks and you laugh. He kisses your neck and rubs a hand down your body. You take his hand away and kiss him* I know, I just tease. *He holds you close and rubs your back and plays with your hair. You fall back asleep, Bucky smiles.*
Bucky- every time.. *He chuckles and closes his eyes as well*

You are now 36 weeks pregnant (8 months) you visit your doctor and she is beyond thrilled that the girls have stayed in this long.*
Doctor- must be that Super Soldier Serum! Any other women would have gone into labor already! Your girls are no where close to making their grand appearance.
Y/N- so what's the plan??
Doctor- I'm gonna give you some medicine to help develop the babies lungs a little more, just in case and then I am going to schedule a C- section for the end of the month. If you go into labor before then, that's fine because you made it past 36 weeks. You'll come in and we will do the C-Section then, How does that sound??
Y/N- good to me! Bucky??
Bucky- so the triplets could be here any day??! *He goes white and has to sit down. You chuckle and take his hand*
Y/N- yes and it will be okay. *Bucky looks up at you and nods, he slightly smiles and kisses your hand*
Bucky- okay.
Doctor- also y/n, I am taking you off bedrest and all other restrictions. We need to get you moving so these babies get moving, okay? *You nod*
Bucky- so what does that mean?? *The doctor laughs*
Doctor- it means you may want to get a sitter tonight Mr. Barnes and enjoy the next few weeks. *She smiles and walks out, Bucky looks at you and he looks so happy. You laugh and he kisses you*
Bucky- Oh the kids are having a sleepover with Uncle Steve tonight!! *You laugh and he kisses you again*
*The doctor gets everything ready. You two head home and get ready to welcome your girls into the world.*

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