You've Claimed Me

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‼️I'm channeling my inner Mistress and being ruthless to you guys

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‼️I'm channeling my inner Mistress and being ruthless to you guys.😈😏🤤👅🥵 enjoy!‼️

*You hold onto Bucky's leg the whole way to the restaurant, a long line out the door.*
Bucky- I'm assuming you made a reservation?? *He looks at you, you squeeze his thigh and smirk.* okay okay, just checking. *You chuckle and pat his thigh. Bucky pulls up to the Valet, he gets out and walks over to open your door. You take his hand and step out, you hear some women in line start whispering about you and Bucky, thanks to your super soldier hearing you hear every word.*
Women 1- wow, he's like sex on a stick.
Women 2- Damn, I bet he knows exactly what he's doing.
Women 3- oh my god! Do y'all know who that is?! It's the Winter Soldier! Bucky Barnes!
Women 1- oh shit!! He could choke me any day.
Women 2- who's the women??
Women 1- his girlfriend maybe...
Women 3- No! I've heard about her recently, that's his wife! She's just like him, an assassin. I heard they've known each other for like 20 years!
Women 2- No way! She looks maybe 25 at the most.
Women 3- they have that weird thing that Captain America has, the one that makes them not age-
Women 1- okay I don't care, he's hot and I'd love to sit on his face. *The other two girls gasp and laugh but then they agree.*
*Bucky looks at you and smirks, he kisses your head and whispers.*
Bucky- claim me Mistress *You could moan if you weren't in public, He smiles and then hands the keys to the valet. You take his hand and walk up to the hostess stand. You let Bucky talk and you just gaze at him, you let your hand wander to his ass and you give it a nice squeeze and then run your hand along it as you kiss his cheek. He turns to you as they get your table ready, you see the women from earlier a little closer in line and staring at you and Bucky. You smirk and pull him close, you kiss him and then bite his bottom lip before you pull away. You take his jaw in your hand and examine your work, his lip a little red and you clear lip gloss on his lips. You smirk and squeeze his face before you let him go..*
Y/N- you look so hot Kitten, can't wait to tie you up later and make you whimper for me. *Bucky blushes and smiles. You hand him one of his pocket squares from your clutch and he cleans off his lips. He puts it in his pocket.*
Bucky- thank you Mistress *He smiles*
Y/N- oh you're welcome Kitten.
*The hostess walks up and take you to the table, you turn around and catch the eyes of the women from before, you smirk and give a little wave, they blush, knowing they've been caught. You are seated in the back of the restaurant, the lights are dim and it's got a nice cozy booth in the corner. You sit down and Bucky slides in next to you. You place your hand on his thigh and kiss him.*
Y/N- Mmhmm let the fun begin.
*You turn on the toy, Bucky almost forgot it was in his ass. He grips the table and looks around. No one is watching, he sinks down into the seat and just enjoys what you're doing. You run your hands along his thigh, your nails lightly drawing on his pants. You slip your hand a little higher and he sits up, he scoots closer and whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- you keep doing that I'm gonna make a mess.
*You giggle*
Y/N- like I said, that's the plan *You wink and lightly kiss Bucky's lips. The waiter walks up and you pull away and smile at him. Bucky is still dazed and staring at you. You turn the toy off and he finally turns to the waiter and smiles.*
Bucky- Hello! Sorry, she's just so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off her. *Bucky smirks and the waiter smiles.* so baby, what do you want?
Y/N- can you bring me your best Wine, and Whatever your best appetizer is. *You smile and the waiter nods and goes to get your drinks.*
Bucky- you ordering for me tonight baby?! *Bucky teases*
Y/N- oh yeah baby. Gotta make sure I take care of you, you've got a long, rough night ahead of you. *You turn the toy back on and Bucky moans and then turns and looks at you.  The waiter brings you your wine.*
Y/N- oh thank you! You can leave the bottle-
Waiter- oh well this $5,000 a bottle, are you sure? *He looks at Bucky*
Y/N- oh hi, Umm I'm the one paying tonight and I'm sure, you can leave the bottle.
Waiter- yes ma'am, sorry ma'am.
Y/N- It's fine. *You smile and pat his arm, that makes Bucky shift a little, trying to get your attention. The waiter leaves and you sit back and take your wine in your hand. You take a long sip as Bucky looks at you, narrowing his gaze. You smirk* better watch your facial expressions, Kitten. I'd hate to punish you. *You chuckle and turn the toy up a leave and Bucky clears his throat to cover the moan that almost escaped his mouth.*
Bucky- mhmm ha! *He takes his glass and finishes it. You smirk as you watch him shift around. You scoot close and run your hands through his hair, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Admiring his jawline and the way the light makes his eyes shine. He turns to face you, you gently kiss him and he relaxes. He moves his hands to your waist and you take his jaw in your hand and hold his face in place while you pull away, his whines at the loss of contact.*
Y/N- no touching Kitten. *He moves his hands away from your waist and you smile.* good boy. *You kiss him again and then your waiter walks up. You turn the toy up another level and Bucky has to bite his lip to keep from panting in desperation. He is hard and leaking, definitely ruining his boxers. The waiter leaves and Bucky turns you to.*
Bucky- please mistress?! Mmhmm please?!
*He whispers, you smile and drag your hand down his chest to the bulge in his pants. You palm him and he lets out a breathy laugh.*
Bucky- Mmhmm thank you! Oh thank you!
*You smirk and kiss Bucky's jaw. And then work your way up to his ear, the one that's hidden from the restaurant in front of you.*
Y/N- what do you want? *You whisper.* tell Mistress what you want big guy. *You nibble his ear and Bucky whimpers as you continue to lightly tease him through his pants. He doesn't say a word so you order down a little harder and he grips your hand, you tisk in his ear and he mumbles under his breath*
Bucky- shit! I'm sorry I'm so sorry mistress, please please don't-
Y/N- shhh calm down. *You run your hands through his hair and he leans into your palm.*
No need to worry, sweet cheeks. But you did disobey. *Bucky goes to speak and you take his jaw in your hand.* No, you don't talk right now or it's gonna be worse, understand. *Bucky nods* now, I'm gonna turn your toy all the way up and it'll stay like that till we are done eating. Then you're gonna go into then bathroom, don't these sexy pants of yours and make a mess in your boxers. *Bucky groans and then nods*
Bucky- yes ma'am, I will Mistress! I'll be good and do as you said.
Y/N- I know, because you'll bring me your ruined boxers. *Bucky's mouth hangs open and you smirk.* do you understand, kitten??
*Bucky nods and looks at you with pleading eyes, You nod. He kisses you and pulls you close.*
Bucky- you are everything Mistress. Mmhmm so amazing! Thank you for always challenging me. *You giggle and palm him a little harder.*
Y/N- enough of a challenge for you??
*Bucky bites his lips and leans his head back. He moans and nods his head. You chuckle and remove your hand, you take a sip of your wine and wink at Bucky. You turn the toy all the way up, he lays his head on the table and takes a deep breath. You smile and rub his back, your waiter walks up with your food.*
Waiter- Umm is he okay ma'am?? *Pointing at Bucky*
Y/N- oh yeah, just a little backache. Saving the world and all really take a toll. *The waiter laughs and nods. He places the food on the table and walks away. You rub Bucky's back some more and kiss his neck, you whisper in his ear.*
Y/N- Come on princess, sit up and eat, you'll need it. *Bucky moans and does as you said. He eats his dinner and finishes two more glasses of wine. You do the same as you and Bucky have completely normal dinner conversation, like he didn't have a butt plug in his ass and a cage on his dick and like you weren't about to take him home and absolutely destroy him.*
Y/N- the triplets have an appointment this next week
Bucky- okay, did you schedule it while Winnie and Grant are at school?
Y/N- yeah, we will go straight there and pick them up after. *Bucky nods and sits back, completely stuffed yet there is still a hunger in his eyes. He looks at you, just waiting for you to say the word. You smirk and rub his leg, you brush your finger tips over his bulge and whisper in his ear*
Y/N- go on baby, be a good little obedient slut for your mistress. Maybe take some videos while your at it. *You nibble his ear and kiss his cheek. Bucky practically jumps up and runs to the bathroom. You call him back and he almost pitches a fit, you shoot him a look and he quickly straightens up.*
Y/N- don't take it off or remove your toys, understand? *Bucky audible whimpers and then nods. You kiss him and he disappears to the bathroom. You sit back and just wait.*

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