Birthday Sex

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‼️Too far?? Not far enough?? You'll decide 😅😏😉🤤❤️‼️

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‼️Too far?? Not far enough?? You'll decide 😅😏😉🤤❤️‼️

*You run into the room and jump on the bed, you wiggle you ass and Bucky laughs as he make sure the door is locked. The climbs on the bed behind you and rubs your ass. You smile and wiggle it for him.*
Bucky- Mmhmm my good girl *He kisses your back* but let's get you undressed first, huh?!
*You nod and sit up, he unzips your dress and pulls it off and down your legs. You go to take off your bra and Bucky stops you.*
Bucky- leave it on. For a little bit at least *He winks and you blush. He sees your rubs your ass as he kisses your neck.* okay, you ready?
Y/N- you gonna spank me now?? *You tease and Bucky nods*
Bucky- but not the punishment kind *He winks and you giggle and he rubs your back. He pulls you into his lap and you straddle him. He tilts your hips back a little so he can reach your ass a little better.*
Bucky- come here, give me those lips. *You smile and kiss him, taking his face in your hands.* Mmhmm Only for Daddy.
Y/N- well, of course! *You smirk and slip your tongue in his mouth as you deepen the kiss. Bucky brings a hand down and spanks one side of your ass and you yelp in his mouth. He chuckles and does the other side. You smile and bite his lip as you pull back.*
Y/N- how many do I get??
Bucky- depends, how good were you tonight? *Bucky narrows his gaze and you smile*
Y/N- I was so good! So so good!
Bucky- well in that case, how about 15. The number of years we've been together.. *He winks and you nod*
Y/N- sounds good to me, Bucky.
*Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- what happened to Daddy??
Y/N- you know the rules, my birthday is for you and you alone, maybe a little bit of sweet Winter but that's it. *You kiss him and Bucky. Nods*
Bucky- okay, I got you baby. *He smiles and brings his hand down on your ass, you jump a little and then laugh. Bucky smiles and you two continue to make out while Bucky gives you you're spankings.*
Y/N- Mmhmm thank you, thank you. *You hug him and lay your head on his chest.* I feel so warm and fluffy right now. *Bucky laughs and kisses your head* and as much as I love that, I want to have some crazy, raunchy, hot, birthday sex with my husband. *You sit up and meet Bucky's gaze. He bites his lip and scrunches his nose as he leaps forward and pulls you down to the bed, trapping you beneath him.*
Bucky- well what are we waiting for y/n?! You don't have to ask me twice! *You laugh as he tickles you*

*Bucky kisses you and you pull off his shirt. You run your hands down his body and unbuckle his belt. He sits up and pulls them down along with his boxers, he kicks them off the bed and then goes back to kissing you. He makes his way down your neck, leaving bite marks and open mouthed kisses along your skin. He gets to your bra and just rips it in half, you gasp and right as your about to complain he quiets you with his mouth. He pins your legs to the mattress with his thighs and keeps your arms raised above your head. You smile as he settles between your legs and takes his tip and teases your clit with it. You moan and Bucky moves his hand to your face, he was going to cover your mouth but you open it and two of his fingers fall in, you lick and suck on them, he smirks and let's out a breathy sigh.*
Bucky- Mmhmm keep that up and I may have to face fuck you y/n *He smirks and you moan around his fingers. He chuckles and rubs your clit harder with his tip. He speeds up even more, you're breast start to hurt and it feels like they are going to burst and before you know it you are cumming and well, leaking. You cum hard and squirt everywhere and the mess wasn't helped by Bucky continuing his movements nor your breast leaking milk. You are soaked, you don't think you've cum that hard this early in the night, ever! And you e definitely never leaking like that during sex either*
Y/N- Mmhm shit!! *Bucky pulls his fingers out of your mouth and looks at you, he gives you a devilish grin.*
Bucky- okay, now that was hot! *He leans down and takes your breast in his mouth while he toys with the other one. Usually Bucky is seductive and gentle when he does this but not this time, he was acting like a starving animal and your breast were the only thing he's had in years. The bed is soaked already and you just know it's gonna take forever to get the sex smell out this time, but you don't give a fuck. Your sexy as hell husband is about to fuck the living shit out of you and you can't wait.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky!! Baby please!
*Bucky pulls off with a pop, his lips swollen and red, his face has a slight blush creeping up on it, his gaze is filled with love and lust. He is so hard his dick is flat against his stomach and he's looking at you like you're the most incredible thing he's ever seen. Like you're the last drink of water and he's a man who's been wandering the desert for 40 years. He doesn't speak he just lays down and slams inside of you, he sucks a big purple bruise on your neck as you wrap your legs around his waist. He sits up, still connected and climbs off the bed. He slams you against the wall and you moan and duty against him. He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours as he starts to fuck into you, hitt I got the right stop over and over. You scream and moan, unable to form a coherent thought.*
Bucky- So. Fucking. Good! *He emphasizes his thrust with each word. You can't help but literally squeal as he starts to rub your clit awhile still fucking into you. He smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- let it out y/n, god I love your sounds!
Y/N- oh!! Yes!! Oh b-bbuck!! Ahhhh!!! Ffffffuc- *You grab his ass and dig your nails into it, leaving little marks.*
Bucky- oh y/n!!!! *He kisses you and then pulls your head back a little to have better access to your neck. He licks up from your breast to your ear and then nibbles on it. He does this over and over as he slowly down his thrusts. It drives you crazy and Bucky smiles the whole time, enjoying feeling your walls flutter around him but you not actually cumming yet.*
Bucky- so tight, so good for me. Your husband. Mmhmm
Y/N- Mmhm yes baby! God how did I get so lucky! *You rake your hands down his back*
Bucky- Mmhm I'm the lucky one, Mrs. Barnes!

*He picks up his pace again, you sweat and cum covered bodies moving as one, he moves you from the wall to the floor, the hardwood is cold on your back but it quickly warms up. He lifts your leg on his shoulders and pushes them together. You grab your own hair and arch off the floor and he pounds into you. Then Bucky starts with the dirty talk.*
Bucky- Mmhm fuck!! Love this, watching your pretty tits move around as I fuck you. Whiney and needy for me-
Y/N- yes Bucky! Mmhmm I need you, only you! It's only ever been you.
Bucky- Damn straight! *He slowly down and starts rolling his hips forward and snaking his body against your legs, which are still over his shoulders. It surprises you, you knew Bucky has some magic hips and he knew and got move and flick them in just the right way but the way he's moving them now feels very feminine. Like how you would ride him, rolling your hips, you aren't complaining though because it feels amazing, like earth shattering amazing.*
Y/N- Mmhm when did you learn-
Bucky- I've been practicing. *He let's your legs go but keeps up the movement as he lays down on you, he licks your neck again to the speed of his hips rolling, which is agonizingly slow, you eyes roll back as his tip brushes your sweet spot.* memorizing how you move on top of me, watching our home movies, learning from the best, *He sucks on your nipples and then pulls off with a obscene pop that makes you ever more wet.* You my sweet, learning it all from you. *You whimper*
What? *He teases* you want me to stop?? *He does and you almost scream*
Y/N- No!! Please. Don't. Stop!
*Bucky smirks and kisses you as he starts up again, you cum again with no warning and Bucky smiles down at you, he pulls out and replaces his dick with his fingers. He hooks them inside you and rubs a little and then rips them out causing you to squirt. You moan and smile, you are almost delirious now. He does it again and again until he sees your eyes roll back. He then flips you around on your hands and knees, the floors wet from you so your knees slide a little which makes this scene even more obscene. He pushes inside you from behind and pulls your back up against his chest. Sweat covers you both, you hair is slick and stuck to your face, Bucky's is the same. He smiles and kisses you, shoving his tongue in your mouth. He takes the hair tie from around his writs and puts your hair up, then he grabs one from the bedside table and does the same to his. Only Bucky and go from obscene one minute to total swoon fest heartthrob the next. But he quickly slaps your ass and you're back at it. Bucky fucks you till your mouth is hanging open and your gasping your air, you scream as you cum again, all over the floor, making it that much more wet. He whispers in your ear*
Bucky- Mmhmm so good y/n. My good little Wife. Mmhmm yes baby!
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky??
Bucky- yes my sweet? *He licks up your neck*
Y/N- I want my necklace, Mmhm please.
Bucky- you sure you can handle it?? We've been going pretty rough.
Y/N- yes, please

*Bucky kisses you and wraps his metal hand around your throat. He gently squeezes the sides, cutting off a little bit of blood flow but not air. You smile and he fucks into you again and you cum one last time. He smiles and kisses your head and he releases your neck, you lay down on the cold, wet floor and Bucky strokes himself above you. He looks at your body, it's so beautiful, your ass red from the spankings, your thighs red from the fucking, hour breast swollen and filled again, your hair in a messy bun, and you exquisite face completely blissed out yet ready to go another round. His breath catches and he moans, the most beautiful sound you could hear, his moans are music to your ears. The vulnerability you find in them is just breath taking. He cums on your body, landing on your stomach, chest, and chin. You smile and rub your hands up his legs as you sit up. You move his hands away and he moans as you take him in your mouth, being slightly gentle knowing even with the serum he he going to be sore tomorrow. You squeeze his ass and mouth around his balls while your hands do some work on him. You look up and see a slight tear. He hardly ever cries during sex, when he does you know that he feels so incredibly loved and taken care of. That's one of the best birthday gifts you could get, knowing your husband feels so loved and safe with you. You take him back in your mouth and he cums again. You look up and his head is thrown back as he gasps for air. You take everything he gives you and swallow it. You stand up and kiss him, guiding him to lay down on the foot of the bed. You climb on top of him and slip him inside you, he moans*
Y/N- I know baby, but this is my one ask of you right now, okay? Let me have all of you. *You kiss his chest and stroke his face, it's quick because of how sensitive you both are, you cum and him feeling you clinch around him makes him explode deep inside you. A solid 30 seconds worth of cum just filling you to the brim. You smile and kiss him, he sits up and carries you to the tub, pull out of you when he sets you down. He starts it for you and kisses your nose.*
Bucky- I'll be back *You smile and watch him walk away.*

*Bucky scrubs the room clean and changes the sheets. He lights a candle and then comes and gets in the tub with you. He turns off the lights and opens the giant sky light in the bathroom, the full moon illuminating the night. He kisses you and rubs you body. You lay in his arms just relaxing in his embrace.*
Bucky- I love you so much y/n, Happy Birthday baby.
Y/N- thank you Bucky. I love you too.
*You hold each other tight and let the water wash away the evidence of the night. You get cleaned up and you wash each other hair. Bucky dresses you in one of his shirts and give you two braids. You get I bed and lay I his arms as you drift off to sleep. Tonight was the first night all of the triplets slept the whole way through the night and that, aside for your time with Bucky, is the best birthday gift of all.*

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