Not So Little Anymore

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‼️I know I said this one would be nasty too

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‼️I know I said this one would be nasty too. But I just felt we needed some sweet fluff!‼️

*You feels the jets start to work and you laugh and pull away from Bucky. You move so your back is on one and it massages over the sore spots.*
Y/N- Mmhmm this feels so good!!
Bucky- oh yeah, you like the jets? *You nod and smile. Bucky smiles and sits sideways with you, he guides you forward and you sit on his lap with your back to him. He moves you right in front of the jet stream and it it's perfectly where you need it, it's not too hard and just the right temperature. You moan and smile. Bucky kisses your neck and massages your breast as you slowly climb your high.*
Y/N- Mmhmm this feels amazing!
*You turn and kiss Bucky, you feel his dick hard against your back. You tease*
Y/N- I though you didn't have anymore left in you?! Huh?!
*He chuckles and nibbles on your shoulder.I
Bucky- I rallied.
*You laugh and he kisses you as you cum. It's not crazy or mind blowing but it's just enough.*
Y/N- Mmhmm so so good baby. This is amazing.
*You turn and face him. He wraps you in his arms and slips inside you. You take his face in your hands and moan as he thrusts up into you.*
Bucky- Mmhm you feel so good y/n, so tight!
Y/N- oh Bucky!
*Bucky cums and so do you. You moan as he works you through your high.*
Y/N- Mmhmm oh baby.
Bucky- Mmhmm so so good. *He leaves open mouth kisses along your neck and your chest.* how are you feeling??
*You smile and laugh*
Y/N- amazing baby.
Bucky- good, I'm glad! But I was meaning-
Y/N- I know what you were meaning, I'm good. You helped me with all those insecurities and they are still there but they hurt a little less. *Bucky gently smiles and kisses you, you lay in his arms and he rubs your back. The jets are still going and massaging your back, you fall asleep right there.*

*You wake up and see it's 2:30am, Bucky dressed you for bed and laid you down without you waking up. You feel him start to shift around.*
Y/N- Mmhm Bucky?? Did you feed the girls at 10??
Bucky- yeah, you were sound asleep so I just gave them all a bottle, plus I kinda put a dent in your supply earlier. *He teases as he turns over and takes you in his arms. You smile and chuckle.*
Y/N- okay, well can you go get a bottle for one of them?
Bucky- yeah baby *He kisses you and throws on his sweatpants. He head downstairs and makes a bottle. As he waits for it to warm up he sees Peter walk into the kitchen.*
Peter- oh god! Wow you're really good at hiding in the dark.
Bucky- well you don't become the worlds greatest assassin without being able to hide.
You okay??
Peter- yeah, can't sleep. Look I'm really sorry about how all of this blew up in your face. I never thought- I'm so sorry Bucky.
*Bucky smiles and takes the bottle. He pats Peter on the back.*
Bucky- it's okay Bucky. Y/N understands and honestly that's all that matters to me. Everything will be okay, did you talk to Kate?
Peter- yeah, I'll have to talk to you and y/n tomorrow.
Bucky- okay, well we are here for you. Night Peter.
Peter- Goodnight Bucky

*You are feeding Odette and Elizabeth as Bucky walks in. He picks up Jonnie and holds her while she waits. He changes her and then takes her as he checks on Grant and Winnie. When y'all put them down earlier Winnie had a stuffy nose and sounded like she was congested, he wants to make sure she is okay. She is and sleeping like the little princess she is. Grant is sound asleep with all his stuffed animals. Bucky heads back to the room and you are burping Odette as Elizabeth lays on the bed and watches you. He puts Jonnie down and takes Odette from you.*
Bucky- come on sweet girl. *He burps her and then gets her changed. He swaddles her and lays her in her bassinet. He does the same with Elizabeth as you feed Jonnie, she nurses a little and then finishes with the bottle. You get her ready and down in her bassinet. They started the night in your room while you two had your fun, now they've moved to you room for the night. You and Bucky lay back down and fall back asleep immediately.*

Winnie- ant! ant?!
Grant- I tired Innie!
Winnie- Uddles?! Eees?! *Grant doesn't answer. Winnie sniffles and wanders out of Grants room to the couch. She had a nightmare and she climbed out of her crib and went to Gants room. But Grant won't listen to her. She cries as she walks around the house, disoriented and confused.*
Winnie- mama?!? *She cries* dada?!
*Bucky wakes up and he hears crying, he looks at the triplets and they are all asleep. He realizes it's Winnie he is hearing. He walks out of the room and sees the main door open.*
Bucky- shit! *Bucky didn't lock the top lock after Steve came over. He walks out into the hall and goes to find Winnie.*

*Winnie is walking down the hall crying and just calling out for you and Bucky. She lays by a door and cries, thinking it's your door.*
Winnie- Mama?!? Dada?! Uddles?! *She is so scared. The door opens and it's Thor, she stands up and lifts her hands, this is half asleep but she looks so scared so he instantly picks her up and holds her tight.*
Thor- it's okay Winnie, it's okay. Let's go find your mom.
*Thor walks back down the hall towards your room. Bucky comes running down the hall, he sees Thor holding Winnie as she still cries.*
Bucky- oh Thor thank you! *Bucky takes her and she clings to him. Still crying*
Thor- no problem, she was by my door crying. She was so scared when I opened it, I think she had a nightmare.
Bucky- yeah, she's been having those lately. She usually just falls asleep again but she must have gotten out. Sorry.
Thor- it's okay, I'm just glad she's safe.
*Bucky smiles and heads back to the room*

*You wake up as Bucky comes in With Winnie.*
Y/N- oh no, what's wrong?! *Winnie is still crying*
Bucky- she had a nightmare, got out of her crib and wandered around the compound.
Y/N- how did she get out??
Bucky- I forgot to lock the top lock after Steve popped over.
*You nod and take Winnie. She curls up to you and Bucky. You rub her back and soothe her*
Y/N- you're okay Winnie boo, we've got you. What happened??!
Winnie- deeem ary!
Bucky- a scary dream?!
*She nods*
Bucky- you're safe now Winnie. I promise, we are here and nothing will happen to you.
*Bucky holds you both as Winnie calms down and falls back asleep. You drift off and so does Bucky. Somewhere around 5am Grant makes his way in your room and climbs in bed. He crawls over Bucky and Bucky groans as Grant knees him in the stomach.*
Bucky- oh good morning Grant.
Grant- Daddy? Is Innie k?
Bucky- yeah bud Winnie's okay.

*You wake up and feed the girls while Bucky and the kids sleep. You get them settled and fall back asleep, all together as a little family, well not so little anymore.*

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