Live To See Another Day

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*You finally seem to have some energy back after your second nap of the day

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*You finally seem to have some energy back after your second nap of the day. You get up and get some laundry done and actually put away. You make a grocery list and you go ahead and start making plans for Ben's nursery.*
Y/N- okay so we will need to but everything again.
Bucky- why??
Y/N- because after the girls we have most of our stuff away. Also they destroyed most of it, The boys clothes we gave to Nat and Steve or it has Grants name on it so we can't use it for Ben-
Bucky- by the way are we telling the kids that it's a boy??
Y/N- I say no, let them be surprised
*Bucky nods and agrees*
Bucky- okay so we need everything. *He pulls out his wallet and opens it* this is gonna hurt. *He hands you his card, you laugh and hit him.*
Y/N- first this won't even make a dent in our account. *Bucky laughs and nods* also I have your card number memorized, I don't even need it. *You tease and Bucky laughs and pulls you close.* also we have a joint bank account so I don't even need your card, like ever. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- true! Then why do you ask for mine whenever you go out??
Y/N- because it feels more like a treat and like I'm being spoiled if the card has your name on it! *You give him a big toothy smile and he laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- okay, well go crazy cause this is the last one.
Y/N- I plan to! Oh also my appointment is on August 13th.
Bucky- Grants birthday, okay, I'll write it down.

*You clean up the suite and start to go through all the toys.*
Y/N- Grant?! Come here please!
*He runs in* okay, I need you to go through your toys in this room and you can keep 5 things.
Grant-What?!? I can't even make a Lego car with 5 legos!!
Y/N- No honey I mean, Legos, nerf guns, stuffed animals. If you choose your legos then you can keep all your legos. You understand?
Grant- yeah
Bucky- Grant, Is that how you speak to your mom? *Bucky says from the other room*
Grant- Sorry sir! Yes ma'am *You gently smirk and tussle his hair.*
Y/N- once you decide you need to move them to your room, okay?? *He nods*
*Grant picks his toys and so does Winnie*
Bucky- you gonna let the girls choose??
Y/N- Nope because if they each get to choose 5 things then they won't get rid of a single toy. I'm just donating what I know they don't play with.
*Bucky nods, you get the room cleaned out and Bucky moves in the one crib you kept. It was Odette's and it was a pretty hunter green color. You set it up in the corner and then you move the glider from the triplets room into the room.*
Bucky- already starting to look like a nursery!
Y/N- yup! Thank god we kept that crib and glider.
Bucky- one less thing I have to buy!
*You two walk out and shut the door to the nursery, the kids have their toys put away in their rooms and now they are sitting down having their screen time.*
Y/N- they are all going to be in school in a couple weeks, I don't know what I'm gonna do with all my free time. *Bucky smirks and wraps you in his arms, he kisses your neck and you giggle*
Bucky- oh I have some ideas!
*You smirk and reach back and pat his ass*
Y/N- you're right, getting back to missions and saving the world is a great idea!
*Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- yeah that too! But after little Ben is born. *He winks and you nod. You look at your phone and you see a missed call from Sharon, you roll your eyes and ignore it.*

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