I'll Call You Mommy Tonight

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*You wake up to the sun shining through the front window

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*You wake up to the sun shining through the front window. Winnie is back in her seat and Bucky is laying next to you, his head on your lap. You play with his hair and he smiles as he wakes up.*
Bucky- good morning *You smile back*
Y/N- morning, *you kiss him*
Bucky- as much as I love our kids, they are really needy sometimes *You laugh* after I got Jonnie to sleep Odette woke up and wanted me to hold her. Then Elizabeth-
Y/N- Elizabeth asked for snuggles and I missed it?!  No!
Bucky- I know! I was shocked, needless to say I jumped on that! *You laugh and rub his hair. Elizabeth is so independent she hardly even wants snuggles or kisses or anything. She will say "i love you" at bed time and give you a hug goodbye but she doesn't need as much one on one snuggle like the rest so when she asks for it you and Bucky just jump at the chance.* once she was asleep I got to lay down but then Winnie woke up again so I held her and then laid her down. I finally laid here about 3 hours ago and passed out.
*You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- thank you for being an incredible father and an even better husband.
*He smirks*
Bucky- let's not forget an earth shattering lover *You giggle and kiss him*
-what's a lover??
*You and Bucky gasp as you look up and see Odette standing a foot away from you and Bucky.*
Y/N- oh I'm well-
Bucky- it's a Umm-
Y/N- we will tell you when you're older.
Odette- okay! Another question, Daddy what's that? *Bucky and you look at what she is pointing to, you are mortified and Bucky is stumped at what to say. It's the morning and Bucky had changed into his sweatpants last night, so nothing was hidden. He is standing at semi- attention and his pants are just letting him. Thankfully he at least had pants on or else this would be a whole other discussion.*
Bucky- Umm it's- I- you see when-
Y/N- it's Daddy's phone, he left it in his pocket.
Odette- oh, okay!
*You look at Bucky and try not to laugh as Odette walks away.*
Bucky- I've really got to be careful about what I say and wear!
Y.N- yeah you do, Lover *You say softly and sensually as you grope his "phone" he laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- I'm gonna go "answer" this. *You laugh*
Y/N- tell them I said hi! *You tease and Bucky laughs. He sits up and head off to the bathroom to take care of his morning situation while you handle the kids.* 

Tony- okay, we are about 10 minutes out!
*The kids start to get antsy*
Bucky- any way we could make that 5??
Tony- ha! I can try
*Yall land and the kids sprint out as the door opens. They run around and play in the grass, Bucky laughs and watches them as you get all their stuff together. He takes your hand and helps you down the ramp, you look around and just smile*
Y/N- oh my god! It's amazing!!
*Bucky smiles and takes your hand.*
Bucky- come on, let's go. *He kisses your hand as you two walk towards Shuri's lab.*
Bucky- Little Wolves?! Let's go! *The kids giggle and file in, following you and Bucky. Tony walks behind you guys, can hear Pepper in his ear, "Take a picture! Catch this for them!" He sighs and snaps a photo or two as your kids gather around you two as you walk through the grass towards the lab and palace. It's actually maxing if he says so himself. He sends it to you and you look at it. You smirk and turn around. You mouth "thank you" and he smiles and nods*

Shuri- Ah Bucky! *She smiles as she walks lever and hugs him.*
Bucky- Hey Shuri, how have you been?
Shuri- good! Except I'm always having to fix you and your friends. Tony nice to see you *He laughs and waves*
Tony- sup kid!
*She shakes her head*
Shuri- okay, so you need a new arm?
Bucky- yeah, it broke and then it broke even more when my kids threw it through our TV.
*Shuri nods and looks behind you two at the kids*
Shuri- these are all yours?!
*You laugh*
Y/N- yup! Grant, Winnie, Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie, and Baby Barnes here. *You pat your belly and she laughs*
Shuri- wow! Congratulations!
Y/N- thank you!
*You hug into Bucky's arm.*
Shuri- okay, well let's get you guys settled and then we can get started! Where is your jet?
Bucky- we landed down near the stream
Shuri- okay, we will have some guards bring your stuff to the place.
Bucky- you said my Hut is still up right?! And not occupied?
Shuri- yes, your low tech, bachelor, sad pad is still standing. As of occupants I think teens use it to sneak away to. *Bucky smirks and laughs*
Bucky- at least it's going to a good use!
Shuri- I also believe some goats have taken up resident too.
Y/N- okay well you can stay there, I'll take the nice bed in the palace. *Bucky laughs and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- Nah! I gotta keep you warm at night. *He kisses you and you laugh and push him off. Shuri makes a face at the kids and they giggle and start to push you two apart.*
Bucky- okay okay! Maybe Grant and I will spend a night there, under the stars, huh?! What do you say??
Grant- yeah!!
Bucky- sounds good!

*You get settled in your room and the kids want to explore.*
Y/N- No, no one is here to go with you-
-actually! Bucky had me tag along. Hope you don't mind!
*You turn around and see Peter walk into the room and set his bags down. You smiles and shake your head.*
Peter- I had to fly commercial though
Grant- Peter!!
Winnie- mommy Peter is here! Can we go with Peter?!?
*You smile and look at them and then nod*
Y/N- Peter, you have all five kids. Please return all five to me.
Peter- I will y/n, I promise!
Y/N- also what happened to your dates with MJ?
MJ- oh I'm here too! *She pops in and you laugh and wave*
Y/N- well then, have fun and don't be too crazy!
Grant- bye mom! By dad!
Winnie- by daddy, mommy!
Odette- we're gonna have so much fun!!
Elizabeth- bye!
Jonnie- bye bye mommy and daddy! Mmwwahh!
*They leave and you look at Bucky*
Y/N- he called me mom, just "bye mom" I can hear his teenage voice now "later ma, I'll be back whenever!" *Bucky gently smiles and wraps his arm around you.*
Bucky- come on, let's go get my arm checked out and then I'll call you mommy tonight, how about that?? *You laugh and hit his belly. He smirks and kisses you as you walk down the hall to Shuri's lab.*

‼️I know it's kinda short but I am also giving y'all a non canon chapter today so 😘‼️

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