Protect Their Future

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*You sit in the conference room and listen to the plan

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*You sit in the conference room and listen to the plan.*
Sharon- the person who had the files goes by Andrew. He or a real piece of work and he doesn't play around.
Y/N- if you know who has the fires then why didn't the CIA move in and get them back?
Sharon- Because he has already been in touch with us, the o my people he will talk with are you 4. *You look at Bucky and then at Nat and Steve*
Bucky- why?
Sharon- we don't know. He said if you want the Information back before he blasts it all around the world then he needs to meet with you 4.
Bucky- well that's not happening
Steve- it's obviously a trap
Tony- who would want this information anyway?!
Sharon- Karli with the flag smashers, Val, Drekov's people... they would all pay good money to find out where to hurt the avengers the most.
*You want to cry and hold your stomach. But all you do is nod and look at the ground.*
Bucky- so what's the actual plan?
Sharon- You would make contact as if you are going against the rest of your team. Making it clear that no one is coming to help you, agree to meet him and honestly from there, wing it.
Y/N- sounds easy enough, but it also sounds like a real easy way for you to get rid of 4 of us at once.
Sharon- if I wanted to kill you I would have just used one of the many Nuke codes I have. Believe it or not y/n I actually have a heart and I don't want to see you or your family hurt. I act like a bitch and hit on your husband to get a ride out of you but I'd never wish for your children to be orphans.
*You cross your arms as Sharon sits down across from you.*
Bucky- well we have to think of a better plan because y/n's not going on this mission.
*Bucky gets up and leaves the room. Sharon and Nat look at you and you just lower your gaze and sit back in your chair. Nat takes your hand and you meet her gaze, she gently smiles and rubs your hand. You nod and she squeezes your hand. She knows about the baby.*
Sharon- okay I was expecting Steve to be the grumpy "my wife's not going" one since his wife is obviously pregnant- *She looks at you and you look away and follow to find Bucky. Sharon looks at Steve and Nat, they just hold each other's hands.*
Sharon- oh, Umm okay. I'll have to make some calls.
*Nat looks at her*
Nat- You do that, you're the one who got us into this mess. *She gets up and leaves. Sharon looks at Steve.*
Sharon- Steve, I really am-
Steve- I know you're sorry Sharon, now help us fix this. You wanna redeem yourself? Save our kids because we can't, at least not this time. Nat is due any day and Y/n is pregnant and has 5 other kids she needs help with. We can't leave and go on a mission with a death wish attached. So figure it out.
*Steve leaves the room and Sharon sits down and hangs her head in her hands.*

*Bucky finds you playing with Winnie. Winnie sees him walk up and he nods for her to go do something else, she kisses your cheek and then leaves. Bucky sits next to you and holds you tight.*
Bucky- what are you thinking??
Y/N- I'm thinking I need to save my children and I'm trying to figure out a way to do it without endangering his life. *You place your hand on your belly as you start to cry.* and I can't. If I go on this mission there is a chance we lose him and- *Bucky holds you and kisses your forehead.*
Bucky- then you don't go, that's it.
Y/N- you already made that decision for me, why are you pretending that I could choose something different? *You lean back and Bucky looks down at you.*
Bucky- yeah I did and I don't feel bad in the slightest. You're not going and that's final but if you want to argue your point then go ahead. *You shake your head and lean back against the couch.*
Y/N- you and Steve go. Andrew will have to settle for 2 of the 4. *Bucky nods and kisses you*

*Steve and Bucky get ready to leave*
Sharon- okay, do you have everything?
Bucky- yeah, now let me say goodbye to my wife.
*Bucky hugs you and kisses you*
Y/N- come back to me Whole, please.
Bucky- yes Mrs. Barnes *He holds you and you kiss him.*
Y/N- protect their future, Bucky. Our future.
*He nods and kisses you one more time, while gently rubbing your stomach, no one notices.*
Steve- Now stay put till I get back, okay?! *He kisses Nat's belly and then kisses her.* I love you, take it easy and don't worry. I will come back to you. *Nat nods and kisses him.*
Bucky- okay, Peter? Sam? Protect them with your lives. *They both nod*

*You watch as Steve, Bucky, and Sharon all leave on the jet. You have an uneasy feeling in your stomach. Nat takes your arm and you two walk inside and find the kids. You explain where Steve and Bucky went.*
Grant- ugh!! I should be with him! Protecting my family! *You smile and cry as you pull him close.*
Y/N- you are protecting your family right here.
We needed you here Grant. *He holds you tight and you kiss his head.* I love you bud
Grant- I love you too mom.
*Bucky calls the kids and says he loves them. He didn't want to say it in person because he knew he'd get emotional and he didn't want to scare them. Steve does the same.*
Bucky- be strong Grant, you've got this. You're the man of the family, protect your mom and your sisters.
Grant- Yes sir... *There is silence* dad??
Bucky- yeah bud?
Grant- I love you
*Bucky smiles and a tear falls from his eye*
Bucky- I love you too Grant
*Bucky says goodbye to the girls and they all whine and ask him to come home*
Bucky- I know, I will be home soon. Don't worry and be nice to mama, okay?!
*They agree and give you the phone.*
Y/N- give 'em hell
Bucky- I will baby, I'll talk to you soon.
*He hangs up and you go about your day.*

*Bucky calls you that night and fills you in.*
Bucky- we are here and Sharon's gotten us in a party for us to get eyes on Andrew.
Y/N- okay, just try to blend in baby, people will spot your metal arm.
Bucky- I know, oh hey we are leaving, I've got to go.
*You say goodbye and hang up, Nat comes waddling in your room, her 3 kids in tow. She sighs and climbs on the bed.*
Nat- I can't sleep without Steve, can I stay in here?
Y/N- definitely, I'm the same way. I can't sleep without Bucky. *Nat takes your hand and you squeeze it. You get the kids settled in Grant and Winnie's room. Nat stays in there and falls asleep, you drape a blanket over her and go check on the kids. Winnie and Sarah are asleep and so are the girls. James and Anthony are asleep on Grant's bed, Grant is on a cot, he insisted they sleep on his comfy bed and that made your heart swell. You head back to your room and get in bed, you fall asleep holding Bucky's pillow to your chest.*

*Bucky and Steve walk through the party, Sharon speaks over the coms.*

Sharon- okay boys, the man you are looking for is in a red jacket. He is towards the back and has those two huge bodyguards next to him.
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- got it.
Sharon- do y'all need-
Steve- we're fine Sharon, just be ready with the car.
*Bucky and Steve move in, shuffling past people dancing and drinking. Bucky's sees a glimpse of the man Sharon is talking about. Something about him looks familiar.*
Bucky- what was this guys name again??
Steve- Andrew
Bucky- and Sharon said he works for Hydra?
Steve- Possibly, or he's just working with them. *Bucky looks at the man again, trying to put a finger on where does he know this man from.*
Steve- What's wrong??
Bucky- I- oh my god- *Bucky stops in his tracks* I- I know him.
*Steve stops*
Steve- Is that a good thing or a bad thing?!
Bucky- honestly, I have no idea.
*They move in, the man spots Bucky. Bucky plays it off and tries to act like he was looking behind the man, he keeps walking and walks past Andrew. Suddenly there is a gun pointed at his spine.*
Bodyguard- come with me, now.
*Bucky cooperates and is pushed into a back room, he is all alone and he starts to panic and look for a way out, scouting out which ceiling tiles would lead him out out the building based on the design. Suddenly someone else is thrown in the room, Bucky gets ready to fight when he sees it's Steve.*
Bucky- caught you too??
Steve- Yup.

Sharon- good going, I'm not bailing you out, I can't blow my cover. Figure it out. *Bucky sighs*
Bucky- Good old Sharon, fuck you.

*Steve tries to not smile given the situation they are in, he has been in worse but still, this didn't ideal. The door opens and the man in the red jacket comes walking in, Bucky flashes back to Hydra. The dark hallways, running to the plane, someone keep watch as Bucky and you get away, the man who helped give you and Bucky the future you now have.*

Bucky- Daniel??
Daniel- Sergeant

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