Better Than Never Existing At All

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‼️No Way Home spoilers

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‼️No Way Home spoilers... I mean at this point I shouldn't have to warn you but I'll be nice.😅❤️‼️

*Peter and Kate sit on the floor by the foot of her bed.*
Peter- So..
Kate- So..
Peter- look, I should have been honest with you from the start. I'm sorry that I wasn't and this all got screwed up.
Kate- it's okay Peter, thankfully everyone understands. I still need to sit down and really talk with Y/n and Bucky though. *Peter nods and then looks at her* look Peter, you're really nice but you're just a kid-
Peter- actually I'm not, Umm you see- you know Wanda right?! *Kate laughs*
Kate- yeah Peter I know Wanda.
Peter- okay, so... a couple years ago I kinda really messed up- well, the world and I lost *His voice breaks, he clears his throat and starts again.* anyway, Dr. strange helped me out but it got more messed up and the only way to fix everything was to make everyone forget who I was.
Kate- okay...
Peter- so he did, all except one person. The one person who was powerful enough to figure out a way to help me.
Kate- Wanda
Peter- yeah. She Umm- she figured out a way to basically freeze me in time. Before the events that messed everything up, almost like I never did them because physically I'm "not there yet" in time. Does that make sense?
Kate- not really but maybe if you keep explaining it will..
Peter- Basically she turned the world clock back in time right before I messed up Dr. Stranger spell. Then she froze me in that time so I never messed it up, then she let the world move again-
Kate- therefore nothing was ever messed up because you weren't "there" to mess it up
Peter- exactly!
Kate- so what does that have to do with you not being a kid??
Peter- so I haven't aged since that moment. I'm still 17 and I've been 17 for the past 5 years. Basically I stopped aging right before we met y/n and she joined our team.
Kate- wait- does the team know?!
Peter- No, no one does, except Wanda. She put a spell on basically the world that helps them "forget" that I'm not aging.
Kate- so MJ and Ned are-
Peter- well she asked if they wanted to freeze like me or not, they both decided to still age.
Kate- oh Peter... and that's why you two broke up, isn't it?? She was off at college and you were stuck here repeating senior year for the 5th time.
Peter- yeah, kinda something like that... look you can't tell anyone. Wanda doesn't know what will happen if people start to know the truth and we don't know if Dr. Strange's spell will start to work again and make everyone forget me if I keep "moving in time"
*Kate nods*
Kate- you'll be 17 forever though...
*Peter give a gentle and weak smile*
Peter- it's better than all the people I love forgetting that I exist. It's better than never existing at all.
*Kate pulls him into a hug*
Kate- we will figure out a way to help you Peter. I promise. But you need to tell Tony or maybe y/n. One or two more people knowing can't be that big of a deal.
Peter- I don't know, I'll ask Wanda. Thanks Kate. *He smiles at her and she rests her head on her bed.* All of that to say, I'm not really a kid. I'm actually 22 and I'd really like to see where this could go.
*Kate smiles and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek, he smiles.*
Kate- let's figure out this mess first and then we can see where this thing goes. Because you may be 22 but you still look 17 and I'm not looking to get arrested.
*Peter laughs and nods*
Peter- okay, deal. *He stands up and so does Kate. He hugs her and she holds him close*
Kate- don't worry Peter, we've got you.

*Peter head off to bed and so does Kate. Peter finds Wanda in the morning and asks about telling you.*
Wanda- Peter I don't know what will happen, just the fact that Kate knows now could break the whole spell!
Peter- please Wanda?! You've got to figure out a way! I either need to tell them or we need to figure out a way to fix this!
*You come walking in the room and hear Wanda and Peter talking*
Y/N- hey guys, Umm what's going on?? And don't bother lying, I'm a master at deception. *You smile*
*Peter and Wanda look at one another and Wanda shrugs*
Wanda- it's your call Peter, it's you who will be effected the most.
*Peter nods and looks at you.*
Peter- okay, so you may want to sit down for this, and while I'm at it I might as well tell Tony too.
*Your heart stops and not in the good way*
Y/N- Peter Benjamin Parker I swear if you got anyone pregnant-
Peter- No! No, y/n no. Nothing like that. But it is pretty big.
*Tony walks in*
Tony- what's going on?! Was there an  adopted family of Peter meeting I didn't know about?? *You laugh and Tony sits down.* What's going on?? You're starting to scare me..
*Peter takes a deep breath*
Peter- okay...

‼️Everyone understand?? Everyone on board?? Lol😅😂❤️‼️

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