Christmas Clock

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*You sit down at the table and Jonnie comes over

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*You sit down at the table and Jonnie comes over.*
Jonnie- when can we open our presents? *She whispers, you laugh*
Y/N- a little bit later. We have to eat breakfast first. *You whisper back and she nods. She goes and climbs in her chair across from you.*
Bucky- okay, who wants some Christmas pancakes!?
Grant- me!!
Winnie- me me!!
Odette- yummy!!
Sarah- can I have some?!
*You and Nat laugh. Steve looks at Sarah*
Steve- you don't want my Christmas muffins?!? What?!
*Sarah giggles*
Sarah- I like that Uncle Bucky puts whipped cream on the pancakes! *Steve tickles her and she laughs*
Steve- well fine! *He acts dramatic. The kids laugh* Mama will still eat them, right?!
*Nat smiles and kisses his cheek*
Nat- you bet baby
*She looks at Bucky and motions for him to make her one too. Bucky laughs and nods. Nat sits next to you.*
Nat- so how was your morning?
Y/N- good, I've been but on bed rest-
Nat- what?! Really?!
Y/N- well not official bed rest. Bucky bed rest
Nat- oh! Okay *She laughs*

*Bucky makes the pancakes and sets them out. He puts a Santa hat on all of them, made out of strawberries. He then puts chocolate chips as his eyes and a strawberry as his nose. He then uses almost 3 cans of whipped cream making Santa beards on all the pancakes. While he did that Steve made bacon, eggs, and grits. He also made a little batch of his chocolate chip muffins.*
Bucky- okay! Breakfast is ready!
*He brings your to you, Grant and Winnie grab theirs off the counter. Jonnie tries to grab hers, you shoot up to help her when Bucky pushes you back down.*
Bucky- sit down *He whispers. He offers help to Jonnie, Odette, and Elizabeth but they have it on their own. They get their plates and sit down. You are a little heartbroken that they don't really need you that much anymore. He then sits next to you and kisses your head as he whispers.*
Bucky- good girl *You blush and kiss him, hiding the pain.*
*He sits and you all start to eat.*
Jonnie- it's so good! Mmhmm
Sarah- yum in the tum tum!
*You all laugh and Steve rolls his eyes and smiles.*
James- Unc bucket dess are good!!
Anthony- Mmhmm
Y/N- you hear that?! James thinks these are so good, uncle bucket!
*Bucky laughs and pulls you closer.*
Bucky- thanks jamesy!
*Thor comes downstairs with Peter, MJ, and Kate.*
Y/N- MJ!? I didn't know you stayed the night!
MJ- oh Umm yeah- I- we-
*She looks at Peter*
Peter- we Umm sorta- we
Kate- oh my god, yes they spent the night together *She walks away and grabs a pancake. You gasp and look at Bucky and then back at Peter and MJ.*
Y/N- what?!? Did you know about this?! *you point to Bucky and Steve.* did you?! *You point to Nat* did you- *You realize you just asked Peter* of course you knew! What?!
*Peter and MJ just laugh and smile.*
Peter- Umm yeah we *He blushes* we-
Bucky- well that's fun!
*You look at Bucky and he smiles. He knew and you didn't.*
Peter- Umm anyway, we didn't know y'all would be up yet. *You motion to your five children who just wave and smile*
Y/N- we wake up at the crack of dawn.
*Peter nods. He walks MJ to the door and kisses her goodbye.*
Bucky- why didn't you have her stay?
Peter- she has her family Christmas, she is coming over after.
*Bucky nods and gives him a high-five.*
Peter- is there a pancake for me?
Steve- over there bud.
*He sits next to Bucky. Bucky leans over and whispers.*
Bucky- you're being safe, right?
Peter- definitely, extra careful. *Bucky nods and sits back. You heard the exchange and look at Bucky and Peter.*

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