Who Are You

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*Peter tells you everything that happened

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*Peter tells you everything that happened. From Dr. Strange's spell to what happened to Aunt May. From everyone forgetting who Peter was and then Wanda saving the day.*
Y/N- oh my god, so- the whole time I've known you- you've been frozen in time?!
*Peter nods*
Tony- is May- is she still-
*Peter clears his throat*
Peter- when Wanda turned back time she was safe. As long as I'm stuck in time she's safe.
*Tony nods and wipes a tear away*
Y/N- oh Peter *You pull him close and hug him* we will figure this out, I promise.
Peter- I know and I should have told y'all from the start but I thought it would be easier if y'all just didn't worry about it.
Tony- you've had a spell on us for 5 years.
*He looks at Wanda*
Wanda- yes, because we weren't sure what would happen if everyone started asking questions. We fixed a very fragile hole between our world and the Multiverse, any little thing could have blown it open again.
Y/N- so what?? It needed time to heal?! Like the Ozone layer?! What is stopping it from ripping open now?!
Wanda- Nothing, literally nothing. Look I could unfreeze Peter and everything could be fine. Or I could unfreeze him and the entire multiverse could come crashing in on us.
Y/N- the stones? Could we use them??
Peter- possibly, I mean their power is literally infinite but we couldn't do anything with them without y'all suspecting something.. now that y'all know we could try-
Tony- No, Strange did this for a reason-
Y/N- yeah so Wanda could fix it-
Tony- No, I'm not risking messing with spells and stones and wind up losing Peter in the process-
Y/N- we wouldn't lose him, if anything we'd get him back.
Tony- No! It's not happening. Look I know it sucks being 17 but it's not the end of the world okay-
Y/N- Tony-
Tony- No y/n! I've lost him once- *His voice breaks* I'm not losing him again.
*You look at Peter*
Y/N- Peter?? Can you give us a minute? *He nods and leaves, Wanda follows* Tony look-
Tony- No! You listen y/n, I have failed and lost more in this life than you could possibly know. I cannot, will not risk Peter's life on a whim, for the chance that he might get to drink in Public or-
Y/N- grow up, get married, have a family. He can't reasonably do any of that if he stays like this. Tony, if this goes wrong he doesn't die-
Tony- he dies to us.. we forget he ever existed
Y/N- and we have to trust that he will figure out a way to jog our memories. I don't believe that any magic can truly wipe away the effect he's had on us, all of us. If the stones could help Nat have a baby, after everything she went through, I think they can fix this multiverse situation
Tony- or it could make it worse
Y/N- Tony, we have to try, Please.
*Tony looks over at Peter and then looks at you*
Tony- I feel like I just got this all back, I can't risk-
*You hug Tony*
Y/N- you don't have to, I will. It will all be on me.
*Tony hugs you back and you call Peter back in the room*
Y/N- We are gonna use the stones-
Wanda- we??
Y/N- yes?
Wanda- No, I will use them. The less people involved in this the better.
Peter- should we call Strange??
Wanda- What did I just say??
*Peter nods and apologizes*
Wanda- okay, let's get started.

*You walk into your suite, you find Steve and Bucky playing with the older kids, Nat is looking over the triplets*
Y/N- okay, so we are about to have a busy morning. *You explain to Them what happened with Peter and what Wanda did and what y'all are doing now*
Steve- so should you really be telling us any of this?? Also, I was starting to wonder why Peter was still so young and then when I would go to ask the thought would be gone, was that Wanda?
Y/N- yes, and I probably shouldn't be telling you all this but I had to, I couldn't keep this from y'all!
Bucky- it's okay, thank you for telling us. Is Peter okay? Is Tony? *Bucky seems a little upset*
Y/N- Umm kinda. Tony is scared the sky is going to fall and Peter is scared it will destroy the world.
Nat- understandable
Steve- what do you need from us??
Y/N- I'm not sure. Wanda is getting everything ready. We don't even know what will happen. If he will age up 5 years or just start aging from this moment. Wanda's spell on us should lift as well and we won't forget anymore.
Bucky- okay, well tell us when y'all are ready, I want to be there. *Bucky looks a little sad and he walks away. You follow him into your room and find him leaning against the bathroom counter, his head in his hand.*
Y/N- Bucky?? What's wrong??
Bucky- I thought- I know we had a rough start but he was like a little brother to me. Why didn't he tell me? Or you??
Y/N- he was trying to protect us from losing him all together.
*Bucky nods and you hug him*
Y/N- he's gonna be okay Bucky, I promise.
Bucky- I love your optimism but you can't promise that.
*You kiss Bucky*
Y/N- we will fix this and everything will be fine.
*Bucky nods and plays with your hair* I've got to go but I'll call you when we get set up.
*You kiss him and leave the room.*

*You pass by Kate*
Y/N- come on, we need you.
*she follows you as you head to the lab*
Kate- Why do you need me??
Y/N- we are going to unfreeze Peter.
*Kate nods*

Y/N- Wanda? Peter? Tony? Y'all ready?
Peter- as ready as I'll ever be.. is it gonna hurt?
Y/N/ Tony- like a bitch.
*Peter nods and looks around*
Peter- I Umm I need to make a call first.
*Peter picks up his phone and calls someone
Peter- hey it's me, Umm we might be fixing all of this and I don't know what may happen when we do. I just want you to know, I love you. You should come to the compound when you get the chance, see the new, older me. *He laughs* anyway, I'll see you soon.
*You all look at Peter a she turns back around, he looks at you all and smiles*
Peter- Umm- it was Aunt May.
*Kate smiles and starts to help Wanda, you and Tony know that wasn't May that he called, he had already called May earlier.*
Y/N- you ready Peter?
Peter- y-yeah, yeah! I'm ready.
*Bucky walks in and hugs Peter*
Bucky- Y'all about to start?
Y/N- yeah, I was about to call you.
Tony- oh good, the whole family's here.
Bucky- good to see you can still joke at a time like this.
Tony- yeah well, I've got to do something, right? *Bucky nods*
Wanda- okay Peter, stand over here.
*Peter moves into position as Steve and Nat come walking in*
Steve- have y'all-
Nat- oh good we didn't miss it!
Y/N- where are the kids??
Bucky- they are all asleep, well ours are. I don't know where theirs is.
*Steve and Nat laugh*
Steve- She's asleep.
Wanda- okay, quiet please. I'm counter acting the multiverse here. *You all nod and Wanda faces Peter. She uses her power and snaps the stones. Focusing on unfreezing Peter and aging him while making sure no one forgets him and none of the horrible events that happened all those years ago. Peter screams and drops to the ground. Everyone goes quiet and just waits, Wanda sits down, completely drained and needing to rest.*
Y/N- Peter??
Tony- Peter? Talk to us-
*He lifts his head and looks around*
Peter- w-where am I? Who are you guys?!
*Tony looks at you and you look at Wanda*
Wanda- I- I did the best I could. It may not be permanent.
*You look at Peter, he looks at you like he knows you but he can't place you.*
Peter- do I know you?? *He looks around* you all look familiar but I don't know who you are.
Tony- that's okay kid, you'll remember. Do you at least remember you have powers??
Peter- Uhh y-yeah, so y'all know about that too??
Bucky- just assume we know everything about you.
*Peter nods, he looks at himself and that's when you all look at him. He's grown and he's filled out more, Definitely aged.*
Kate- Peter you're-
Peter- wait... who are you??
Kate- I'm Kate we- we're kinda- we're friends.
*Peter nods*
Peter- okay, this is all great but it's kinda a lot, I need to rest. Do I have a room here??
*Tony look as at you and then at peter*
Tony- yeah, this way.
*Tony and Peter leave. You take it all in and look at Bucky, you see the pain in his eyes too, you cry and Bucky hugs you. He kisses your head and rubs your back, hot tears drop on your face.*
Bucky- it will be okay y/n. We will help him remember. *You nod and he holds you tighter.*
Y/N- he doesn't know who Grant or Winnie are. Grants gonna be crushed, Bucky-
Bucky- I know baby. *He kisses your head again and walks you back to the suite. He thanks Wanda on the way out. Steve and Nat help get her to Vision so she can rest. Later that night you are walking by the door when someone rings the bell. You open it and see MJ*
MJ- where is Peter??
Y/N- look, something happened-
MJ- where is he?!

‼️😬😅🥺❤️ hang in there!‼️

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