But We're Okay

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*Once Bucky is asleep you slip away and find Shuri

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*Once Bucky is asleep you slip away and find Shuri.*
Y/N- hey
Shuri- y/n look I know it was hard today but I think it will get easier as it goes along
Y/N- it has to, I- I can't put him through all of this for who knows how long- I need this to work Shuri.
Shuri- y/n you know better than anyone that this is going to take time. It took them years to break him, this won't take as long but it will not happen over night.
*You nod and wipe a tear.*
Y/N- is he in pain while we do this?
Shuri- physically no, there are no signs of stress or anything. Mentally and emotionally, it is exhausting.
*You nod and rub your belly*
Shuri- we will need to take it slower with you. If you decide to go through with it.
*You nod and thank her. You start walking around the palace and run into the kids*
Y/N- hey guys, did y'all have fun today?!
Grant- yeah!! We went down to the river and swam. It was so much fun!
Winnie- where is daddy?! We came to get him to come swim with us!
Y/N- Daddy had a hard day, I will need you guys to stay quiet when you go to the room, okay?
Jonnie- okay mommy, but can we see him?
Y/N- yeah baby, he'd love to see you! We just need to give him some time to rest.
*They all agree and file in quietly. Peter catches your arm.*
Peter- hey I need to be honest with you, I lost Elizabeth for awhile today-
Y/N- what?! *You snap in a hushed whisper*
Peter- she is fine and was fine, she was looking for you guys. She found you in the lab, she saw a part of the process with Bucky.
*you look over at her, she is staring at the bedroom door, like she's trying to Will Bucky to walk through it. You nod and pat Peter's shoulder.*
Y/N- okay, thanks for telling me.
Peter- I'm so sorry I don't mean-
Y/N- it's fine, I lose one of them at least once a day *You laugh and so does Peter.*

*You go check on Bucky, Elizabeth tries to go with you.*
Y/N- you will see him in a minute, I promise.
*She gives you a teary nod. You walk in the room, he is sitting up and rubbing his face as you walk in. He sees you and give you a weak smile.*
Y/N- hey, how you feeling?
Bucky- tired, but good. It's all just so hard- I fought so hard to get rid of him-
Y/N- Bucky if you don't want to do this then-
Bucky- No baby, I do. It's just, I did all that because I thought I had blown it with you and I couldn't deal with all of his- *He starts to tear up* he loves you so much- the anger and grief he was feeling back then along with my own- it was too much, I had to get rid of him. I could only deal with my own. And now there's so many emotions running around in my head and all of them absolute love for you, happy to be back but Feeling them all again, all at the same time, it's just a lot. *He gently smiles and you cry. You walk over and kiss him.*
Y/N- look me in the eyes and tell me you really want this because you James Buchanan Barnes are enough for me. I love you so much and you will always be my one. He trained me and kept me alive, he protected me and saw to my basic needs but you- *You cry* you go above and beyond for me. You don't just train me, you show me how to be better. You don't just keep me alive, you give me a reason to live. You don't just protect me- *your voice breaks* you are willing to die for me.
*Bucky slides his hand along your face and takes you gently by the back of the neck. He kisses you and whispers against your lips.*
Bucky- he is all of that too y/n. Me without him is like half a person. I hated him for so long but you reminded me there was and still is some good in him. Wether I liked it or not he was part of me and once I accepted that I could see him as a person and not a monster, I could see him as the man you knew and loved and not the killing machine I was made to be. I want to be able to bring that man back to you. Let me bring him back, bring him home.
*You cry and hug him, you quietly whisper*
Y/N- okay Bucky, okay. *He hugs you tighter and you rub his back.*
Bucky- now stepping back into authoritarian Husband mode *You laugh through your tears and he smiles* having gone through this procedure- it's a lot, on the mind and the body-
Y/N- Shuri said you weren't in any physical pain-
Bucky- I wasn't but I'm exhausted from mentally fighting him all day. I fear it will be too much stress on you and Ben. So let's table yours until we know better about this whole thing. Or maybe until after he is born.
Y/N- okay Bucky, we can wait a bit.
*He kisses your forehead and you hear little voices outside the door. You laugh* the kids wanted to see you.
Bucky- send them in!
*You smile and open the door. The kids run in and jump on the bed, tackling Bucky and just telling him all about their day. Bucky just lays back as each kid has their turn and he gives them his full undivided attention. Once they are done the kids all get ready for bed and Peter offers to take them again.*
Bucky- Umm yeah actually, if you don't mind.
Peter- No not at all, y'all have a lot of stuff you're doing and that's the whole reason you had me tag along. I'll watch them and keep them safe, don't worry. *Bucky thanks him and the kids say Goodnight and file out of the room. Bucky quickly gets the room switched over and ready while you are in the shower. He tried to get you to wait, knowing your shower would be pointless but you wouldn't listen. He turns on some music and lights some candles. You walk out in your robe while drying your hair.*
Y/N- baby, what are you doing??
Bucky- well I believe I promised you something. *He winks and you laugh as you keep moving around the room, getting ready for bed.*
Y/N- oh yeah? What was that?
Bucky- when you were upset with Grant for calling you mom and I said I would call you mommy.
*You blush and Bucky pulls you in.*
Y/N- I may remember that *You tease and act shy*
Bucky- well I have one arm and after today I am feeling extra submissive and in need of some care, so have your way with me, Mommy. *He kisses you and then heads back to the bed. You smirk and throw your wet hair up in a messy bun. You drop your robe and Bucky groans and instinctively starts to palm himself through his pants.*
Y/N- are you gonna be a good boy? *You climb on the bed*
Bucky- yes mommy *You smirk and crawl over him.*
Y/N- good *You give him a little peck on the lips before you start to undress him.* pesky clothes in the way, gotta get these off. *you bite your lip as you start to slowly unbutton his pants. He wiggles trying to get you to speed up, you smile and go even slower. Bucky groans*
Bucky- I believe I asked for mommy, not mistress. *You laugh and kiss him.*
Y/N- whoops! *You tease and he sighs. You laugh and pull his pants off and lift his shirt off. You climb on him, straddling his hips.* much better! *You wiggle against him and he smiles and moans.*
Bucky- Mmhmm mommy *You smile and kiss his chest as you make your way down his body. You kiss his waistband of his boxers and he sits up on his elbows to watch you, waiting to see if you'll actually go through with it. You slowly start to pull down his boxers and he gets very excited at what's about to happen, when the bedroom door opens.*
Y/N- fuck!
Bucky- shit!
*You both scramble to cover up hoping whoever it was did not see a thing. You look and see it's Elizabeth, you're heart breaks a little.*
Y/N- Elizabeth? Baby what are you doing?? *She starts to cry, something she hardly ever does. you and Bucky spring into action. Bucky has pulled his boxers on at this point, he jumps up and scoops her into his arm. He carries her over to the bed and lays her down, he tosses you your robe. You quickly throw it on and hold her close, you on one side and Bucky on the other. You kiss her head as Bucky rubs her back, she is clinging to Bucky.*
Bucky- hey, talk to us sweet girl. What's going on?
Elizabeth- they were hurting you today and mommy was crying! I don't like you being hurt!
*Bucky looks at you, you had told him how she saw it all but he had hoped she would have forgotten.*
Bucky- oh Lizzy, it's okay, I was okay.
Elizabeth- that other man was hurting you from the inside. *She cries even more*
Bucky- No baby? He was just so excited to see mommy and you kids. He wanted to see them because he missed them but he was trying to see you guys before it was time for him to see you.
Elizabeth- so he's not bad??
Y/N- No baby, he loves you and your siblings.
Bucky- he loves mommy and even me. He wasn't going to hurt any of us.
Elizabeth- c-can I meet him??
*You and Bucky look at one another.*
Bucky- maybe one day, maybe even soon. But I'll tell you this, he can't wait to meet you either. *He kisses her head and she cries as she holds him tight.*
Y/N- we love you baby,
Elizabeth- I love you too, Mommy, Daddy. C-can I s-stay here?!
*You look at Bucky who pretends to pout, he then smiles and winks at you before he answers.*
Bucky- of course sweet girl-
Elizabeth- can y'all snuggle me?
*You and Bucky smile and practically scream, you're so excited that she wants cuddles for once.*
Y/N/ Bucky- yes!
*You both hold her tight and she falls asleep quickly. Bucky kisses your head and you realize you fell asleep too. You whisper*
Y/N- oh baby, I'm sorry. You want to-
Bucky- No baby, I'm okay. Maybe tomorrow. This is just too good to leave. *He looks down at Elizabeth. You smile and agree. He text Peter to let him know that you two have Elizabeth. He gets you a nightgown and some underwear, you quickly get dressed and get back to snuggling your girl. Bucky throws on a shirt and when he lays down Elizabeth grabs on and doesn't let go all night, you two wouldn't have it any other way.*

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