A Normal Day

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*You are walking around the kitchen with Ben strapped to you

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*You are walking around the kitchen with Ben strapped to you. He is starting to get a little whiney*
Y/N- I know bud but you've got to wait another 20 minutes.
*He did not like that. He starts crying and it's that little newborn cry that just breaks your heart.*
Y/N- I'm sorry, bud.
*Bucky walks in with Steve and the kids following behind.*
Bucky- hey! What's wrong little bud?
Y/N- he's just hungry but it's not time yet.
*Bucky nods, he rubs his back and kisses his head*
Bucky- shhh shhhh I know bubba but it's gonna be okay. *Bucky takes him from you and holds him close. He rocks him and walks him around. The other kids start to crowd around you asking a million questions.*
Grant- what's for lunch?
Winnie- where are Thor and Peter?
Odette- when is our birthday party?
Elizabeth- my end of the year party is next week!
Jonnie- why is Ben crying??
*You just sigh and look down at all of them.
You are completely exhausted but you try to muster the strength to deal with them. Bucky sees you struggling and looks at Steve. Steve nods his head and Bucky steps in.*
Bucky- hey kids, how about y'all go get your shoes on. We are gonna go get lunch.
*You look at Bucky as the kids go running off.*
Y/N- how is that helping?! Now I have to pack up Ben and he's not even old enough to be out and about. I'm gonna fall asleep in the booth waiting for our food!
*Bucky gently smiles and kisses your cheek. You kinda move away from him because you are not in the mood for his sweetness.*
Bucky- because Steve and Nat are going to take them. I'll stay back here with Ben and you are gonna go sleep.
Y/N- I have to nurse-
Bucky- I will give him a bottle-
Y/N- he won't take it-
Bucky- when he realizes that's all he's getting, he will. *He kisses your cheek again and this time you don't move away. You just sigh*
Y/N- fine.
*Bucky laughs and watches you walk upstairs, he can tell you are hurting but you won't tell him. Bucky looks at Steve*
Bucky- can you handle getting them out?
Steve- yeah! Go on, she needs you.
*He smiles and pats his back*
Bucky- thanks Steve

*Bucky walks in and sees you folding clothes*
Bucky- what did I say?
*You look up because his tone was playful yet very firm.*
Y/N- to sleep
Bucky- then why are you folding tiny baby clothes?
*You smile and keep folding*
Y/N- because I need to get them done so I can sleep. *You smile and he shakes his head. He lays Ben down and walks over to you. He takes the hamper away and gets all of Ben's clothes put away. He starts to crawl up the bed towards you, the way he does when he wants you. You get butterflies and your voice catches in your throat. You lay down as he towers over you, boxing you in. He leans down and kisses you as he pulls the covers over you, a weird change of pace.*
Bucky- go. *kiss* to *kiss* sleep *kiss*
*You blush and curl up with his pillow and slowly drift off to sleep as he rubs your back. You wake to Ben cooing and Bucky just watching him, biggest smile on his face.*
Bucky- hello, how do you feel?
Y/N- better, I was in such a fog earlier.
Bucky- yeah... 2 hours of sleep will do that to you!
*You smile and kiss his shoulder as you look down at Ben.*
Y/N- we've made some pretty cute babies.
Bucky- that we have!
*He kisses you*
Bucky- hey I wanna ask you about something
Y/N- hold on, first I need to come clean. Bucky I've been in lots of pain the past few days. *You spit it out before he could interrupt you. He gently smiles and takes your hand* I'm sorry I wasn't honest at first and was just hiding it- I just didn't want to worry you.
Bucky- thank you for telling me. Do you think it's normal post-birth pain or is it new?
Y/N- normal post-birth, I just forgot how bad it can be. *Bucky nods and pulls you close*
Bucky- what can I do?
Y/N- you're doing it, thank you.
*He nods and kisses your head*

*Another two weeks go by and your baby is a month old! And it's also the end of the school year so you have the triplets kindergarten graduation. A lot of emotions happing all at once!*
Y/N- take a deep breath y/n, it's just a normal day.
*You turn around and see your 3 sweet girls looking so grown up and then you see Bucky holding Ben who looks to have grown while you weren't looking. You take a deep breath to keep the tears away.*
Y/N- it's okay! Okay, a normal day!

‼️Sorry I went MIA! I'm okay, just really busy and trying to make it to the much needed break coming up soon.😅🥰❤️‼️

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