Nice, Clean, Family Oriented Holiday Pt1

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*You wake up early and head downstairs to help Nat get started in the kitchen

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*You wake up early and head downstairs to help Nat get started in the kitchen. All the side dishes are ready to be cooked and the little turkeys have all been seasoned and are waiting for their turn in the oven.*
Y/N- so how was your night? *You smirk*
Nat- so good. It was nice to really show Steve who's boss. *You laugh*
Y/N- well I'm glad you had fun.
Nat- seems like you had some fun too *She smirks and you laugh*
Y/N- yeah, we got a little crazy as well. Trying to get in every moment before I get too big to really enjoy anything other than missionary.
*Nat laughs and nods*
Nat- I remember those days. That is something I won't miss about being pregnant!
*You laugh and rub your belly.*

*Bucky wakes up and he rubs your side of the bed before realizing he is alone. He rubs his face and sits up. He looks around for you and remembers that it thanksgiving.*
Bucky- she's probably downstairs *He yawns and stretches as he stands up. He notices his morning situation and since you're not here to help him he walks to the bathroom and starts the shower. He hops in and takes his time, relaxing under the water. He lets his mind and hands wander as he soaps himself up. Thinking of you last night, how you rode him, how you moaned in pleasure, how blissed you were when you came. He moans and strokes himself, just thinking of how beautiful you are. He moans as he cums, he works himself through his high and then finishes up his shower. He gets out and dried off, he grabs his cage from the nightstand and cleans it real well before putting it on. He gets dressed and then goes to find you.*

Y/N- morning baby *He kisses you* how did you sleep?
Bucky- Mmhm like a baby *He kisses you again*
Y/N- you smell nice *You rub his chest and speak with a soft, loving tone*
Bucky- I went ahead and took a shower, got ready for the day. *You smile and pull him closer, his cage pressing against you. You gently smile and kiss him.*
Y/N- I would have loved to have helped you.
Bucky- I know *He smiles* but you were busy and I just wanted to get down here and be helpful. *You rub his back*
Y/N- well thank you. *You kiss him* did you check on the kids?
Bucky- they are still asleep. I wanted to see if you wanted them woken up yet or to just let them sleep.
Y/N- they can sleep
*Bucky nods, you sit in his lap and he wraps his arms around you.*
Bucky- so Nat, where's Steve?
Nat- he's still asleep. He did get much sleep last night.
*Bucky laughs a little and nods*
Bucky- yeah neither did we. *Bucky teases and you blush. Nat laughs*
Nat- well yeah that too but I mean after, he didn't really sleep all that well. Samuel kept waking up and he handles him at night most the time. I would wake up and offer to take a turn but he wouldn't let me. They are both passed out in our bed.
*You nod*
Y/N- poor guy, what do you think is wrong?
Nat- I have no idea, maybe teething. It would be early for that but it could be happening.
Bucky- oh that's no fun.
*Nat nods*

*The kids start making their way downstairs one at a time. First Grant then Winnie.*
Y/N- hey bud, how did you sleep?
Grant- good, I woke up in the middle of the night though. It sounded like I heard screaming.
*You and Bucky look at one another.*
Bucky- we were watching TV bud, I'm sorry. We will keep it down next time. *Grant nods and snuggles into your arms. You try not to laugh. Bucky just smiles. Nat hides her laughter. Jonnie, Odette, And Elizabeth come walking downstairs. Jonnie crawls into Bucky's lap.*
Jonnie- can I have some breakfast? *She asks in a pouty, whiney voice*
*Bucky looks down at her and holds her tight and answers her the same way.*
Bucky- yes you can have some breakfast. What do you want?
Jonnie- food
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- okay, we will get you some food.
*Sarah, James, and Anthony come running downstairs.*
Sarah- mommy I think daddy's sick
Nat- what makes you say that?
James- he was in the bathroom and he was making funny noises. Like he was throwing up.
*Nat looks at you and Bucky*
Sarah- No it was more like this *She imitates the noises she heard and it's definitely not throwing up noises they heard. Nat's eyes get big and she stops Sarah.*
Nat- ye-yeah, Umm he definitely sounds sick. Umm I'm gonna go check on him and get Samuel. Y/n could you-
Y/N- yeah, come on guys let's get some breakfast.
Bucky- hey I had that same sickness this morning in the shower as well! *He teases* must be the water! *Nat slaps the back of his head and he just laughs. You narrow you gaze and he shrugs*
Bucky- what you weren't there. *He winks*
Grant- that was kinda like what I heard last night, the screaming I was talking about! Maybe it was uncle Steve being sick.
Bucky- Yep! Sick uncle Steve ulgh!
*You hit Bucky's stomach.*
Y/N- it it was our movie bud.
Grant- okay!
*You look at Bucky and he laughs*
Y/N- stop the last thing we need if for them to go around asking everyone if they "heard uncle Steve get sick last night. This is what is sounded like."
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- that would be hilarious!
*You shake your head and Bucky pats your ass.*

*Nat walks into the bedroom and she hears Steve getting out of the shower.*
Nat- feeling better?
*Steve smiles and nods*
Steve- yeah *He dries off his hair. And then tosses the towel in the hamper. He looks her up and down.* you look nice. *He smiles and Nat just smirks*
Nat- thanks, I feel you should know that the kids heard you this morning.
*Steve walks to the closet and grabs some boxer briefs.*
Steve- what?
Nat- they came downstairs and said "Daddy's suck, he sounds like this" and then proceeded to imitate the sex noises you were making. *Steve goes red and smiles. He laughs and then gives a sorry look.*
Steve- oops. I didn't know they came in the room, the door was shut. *Nat smiles*
Nat- I know, just maybe be quieter next time.
*Steve nods*
Steve- you're not mad right?
Nat- why would I be mad?
Steve- well because- I- *He points to the shower* without you-
*Nat smiles and walks to him. She pulls him close and kisses him.*
Nat- you are your own man Stevie. You wanna have some alone time, be my guest. I'm not gonna be mad about it. I didn't give you instructions not to, so no I'm not mad. *Steve let's out a sigh of relief.* but wait *Steves heart stops again* did you think you were disobeying though when you were pleasuring yourself?
*Steve blushes*
Steve- ye-yeah, yeah I did. *Steve gets shy* It was thrilling thinking of what you would do to me when you found out.
*Nat narrows her gaze*
Nat- and how would I have found out? *She crosses her arms and Steve blushes even more. Nat smirks* Stevie turn around, let me see it.
*He does and Nat sees a plug in his ass.*
Nat- oh my dirty little Stevie *She pats his ass and teases the plug* you little slut.
*Steve smirks and nods. She kisses him and pulls the plug out. Steve whimpers*
Steve- do you know how long it took to get in??
Nat- yeah, I do. But it's a long day today and I won't have time to do anything till tonight. I don't want you too stretched out. *Steve bites his lip.* come on, we have a nice, clean, family oriented holiday to celebrate. *Steve laughs and kisses her. He gets dressed and heads downstairs with her and a sleepy Samuel.*

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