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*Nat walks out and meets Steve by the door*Steve- Mmhmm you look so good! *He kisses her* you ready?? Nat- More than ever *She smirks* *They head out to the car*Nat- So where are we going?? Steve- Now where's the fun in telling you *Steve teases

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*Nat walks out and meets Steve by the door*
Steve- Mmhmm you look so good! *He kisses her* you ready??
Nat- More than ever *She smirks*
*They head out to the car*
Nat- So where are we going??
Steve- Now where's the fun in telling you *Steve teases. Nat climbs in the car and Steve shuts the door. He climbs in and he dives away, about halfway down the road Nat realizes where they are going.*
Nat- Are you taking me to-
Steve- Yup, *He smiles and Nat leans over and kisses his cheek.*
Nat- are we staying the night?!
*Steve looks at Nat and takes her hand, he kisses it and Nat laughs*
Nat- Wow you really know how to treat a lady.

*They pull up to a cute little house resting right on the lake. The outside lights are on and the dock is all lit up. Nat can see that there are people moving around inside.*
Nat- Umm Steve, who's in our house?
*Steve laughs and kisses her hand again.*
Steve- a chef and his kitchen crew and then a maid service tidying up. There was a lot of dust lying around. *Nat laughs* we are a little early, they will be leaving soon. In the meantime let's head in and get settled for the night.
*Steve pulls into their garage and helps Nat out of the car. For Nat's birthday last year she asked for one simple thing, a getaway. So Steve bought her a cute little cottage right on the lake. It's about 20 minutes from the compound and before the pregnancy scare about 3 months ago they use to spend a weekend here every month, just them. Nat wanted it so Steve gave it to her, he will do anything to make Nat happy. Nat hangs on Steve's arm as they walk in. The chef and his crew wave and the Maid service tells Steve that everything's clean and in order. He thanks them and pays them as they leave.*
Nat- you know, when I asked for a getaway I never thought you'd give me a house!
*Steve laughs*
Steve- I thought this would be better than some European vacation- *Nat shoots him and look and he lets out a big belly laugh*
Okay okay, I'll still get us a vacation but in the meantime let's stay here, huh? *Nat nods*
Nat- I love it Stevie, I really do. Thank you. *She kisses him. Steve takes their bag up to the room and lays it on the bed. He comes back down and hangs his jacket on the hook by the door and lays his keys in the bowl on the counter. Nat grabs some Wine out of the fridge and Steve grabs some glasses. They head out to the dock and watch as the sun starts to set against the water.*
Steve- Mmhmm I love our life Nat.
Nat- I love it too Steve
*He kisses her and she smiles and leans against him, resting her head on his shoulder.*
Nat- You know if I had known we were just coming over here I wouldn't have put on all this make up. *She teases and Steve laughs*
Steve- I know, honestly I had a plan to go to a nice restaurant and then bring you here. But then seeing you all dressed up and looking so good, I called in Tony's chef and had them come over here. I just needed you all to myself. *He kisses her neck* looking this good *He nibbles her ear* I had to skip straight to dessert * Nat moans and Steve hims Gaia t his skin. He hears someone approaching, he looks up and sees one of the servers.*
Server- everything is ready and plated. The main course is in the oven. We are leaving now, all directions are on the counter.
Steve- Thank you so much, tell chef I'll be in touch. *The server nods and head back up to the house. They hear the van start and pull away. Steve looks down at Nat.*
Steve- Alone at last *Nat smirks and kisses Steve, she moves and straddles his lap as she wraps her arms around his neck. Steve hums and chuckles as Nat kisses his neck. She starts to unbutton his shirt and he laughs* hold on Tasha, slow down.
Nat- Mmhmm I can't *She kisses down his chest* I want you *She climbs off his lap and kneels in front of him* you're just too good. *She starts to reach for his belt and he gently takes her hands away but that doesn't stop her*
Steve- Tasha, baby. Mmhmm
Nat- Please Stevie?! *She runs her hands along his thighs. Steve could die right here and now, the way Nat's looking at him and begging. Steve smiles and pulls her up, she pouts and kisses him.* do I have to beg?!
Steve- No baby *He chuckles* No I just don't want you to ruin your dress, it's too nice for you to be on your knees. Also, I think we need to eat before we get too preoccupied *He winks and Nat bites her lip*
Nat- ugh fine! *She stands up and Steve buttons his shirt. He looks up at her*
Steve- I thought you said you weren't going to be a brat tonight?? *He teases*
Nat- and I said no games *She smiles back*
Steve- no games baby, I'm just starving. Come on, don't you want a nice meal where we don't have to feed a baby or eat it before it gets cold. Where we get to enjoy Every. *He kisses her cheek* Single. *He kisses her neck* Bite. *He kisses her nose and she nods*
Nat- Mmhmm on second thought THAT sounds amazing! Let's go! *Steve lifts her into his arms and carries her up to the house. They get settled and Steve brings dinner to the table.*
Nat- oh it smells amazing!!
*Nat climbs in Steve's lap and Steve laughs. He feeds her in between taking bites of his own. She makes a big show of enjoying everything he puts in her mouth, Steve just smiles and enjoys the show.*
Nat- Mmhmm so so good. *She kisses him*
Steve- one of the best meals I've had in awhile, maybe I should have you sit in my lap for every meal. *She smirks*
Nat- oh I think there's another place I'd love to sit *She smirks*
Steve- is that so?! *Steve teases and pulls her close, she nods*
Nat- Oh yeah. *She giggles as she kisses him*
Steve- Come on, we still have some dessert but I think we can take that upstairs. *He winks*
Nat- Oh! Well then you grab the whipped cream and I'll grab the chocolate.
Steve- You read my mind *She kisses him and hops up, she grabs the chocolate and she runs upstairs as Steve chases her. He slaps her ass as she climbs the stairs, she laughs and screams as he does.*
Steve- Mmhm this is long overdue!
*Nat jumps on the bed and Steve pulls her down the bed by her legs, slipping off her heels and throwing them to the closet.*
Steve- I want you to leave the dress on but go take off your makeup. I want you to be fully comfortable. *Nat smirks and hops off the bed, she quickly washes her face and heads back into the room. Steve knows that she hates getting makeup stains on her clothes, it's always a pain to get them out. Steve also likes to be the only thing adding color to her face when they're having sex. He bites his lip as he sees her lay back down on the bed, her dress tight along her skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. Steve looks her up and down.*
Nat- What's going on in your mind Stevie?? *She teases, she bites her finger as she looks him over. Teasing him with the idea of something else being in her mouth.*
Steve- just trying to decide where to lick first. *Nat had Butterflies at that confession. The look in his eye was primal and dominating, it made Nat ache. Then she sees the jar of chocolate in his hand and she whimpers. She sits back and runs her hands along her body, resting on her breast and then settling then between her legs.*
Nat- wherever you see fit Captain. *She moans*
*Steve smirks and pulls her off the bed and into his arms. He unzips her dress and pulls it off her, seeing she has no bra or underwear.*
Steve- fuck... Mmhm lay down, now.
*Nat lays back and Steve spreads her legs. Kissing up on leg and then down the other.*
Nat- oh Captain *Steve smirks against her skin. He opens the chocolate and drips it along her skin, on her thighs, along her stomach and her breast, it's warm and smells delicious. Nat is so turned on she could cum when she feels his tongue on her body, Making a big show licking it off, moaning and humming.*
Steve- so good, Mmhmm my favorite dessert.
Nat- and what's that?? *She teases*
Steve- oh you know Baby. *He slips a fingertip inside her, hardly spreading her open just enough that she feels the very welcome intrusion. He leans down and blows cool air over her clit and she moans loudly.*
Nat- Mmhmm!!! Oh yes! Please?!
Steve- you want more, sweetness??
Nat- please?! Please!! More, so much more- *He shoves the rest of his finger in and Nat grabs the sheets below her.*
Steve- Shhh I've got you baby *he rubs her legs and moves up her body, keeping his finger inside her. He licks the chocolate off her breast, she moans and arches into his mouth.*
Nat- oh Stevie Mmhmm
*He smiles and kisses her. He removes his finger and sits up. Nat whines at the loss of his touch. He stands up and unbuttons his shirt the throws it with her dress, he unbuckles his belt and unbuttons his pants, he unzips them and pulls them off. He climbs on the bed and Nat smirks as he gets closer and closer.*
Nat- am I gonna get what you denied me earlier?? *She smirks and Steve smiles*
Steve- you want it that bad?? *Nat nods. Steve moves and straddles her, hovering over her chest. He strokes himself a couple times, She opens her mouth and Steve slips his tip past her lips. His eyes roll back at the feeling of her tongue against him.*
Steve- oh baby, Mmhmm that's it, just like that. *He pushes his full length in her mouth and she takes it all... he grabs her hair and bobs her head up and down off the pillow.*
Nat- mmhmmm
*Steve chuckles*
Steve- what was that??
*Nat pulls off and smiles*
Nat- I said you look amazing
*She takes him back in and wraps her arms around his body, her hands on his ass.*
Steve- Mmhm grab it like you mean it Kitten
*Nat moans and squeezes Steve's ass. He smiles and thrusts into Nat's throat. He pulls all the way out and moves back to kiss her.*
Steve- so so good!
Nat- oh Steve please! It's been too long-
*He kisses her and settles between her legs. He pushes in and Nat grabs his arms, she arches off the bed and moans.*
Nat- Oh Stevie!!
Steve- Tasha, Mmhm *He starts to thrust in and out. Nat moaning and writhing beneath him. It's been too long for both of them that they don't last long.*
Nat- oh Stevie I'm gonna cum!
Steve- me too baby, Mmhmm
*Nat cums and Steve feels her clench around him. He cums and works through his high. He kisses Nat and moans in her mouth.*
Steve- oh I love you baby. Now, let's get a little wild, huh?!
*Nat smirks and nods*
Nat- oh please Captain!

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