Good For Her

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*The next day isn't as hard

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*The next day isn't as hard. You get Grant up and ready for school, you and Bucky take him like you did the day before and Peter listens for the girls. They don't go to school everyday so your morning is a little more hectic. Snacks and tantrums, Outside time and long walks, eventually it's nap time and they all crash.*
Y/N- they are all out, I'm gonna make lunch for us and then I'll go get Grant from school if you'll stay here and get the girls up when they wake up.
Bucky- yeah, sounds good.
*You get Grant and get back and the day goes like before. He is a little tired so he takes a power nap with you and then you all head outside.*

*The days get easier and soon Grant is jumping out of the car at school and just waving goodbye as he runs away to his friends. Winnie's birthday comes and she turns 4. Before you know it, it's thanksgiving and then Sarah's 4th birthday. Christmas comes and again you spend your time with just the kids before everyone else.*

*The new year starts and Grant is having the best time in kindergarten. He has tons of friends and there is a little girl who has the biggest crush on him.*
Nora- bye Grant! *She smiles and waves as She gets in her car and you get Grant in yours. You and Bucky look down at him and he just smiles back and waves. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- if Sarah finds out she's gonna be mad.
Y/N- ha! I know.
*Nora's mom approaches you.*
Cindy- Y/N, Grants mom?
Y/N- yes, hi! You must be Nora's mom!
Cindy- yes! It seems our two kids have really taken a liking to one another!
Y/N- Ha! Yeah they have!
Cindy- Nora was wondering if she could have a play date with Grant. She's been asking for so long and I finally thought I'd try to make it happen.
Y/N- oh sure! I think Grant would love that!
Cindy- oh good! So maybe tomorrow after school?
Y/N- yeah, you can just follow us back to the compound.
Cindy- compound??
Y/N- oh yeah, ha! Sorry, I know that sounds weird but I promise we're not like that. *Bucky walks up and Cindy looks at him and you can tell she looks a little scared.* Cindy this is my Husband Bucky.
Cindy- hi, it's nice to meet you. So you two are Avengers?! I just thought Nora was making it up or was misunderstanding what Grant was saying about you two. But no she was right.
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- again, I promise we are super normal. *She laughs and nods.*
Cindy- okay, we'll see you tomorrow!

*Nora and her mom come over after school and Grant takes her to the play room.*
Cindy- wo-wow! You all live here?!
Y/N- well not all of us.
Bucky- but most of us! Hey babe I'm gonna go take the girls on a run with me. Where's the stroller?
Y/N- the 4 person one?!
Bucky- yeah, I need the resistance.
Y/N- Umm I think it's in the garage.
Bucky- okay, thanks. Bye Cindy! *He heads out and gets the kids all ready.*

*You and Cindy talk as Grant and Nora come down the stairs with toys in hand. After a little while Nat comes down the stairs with James in her arms and Sarah in tow.*
Nat- Could you watch James for a moment?? I just need a minute and Steve went running with Bucky.
Y/N- yeah sure thing! Hey Nat this is Cindy, she is Nora's mom. Nora is a friend of grants from school.
Nat- Hi, nice to meet you.
Cindy- you- you're Black Widow!
Nat- Ha! Yeah, those days seems like a distant memory at this point! *She laughs and walks out, taking a minute. Sarah goes to play with Grant but she sees Nora sitting a little too close for her liking. Sarah walks over*
Sarah- Grant, can I play too??
Grant- yeah! We have tons of toys.
*He smiles and Sarah smiles as well. Nora looks at Sarah and smiles. Sarah just looks at her. You are seeing and hearing all of this, thankfully Cindy is not.*
Nora- come on Grant let's go run!
Grant- okay!
*They take off and Sarah stands up and pouts*
Sarah- hey! Wait for me! *She runs after them but she's not as fast and she doesn't know where they went. She walks back to you, sad and honestly it looks like she's trying to not cry. She just climbs up next to your and buries her head in your side.*
Cindy- is she okay??
Y/N- Umm yeah, she's just tired.
*Grant comes running back in.*
Grant- Sarah! Come on, let's play!
*Sarah just pouts and stays where she is.*
Grant- Sarah
Sarah- I don't wanna play!
*Grant looks sad for a moment and then Nora comes running in laughing and smiling, she takes Grants hand and pulls him away.*

*When Nora leaves Bucky and Steve are finally getting back, sweaty as ever with 4 very tired girls.*
Y/N- did you make them run too?!
Bucky- No but we stopped at the park for a bit. *You nod and get the girls out. They all go and quietly play. Bucky sees Grant still pouting and Sarah curled up on the couch.*
Bucky- uh oh! Trouble in paradise??
Y/N- you could say that... Sarah was not a fan or Nora and gave Grant the cold shoulder when he played with Nora and not her. Now Grant is pouting too cause Sarah is ignoring him.
Steve- good for her! *Bucky shoves Steve and you shake your head.* it will be okay, they are kids!
Y/N- I think form now on we take Grant to the park for his play dates.
Bucky- No, Sarah just needs to understand that Grant isn't all hers.
Steve- okay, I'll talk to Sarah but to be fair, this was kind of a love a first sight deal, your son initiated this so... I'm just saying!
*Bucky laughs and shoves Steve and Steve smiles*

*Any play dates Grant had with just Nora you made sure Sarah was with Winnie and distracted. Eli comes over some with Nora so that makes it easier. Grant becomes really good friends with Eli and Nora. One of them is always over at the house or Grant is with them somewhere. It is really sweet and you are so happy that your little man has found some friends outside of his built in friend in Winnie and the girls.*
Y/N- what did you do today Grant?! *You picked him up from school with the girls and Sarah.*
Grant- I played with Eli and Nora. We played superheroes and it was so much fun! *You swear you see Sarah roll her eyes. You smile*
Y/N- what did you learn about today??
Grant- I don't know. *you laugh and head home*

‼️Tomorrows chapter will be like today's except longer. I'm trying to cover some more time quickly and get to our next spot where we will sit for a bit! Hope that makes sense lol 😅😂🥰‼️

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