Wholly and Completely

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*You(Odette) just stare at Bucky, waiting for him to do something

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*You(Odette) just stare at Bucky, waiting for him to do something. He takes some of your hair and twirls it around his finger. He smirks.*
Bucky(Daddy)- get up, go throw on something really slutty.
*you smirk and head into the closet*
Odette- okay y/n, don't let me down. What did you bring?! *You look through your suitcase and find a black lace bodysuit and a blue silk robe.* perfect! *You(Odette) get undressed and you see yourself in the mirror. You notice your belly.* oh, wow! *You laughs a little and smile. You rub your belly and Ben moves around.* I mean I knew you were there but this- this is amazing. *You(Odette) stand there, completely naked and look at yourself in the mirror. You don't even notice Bucky walk in behind you and watch. He was worried because it was taking too long and now he sees why. At this point you(Odette) have completely forgotten about the sexy man laying on the bed, waiting for you. All you care about is you little boy. You sit on the floor in front of the mirror and just watch as he moves around to the sound of your voice.*
Odette- h-Hi! I'm your- well I guess I'm not your mom- well maybe- I don't know, it's confusing. You're a part of me though and this- this is amazing. Hey little one *He flips around and presses his hand against yours. Tears fall from your(Odette) eyes.* I've got to pull it together, I've got plans *You snuggle and wipe your eyes. You rub your belly again.*
Odette- I'll see you soon bud.
*Bucky gently smiles and has to wipe a tear as well. Maybe he could give Odette a break, all this is really hard. He slips into the bathroom when he hears little voices come into the room.*
Little Odette- Mommy??
Jonnie- mommy?!
Winnie- mom!
Elizabeth- mommy we need you!
*He tries to get out there before Odette but he is too late. He walks out and sees you(Odette) in the living room with the girls. You are dressed in the lace, see-through body suit and the blue silk robe.*
Jonnie- mommy why are you wearing that?? It doesn't look comfy at all! *She giggles and You smile.*
Odette- it's not but it won't be on for long
Little Odette- what does that mean? And why is it see through?
Odette- well you see this outfit is for-
Bucky- Hey girls!!! *Bucky yells really loud and the girls all giggle and run to him. He picks them up and hugs them.* what did y'all need??
Elizabeth- we needed mommy's super ability to find lost things!
Jonnie- I lost my shoe *She looks at the ground and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- where?
Jonnie- I the city, *She sighs* I dropped it out the window. *Bucky laughs and kisses her cheek*
Bucky- that shoes gone sweet girl. Go get another pair and go back with Peter.
*They all agree, they giggle and scream as they leave.*
Odette- why did you-
Bucky- what the hell were you thinking?!?
*He points to your outfit*
Odette- do you not like it? *Bucky shakes his head*
Bucky- No, I- I love it but-
Odette- okay then what's the problem??
*He spins you around, lifts the back of the robe and slaps your bare ass. The back of the suit is a thong.*
Bucky- that for starters! Also don't talk to the kids about sex.
Odette- they are my kids-
Bucky- No, we've been over this-
*You roll your eyes and Bucky grabs your jaw.*
Bucky- listen to me, you are not to talk to them unless I pre- approve it, okay. At least until we can all get on the same page. Now get your ass in that room. *You pout and slowly drag your feet as you go lay down.*
Bucky- After your little moment with Ben *You shoot up and stare at him*
Odette- you spied on me?!
Bucky- No! I was worried because it was taking way too long. I checked on you and saw you talking to him. *You nod and lay back down.* anyway, I was going to give you a little break, but that disobedience can't be tolerated. So arms up, now!

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