Multi Language Fun

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‼️Sorry if the format is off lol‼️

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‼️Sorry if the format is off lol‼️

*You kneel down and look up at Bucky with big, innocent eyes. He smirks and rubs the side of your face, brushing his thumb across your lips. You open them and take his thumb in your mouth. You gently suck and swirl your tongue around it, definitely giving him a preview of what you plan to do. He pulls it out and rubs your face again. He stands in front of you and nods. You quickly unbutton his pants and unzip them, allowing his erection a little more room to grow, pressing against his boxers. You stare up at him, asking for permission with your eyes, he smirks*

Bucky(Winter)-моя хорошая маленькая принцесса ждет разрешения. Давай, ударь меня (my good little princess waiting for permission. Go ahead, blow me.)
*You lick your lips and pull him out of his boxers, precum dripping from his tip. You slowly lick up the underside, taking extra time and massaging his balls as you do. You tease his tip with kitten licks and he has to fight the urge to moan and beg. Instead he groans and grips your hair. He stares down at you*
Bucky(Winter)- Я сказал Отсоси мне. Если бы я хотел, чтобы ты дразнил меня, я бы отдал тебе свою задницу (I said Blow me. If I wanted you to tease me I would've given you my ass.) *He pulls your hair and you moan. He slips his shoe between your legs. You move a little and moan as his leg brushes against your clothed clit. You whimper as you scoot closer, straddling his foot and wrapping your thighs around his leg. He pulls your hair harder.*
Bucky(Winter)-  Используйте свой рот с пользой, я обещаю, рот сержанта будет чувствовать себя намного лучше, чем это (Put that mouth of your to good use, I promise Sergeant's mouth will feel much better than this). *He kicks his foot a little and his shoe hits you right in your center, not hard at all but just enough to startle you and get your blood pumping.*
Y/N- простите, сержант, я буду в порядке. Я обещаю! (sorry Sergeant, I will be good. I promise!)
*Bucky smiles down at you and rubs your face, you open your mouth and he slowly pushes his tip past your lips. He smiles and gasps as you tongue him.*
Bucky (Winter)- о принцесса! Ммм да! Просто так, соси член сержанта. (oh princess! Mmhmm yes! Just like that, suck Sergeant's cock.)
*You start to bob your head and he lets out the most beautiful moan. You moan around him and his head shoots down as he looks at you. He smiles and puts both hands back behind your head. You nod and he praises you*
Bucky(Winter)- Так хорошо для меня, широко раскройся и глубоко вдохни, принцесса. Сержант использует твою хорошенькую глотку как свою личную игрушку ( so so good for me, open wide and take a big breath princess. Sergeant's gonna use your pretty throat as his own personal toy)
Y/N- Пожалуйста, сержант, владей мной. (Please Sergeant, own me)
*Bucky fucks into your mouth and you deep throat him. He moans and face fucks you for a solid 3 minutes straight before he pulls all the way out. And looks down at you, your lips red, cheeks pink, sweat beads on your forehead, eyes lazy, chest heaving for air. You look so fucking beautiful, in the sluttiest in ways. You've started to hump his leg, chasing your own release as Bucky stakes claim on your throat. He cums with a shout and he pulls out making a mess all over your face and chest. He smirks*
Bucky(Winter)- Я забыл, что твоя рубашка все еще была на Принцессе. Думаю, мне придется сделать это снова, чтобы я мог испортить твою красивую грудь (I forgot your shirt was still on Princess. Guess I'll have to do it again that way I can make a mess on your pretty breast)
*You moan and nod*
Y/N- Да сержант пожалуйста?!(Yes sergeant, please?!)

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