Let's Go Home

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‼️So sad he didn't win🥺🥲

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‼️So sad he didn't win🥺🥲... but DAMN he looks good! 😏🥵😋🥰 He is the winner in my eyes! Everything he did for that role and all the hate he endured🥹🥹 he definitely deserved the recognition and the award.‼️

*Ben sleeps well through out the night. He wakes up, feeds and lays back down with little to no crying. Bucky wakes up every time as well and sits with you while you nurse.*
Bucky- Tony brought your pump right?
Y/N- yeah, I've just need to find time to pump. *You rub your face and sigh* I guess I can stay up now and do a little. *Bucky gets up and gets it ready. He sits by you and holds Ben while you pump.*
Bucky- hey bud, you're doing so well. I know mama really appreciates it. *You smile* I can't wait for you to get back home and meet everyone else. You're gonna love it. *Ben smiles a little and Bucky lightly laughs. Ben grunts and stretches.*
Bucky- oh big stretch! So strong! *You smile, your heart could burst at how sweet Bucky is. You feel so overwhelmed at how lucky you are to have such a loving and attentive husband. He lays Ben down and looks back at you. He sees you looking at him and he smiles. He walks over and kisses you.*
Bucky- hey baby, what's going on in that sexy mind of yours?
*You smile and kiss him.*
Y/N- just looking at my sexy husband.
*He laughs and lays down next to you*
Bucky- I don't know about that. Your "sexy husband" hasn't showered in 3 days.
Y/N- oh that's what that smell is! *You tease and Bucky laughs. He pulls you close and kisses you*
Bucky- ha ha, just funny.
Y/N- I only tease. *You kiss him and sit up. You get your pump situated and then start to go downstairs to put the milk away.*
Bucky- I've got it, let me. *He hops up and takes it from you. He gets it in the fridge and then heads back up to you. He runs into Steve*
Bucky- hey, what are you doing up? It's 5am.
*Steve sighs*
Steve- Anthony has the stomach bug.
*Bucky slowly backs away*
Bucky- we will stay as far away from y'all as we can cause last thing we need is y/n or Ben getting it.
Steve- we know, in fact we've made arrangements to get the kids back home to the compound.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- what you and Nat are staying?
Steve- I don't know, it will depend. Honestly the way the kids are getting back is sketchy at best. I doubt Nat will be happy about it but we need to get them out of here so they don't infect your family.
Bucky- how are they getting back?
Steve- think hot air balloon but Tony in his suit is the balloon.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- okay, yeah we will wait till the roads clear. No way Y/n will allow the kids to do that.
*Steve nods and laughs. Bucky gets back in the room and sees you are already asleep. He curls up next to you and falls asleep quickly.*

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