Can't Wait

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‼️Sorry I was MIA for a few days! I went out of town and had no cell service! 😅 I would have let y'all know if I had Wi-Fi but I didn't have that either! ❤️ it's all good, normal updates now! Also I love each one of my readers, y'all are amazing ...

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‼️Sorry I was MIA for a few days! I went out of town and had no cell service! 😅 I would have let y'all know if I had Wi-Fi but I didn't have that either! ❤️ it's all good, normal updates now! Also I love each one of my readers, y'all are amazing and I can't believe so many of you like this story! If y'all wouldn't mind recommending this to other Bucky lovers! I hate asking that because I don't want it to seem like I'm fishing for likes!! I just want to share my story. 🥰❤️‼️

*You hide in the kitchen, you can hear his footsteps coming down the stair and then they stop. You know he's not just standing there waiting.*
Y/N- Shit *You whisper. You start to move around crouched behind the counters and peaking around the corner. You don't see him anywhere, all the sudden you feel cool metal against your leg, it slides up and settles between your legs. You smirk as he nestles his face against your neck, he kisses it and hums. You reach up and run your hands through his hair as he whispers*
Bucky- caught ya *You laugh and let him have his way with you for his allotted time.* also I think you forgot, I don't need the vibrator anymore. *He smirks and uses his metal hand as it vibrates. You moan and just grind against his hand.*
Y/N- Mmhmm
*He kisses your head. Right before you cum he stops and runs off. You groan. You run after him. He slips into Tony's workshop.*
Y/N- Bucky! *You whisper scream*
*He runs by and slaps your ass. You yelp and turn around and no one is there. You hide and focus. You can hear him move around the room. He is right across from you on the other side. You sneak across and slide under the work table that is there. You stand up behind him and work your hands up his body, groping this thighs as you go. You nibble his back and you hear him moan.*
Y/N- Gotcha *You tease. You press the vibrator to his ass, you rub his thighs as you push the toy between his legs and tease his balls. He lets out a breathy moan, you pull away and disappear into the room. He grunts at his loss of orgasm and looks around the room for you.*
Bucky- I'm gonna get my fill before the nights over princess *You spank him as you run by.*
Y/N- think again kitten.
*You run down the hall and slip into a closet. You hear Bucky run by. You take a deep breath and calm down. You poke your head out and see Bucky standing at the end of the hall. He thinks he has a good and high vantage point but he doesn't realize that you're behind him. You smirk and slowly tiptoe towards him, he whips around and before you can tag him he has a hold on you between your legs. His vibrating hand causing you to moan and grab his shirt.*
Bucky- you look so pretty when you're desperate. *He laughs and kisses you. He then pulls away and runs away. Now he's really done it, you're not desperate, you're determined to win and your about to show Bucky the difference.*

*You and Bucky go back and forth for awhile, just edging one another. He'd get you then you'd get him twice. At one point you get back up to the room without Bucky finding you. You get out the handcuffs and attach them to the bar. They are open and ready to be used. You grab his cage and tuck it in your robe pocket and head back downstairs. On the way down he catches you and ends up edging you right there on the stairs, then he takes off.*
Y/N- Bucky *You tease, slightly out of breath as well.* I have a surprise for you *You hear him chuckle.*
Bucky- oh really?! *You hear him and all closer.*
Y/N- yup! And I think you'll really like it. *You giggle*
Bucky- oh! Are you finally letting me off the hook? *He smirks as he sees you sit on the couch.*
Y/N- oh no! Ha! You're still in the doghouse but if you're a good boy and come put this cage on then I'll promise you'll get a reward tonight.
*Bucky jumps over the back of the couch and lands beside you. He takes you by the back of the neck and kisses you.*
Bucky- or I could just take my reward now *He teases as he slips his hand up your robe* since I've just about won pleasure tag. *He kisses your neck and then nibbles. You hum and rub his chest.*
Y/N- if you do that you'll be in the doghouse even longer baby. *You smirk* you've got to be good in order to get back in my bed *You whisper against his lips as you pull his hands away from you.*
Bucky- last I checked it's my bed too *He winks and lays you down, pulling one of your legs up and sliding his hand down the back of your thigh.*
Y/N- yeah but if you go any further you won't have proper sex till after Ben is born. *He stops*
Bucky- what do you mean by proper?? *He narrows his gaze*
Y/N- I mean where you'll get to finish, where I treat you with my mouth.
*Bucky looks at you and then down at his hand, it's right by your center, so close. He growls and sighs. He sits back and unties his robe, showing his boxers and fully erect dick.*
Bucky- well go on then. *He pouts and you giggle. You settle on your knees between his legs as he watches you. You pull out the cage and he groans*  you got the tiny one?! *He throws his head back and pouts even more. You swat at his thigh and he whimpers.*
Y/N- do you trust me?
*Bucky looks you in the eyes.*
Bucky- yes, fully and completely.
*You smile*
Y/N- good boy-
Bucky- but I don't like you very much right now. *He crosses his arms and you just laugh. You smirk as you tease his thighs*
Y/N- we will see about that. *You wink. You pull down his boxers and he springs free. You lick your lips and Bucky get seven more excited that you seem to be up to pleasing him orally.*
Bucky- are you gonna- *He is cut off by the feeling of your tongue against his tip. He lets out the most amazing and sexy moan. He's been holding that one in, you can tell. He grips the couch and tries not to buck up into your mouth. He almost cries out.*
Bucky- please y/n?! Oh please please please?! *You smirk and deep throat him with no warning. He groans as you feel him start to twitch in your mouth. You pull him out and grab the base of his dick, keeping him from cumming. He can't speak, he just pleads with you with his eyes. You just shake your head as he begs. You slip on the first part of the cage, it's slips behind his balls and squeezes just enough. He is almost too far gone at this point, so aroused and on edge that the slightest movement will cause him to blow his load.*
Bucky- ffffuck! Please- y/n I- Mmhmm please baby?!
*You kiss his chest and then up his neck and jaw to his cheek then lips. You just shush him and tell him to trust you.*
Y/N- shhh baby, I know. It's gonna be okay. Trust me. You do trust me right? *He nods and cries. You rub his chest and kiss his neck.* just trust me baby, Mmhmm *You grind your center against his knee and whatever else you can reach. He focuses on his breathing and on your words.* Mmhmm your so strong baby, I know you can calm down and obey. Are you gonna obey? For me, huh?
*Bucky whimper and nods, hanging onto your every word.*
Bucky- yes ma'am, yes y/n. I will *You kiss him and praise him, which you know is just making all of this harder and harder.*
Y/N- good boy, Mmhm my good, sweet boy.
*You lick up his neck and he shivers, every fiber of his being aroused and ready to lose control.* you think I can have a taste? Can you control yourself?
*Bucky whimpers and squeezes his eyes shut. He slowly nods.*
Bucky- ye-yes b-bbut why!? *His eyes roll back as you bite his neck.*
Y/N- I want to make sure you're really wet for the cage. *He moans* so it slides right on. So it can hold this pretty cock of yours so tight, the cool metal on your skin. Gently just resting on your cute little tip, blocking all that cum-
*Bucky makes a guttural noise and you smirk, knowing he almost came, in fact some white little beads of cum drip along your hand. You smirk and lean down, licking your hand clean but not touching Bucky. You don't know what's come over you, but as long as Bucky is okay with it you're gonna keep going.*
Y/N- good boy, Mmhmm obeying me.
Bucky- Mmhm if I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get me to disobey. *You smirk and take him in your mouth. His mouth hangs open and his eyes flutter closed. You pull off with a pop and giggle at the tiny beads of cum spilling out.*
Y/N- now what makes you say that??
*He let's out a breathy laugh*
Bucky- I'll make a deal
*You laugh and stroke him. He's right where you want him.*
Y/N- I'm listening
Bucky- mmmhmm you let me cum right now and I'll be so good the rest of the night. I'll let you use me, tease me, even sleep in my cage for you. I'll leave it on till you see fit to take it off and I won't complain. I'll be your good boy and just take what you give me. Just let me cum now, please?!
*You giggle and kiss him. You tease his tip and loosen your grip on his base. You tease him with the words he said to you.*
Y/N- you look so pretty when you're desperate. *You deep throat him quickly and then pull all the way out and he cums, hard. He moans and groans and tries to get more friction but he ends up just fucking the air as you've already moved away. It's definitely not as satisfying as it would have been had he been in side you. But then again he just asked to cum, he didn't specify where. You give and evil grin and kiss him.*
Y/N- now who's desperate? Now who's a dirty little slut?
*Bucky gives you a big, blissed out smile*
Bucky- me Mmhmm I'm always desperate for you, baby girl. *You smirk and slip on the other half of the cage. You lock it closed and give him a little pat. He smiles as you put the key on your locket chain.*
Y/N- now, is my little slut up for some more fun?
*He bites his lip and nods*
Bucky- wreck me

*It is fun and you are just setting the playful mood, needing him to be completely at ease so he doesn't get too worked up again. You giggle as you dash down the hall, Bucky sliding in his sock after you. He catches you by the waist and spins you around, he silences you with his lazy kisses as he guides you backwards down the hall. He presses you against the door and you smirk as you tease him through his boxers with the vibrator against his ass. He chuckles against your lips and opens the door, you both come crashing in. He steadies you and makes sure you stay upright as he falls to the floor. You laugh and help him up. If anyone were to see you two they would think your were drunk. You bite your lip as you tease him with opening your robe. You giggle as you dash into the bedroom and he follows after you. He pulls you into his arms and he kisses you deeply.*
Bucky- god you're so amazing! *He rubs his hands along your body. You smile and kiss him, You keep his attention as you kiss him by stroking his cage, he doesn't notice you walking him towards the bar.*
Y/N- you're the amazing one *You kiss him and lay your hands on his chest.* good looks, a brain, easily dominated, and your sensitive. *Bucky laughs* I'm so lucky! *He wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back and down your sides, brushing along the sides of your breast causing you to blush because it feels so good and it's such an innocent touch. You move your arms down his and take his hands in yours.*
Y/N- you know what I really want to do?! *He moans as he kisses your jaw and down your neck, completely mesmerized by you.*
Bucky- what's that baby? *He takes your face in his hands and kisses you deeper. It makes you moan.*
Y/N- this *You whisper as you take his hand in yours and lift them above his head. They click into the cuffs and Bucky smirks and let's out a breathy laugh against your lips.*
Bucky- so that's how this is gonna be
Y/N- oh yeah *You smile and kiss him as you move away.* all of December you're wearing that cage and not cumming at all-
Bucky- you know it's normally No nut November... right?!
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yeah but I like to be different, you know that baby. *You smirk* think you can handle that?? Just a whole month of this cute little dick being caged up, no real contact, and definitely no cum.
Bucky- I can make it, especially because after it'll be January and that means it's daddy's turn. Just the thought of fucking your brains out at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Mmhmm *He bites his lip* that will keep me going.
*You laugh and pat his face*
Y/N- we will see about that

*you throw off your robe and stand before Bucky completely naked. You smirk as you walk closer.*
Y/N- what to do, What to do? *You smirk* maybe we start off small.
Bucky- do you're worst
Y/N- oh really?? *You tease his tip and he whimpers* you really want my worst??
*Bucky groans*
Bucky- No, just kiss me, please?!
*You smile, you can't deny him that. You kiss him and move your hands along his back. Tracing his muscles and feeling every inch of him.*
Y/N- you know what? You've been a good boy. So I'm gonna let you down and we're gonna go take a nice bath. Clean up the mess you made earlier. How does that sound?*
Bucky- so good
*You kiss him and release his hands. You lead him into the bathroom and get the water going. He climbs in and you then climb in and sit back against him. His cage pressing against your back, you smile at the little whimper you get from him as you lay against him.*
Y/N- sshhh I know baby, it's okay.
*Bucky calms down as you rub his thighs. You two get out and get dressed. You lay down and Bucky locks the doors and checks on the kids before he lays down.*
Bucky- so? Do I have to call you mommy or mistress?
Y/N- you don't have to. This isn't some play Bucky. I am actually punishing you for your reckless behavior. *You kiss him and smile*
Bucky- so I'm still my normal, dominant self but I have a cage on my dick?
Y/N- yup! *You smile* and tomorrow you may even have a plug in your ass. Walking around and no one is the wiser that I have you by the balls once we're behind closed doors. *Bucky smirks and let's out a breathy laugh*
Bucky- okay! *He pulls you into his arms and rubs your back.*
Y/N- although you will spend some time on the bar tomorrow. Just be warned. *Bucky nods*
Bucky- just hanging there or-
Y/N- oh you'll be fucked, don't worry. *You kiss his cheek and snuggle up to his chest. He laughs and kisses your head.*
Bucky- Mmhmm can't wait

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