I Can Help You

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‼️Don't know why Wattpad won't let me post photos in the banner anymore so I'll post them in the story

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‼️Don't know why Wattpad won't let me post photos in the banner anymore so I'll post them in the story. 😬😅 I hate the inconsistency but whatever‼️

*You get Winnie down and she is very talkative*
Winnie- mama mama mama! *She sits back up as you are walking out*
Y/N- yes Winnie?? *You turn around*
Winnie- wuv oouuu! Mmmwahh *She blows you a kiss. You smile and blow and kiss back*
Y/N- I love you too Winnie boo. Now go to sleep sweet girl. *She smiles and drops down, she holds her piglet and pops her Paci in her mouth. You chuckle and walk out of the room, closing the door behind you. Bucky is laying in bed and you are about to climb in as Grants door opens.*
Grant- Dada?? c-an I ave ater? *Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- what did he say?? *You chuckle*
Y/N- no Grant, you've had your water. Let's get back in bed. *Grant pouts and walks into his room. You lay him down in his little toddler bed and kiss his cheek*
Y/N- I love you Little Wolf, go to sleep.
Grant- love oouu mama.
*You walk back into the room and climb in bed, you lay down and sigh*
Y/N- now I have to pee... *You get up and head to the bathroom, as you come back out you are met by Bucky's solid chest.*
Y/N- ouch *Bucky lifts you into his arms and you laugh* what are you doing?!
Bucky- I'm gonna have some fun with my wife while we still can *He winks and you chuckle*
Some plain, simple, fun!

*Bucky does what he does best and has you screaming in minutes. With the babies pressing on your bladder and your lungs Bucky prides himself at making you both cum fast and hard. He was always good at it he just never did it till now. He said he enjoys the long game too much, you are just glad to have some kind of contact, knowing soon you won't be able to have any.*
Y/N- that was good baby *You pull him into a kiss* so so so good! *He smirks*
Bucky- Mmhm thank you baby, let's get cleaned up.
*You shower and get back in bed. You wake up about 5 times during the night to pee and check on Winnie who kept waking up. As you are walking back into the room you have some pains in your back*
Y/N- Mmhmm Shit!
*Bucky shoots awake*
Bucky- Mmhm what is it?! Y/n??
Y/N- I'm having some back pains.
Bucky- come here *He pats the bed* I'll give you a nice back rub *He smiles*
Y/N- it's never just a back rub with you. *You tease*
*He kisses your neck as you sit down. He pulls you back on the bed and rubs your back.  You moan and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well if you make those noises this is definitely gonna be more than a back rub.
*You laugh*
Y/N- your hands feel so good, I can't help it.
*You lay on your side and Bucky continues to massage your back till you fall asleep, he kisses your head and holds you as he drifts off to sleep*

*Before you know it you are on strict bedrest and all you do is watch TV, read, fold baby clothes, and gossip with Nat about all the stuff you're missing*
Y/N- wait so they really said no adoption agency would give Steve and you a chance?!
*Nat sighs*
Nat- yeah, they said it would be irresponsible of them to give two superheros a baby. They said it would probably be safer to leave the baby with the mother they took it from.
Y/N- wow, that's really insensitive..
Nat- tell me about it, we really wanted to adopt as well as have more kids.
Y/N- I know, I'm so sorry.
*Nat is snuggled up in bed with you*
Nat- so, have you seen-
Y/N- No, I've seen nothing in here! *Nat laughs*
Nat- I have a video, Sarah is calling for Grant! *She smiles and swoons* it's so cute and he comes running over, look!!
*She shows you the video, Sarah calls for Grant, she says "annnt!!" You hear little feet hit the floor and running down the hall, Grant pops around the corner, he goes "ssaaaar!" She smiles and he laughs, they run off together.*

*you are sobbing*
Y/N- he's so cute!!! And so is Sarah!
*Nat nods and agrees. Bucky comes walking in, shirtless and sweaty, he started letting his hair grow out a little, giving you Hydra day vibes. He looks over at you and Nat and he chuckles*
Bucky- see *He points to you two* that's just mean when nothing can come of it. *He winks, you and Nat laugh and you throw a pillow at him. He catches it and sticks his tongue out at you, he disappears into the bathroom.*
Nat- well while he's getting naked I'm gonna leave. *You laugh and she gets up* by the way... he's looking good girl. *She teases and you laugh and blush*
Y/N- don't I know it... every time I get pregnant he adds another row of abs and it's just *You swoon and Nat laughs*
Nat- well, my man's looking pretty good these days *She smirks*
Y/N- oh really?! *You laugh* Tell him to stop on by, entertain me! *Nat laughs and nods*
Nat- I'll tell him to come by, he's been really busy lately with some secret mission. *You nod and she leaves.*

*Bucky walks out of the bathroom naked*
Bucky- I thought she'd never leave
Y/N- I'm gonna die in the bed horny and alone!
Bucky- well I can help you with both of those things *He smirks. He walks towards you as the door opens again, it's Steve*
Steve- oh really?!? Nat?!? Is this why you sent me in here?!? *He walks away and you laugh, Bucky kisses your cheek and slips back into the bathroom to shower, he leaves the door open so you can see in, he watches you and you just roll your eyes and turn in the TV. Steve comes back in and lays next to you, from where he is he can't see Bucky*
Steve- so, what episode of Grey's are you watching?! *You laugh*

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