Experience Your Love As Well

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*You wake up about two hours later to Bucky trying to shift you both to the bedroom

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*You wake up about two hours later to Bucky trying to shift you both to the bedroom.*
Bucky- sorry baby, I was trying to just get you in bed. Didn't mean to wake you.
*You give him a sleepy smile and sit up. You see it's still o my about 11pm. You stretch and let Bucky lead you into the room. You move around real slow and lazy, as he just watches you. Putting your hair up, pulling off your shirt, slipping your pants off. He watches as your fingers slip under your straps as you pull your bra off. You make your way to the shower, wanting to freshen up before you climb into bed. You don't even notice that Bucky is just sitting in the chair next to the bed, admiring your as you move about the bathroom. The water washing over your body and wiping away the grime of a long travel day. You wash around your belly and you feel Ben move around and kick, Bucky sees your face light up and just enjoy the special moment with Ben. When you're done you just stand under the water, letting hot hit and run over your sore, tight muscles. Bucky silently gets up out of the chair and loses his clothes as he walks into the bathroom. He opens the shower door and joins you, wrapping his arm around your and kissing your neck. You turn around and his lips crash to yours. There's no desperation or begging, no whining, just you and Bucky fully living in this moment. Your bodies pressed together with nothing but water between them. His hand running down your back and yours playing in his hair and rubbing his shoulders. You pull back and gently smile, you grab the soap and pour some on his shoulders. You gently lather it up and wash down his chest and stomach. Down one leg and up the other, doting on him and just taking care of him. He washes off and thanks you with a gentle, sweet kiss. You dry off and help him dry off. He gets dressed in some boxers while you put on a shirt little slip nightgown. It shows off your baby bump and the sides are see through lace. It's baby blue and it's silk. He sees you walk out of the bathroom and he is just taken with you. He sits up and crawls to the edge of the bed. You smile and he pulls you close.*
Bucky- you look amazing baby, I- wow- you- *He blushes and you giggle.*
Y/N- babe I wear this all the time-
Bucky- I know but- I just- wow baby *He gently kisses you. You smile and move on the bed with him, you lay next to him and rub his chest.*
Y/N- Mmhmm this is nice
Bucky- I love you y/n and no matter how this all turns out I want you to know that I love you so much. Every version of me loves you.
Y/N- I know baby, I love you too *You kiss him and play with his hair as he drifts off to sleep.*

*You wake up and get dressed, the kids come running in and Peter chases them*
Peter- wait wait wait!! I don't know if they are ready-
Grant- why wouldn't they be?
Winnie- what would they be doing?
*Peter stumbles over his words. You laugh and walk out to save the day.*
Y/N- we're up! *Peter let's out a sigh of relief.* thanks Peter *You hug him.* Daddy is still asleep so let's not wake-
Winnie- Daddy!!
Jonnie- Daddy daddy!
Elizabeth- Daddy!!
Odette- Daddy!?!
*They run in and jump on the bed. Bucky groans and slowly wakes up, he lets out a breathy laugh and pulls they all in a hug.*
Bucky- Mmhmm my girls! How did y'all sleep?! Good?!
Winnie- Yup!!
Jonnie- I was a little scared!
Odette- she slept in my bed
Elizabeth- I wasn't scared!
*Bucky just smiles and listens to them talk. After a bit he gets up and tries to get dressed.*
Odette- Daddy did you leave your phone in your pants again??
*Bucky let's out a nervous laugh and grabs his sweats and pulls them on real quick.*
Bucky- ye-yeah I did. I Umm- Y/N!!!
*You walk into the bedroom and Bucky dashes into the bathroom. Odette asks you the same question.*
Odette- mommy did daddy sleep with his phone again??
*She is so sweet and innocent. You smile*
Y/N- Umm ye-yeah baby. Something like that, how about y'all go get breakfast with Peter!
*They all agree and go with Peter. You find Bucky in the bathroom.*
Bucky- she so sweet and super observant and I will never be able to wake up in peace without thinking one of my children is going to ask me about my morning wood. *You laugh and kiss his cheek. You rub his lower stomach and he hums and kisses you.*
Y/N- come on, answer your "phone call" and get dressed.
*He laughs*
Bucky- you wanna answer it for me?? *He winks at you. You shake your head.*
Y/N- Nope, we've got a busy day and we can't be getting distracted. Go rub one out and let's get movin' *Bucky pouts and kisses you again. You slap his ass as he walks to the shower and he laughs.*

*Bucky gets dressed and you two go to meet Peter and the kids at breakfast. You eat quickly and then you two head to the lab while Peter and MJ take the kids for the day.*
Y/N- okay, y'all be good and listen to Peter. And Winnie?!
Winnie- yes?
Y/N- do not shove your brother into the river.
*She pouts and walks away with everyone else. Bucky laughs and you shake your head.*
Y/N- alright Shuri, we ready??
Shuri- all ready, let's get this started.

*Bucky is laying on a table and hooked up to monitors.*
Shuri- okay Bucky, we will use medication to put you into a suggestive state, we will use a series of voices saying your words and I will need you to fight the change. When you hear y/n's voice that is when you can switch. If you are successful then we will do it again. Do you understand?
Bucky- yes, I understand.
Shuri- if you want to stop just say so
Bucky- build a bear, got it! *He smiles a little and you gently smile and rub his legs Shuri shakes her head and smiles.*
Y/N- you okay baby?
Bucky- yeah baby, give me a kiss *you kiss him and he smiles.*
*He takes a deep breath and Shuri starts the process. He hears voice after voice saying his words. He feels Winter trying to break free, like he is stuck behind prison bars and trying to break out, slamming on the bars. He fights and fights. His eyes are closed and he has a mouth guard in. He groans and screams and pulls against the Vibranium restraints. You cry and cry, you take his hand.*
Y/N- I'm here baby, you're so strong, you've got this.
*Shuri looks at you and nods. You start to say his words.
Y/N- Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Девять, Добросердечный, Возвращение на Родину, Один, Товарный вагон. (Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.) *He opens his eyes and it's like a euphoric release, he doesn't fight him anymore and let's him free. Everyone stands still and no one says a word. He looks around and sees you. You start to talk.*
Y/N- Winter? Can you hear me? *He nods* everything is okay, you are safe. I'm gonna take the mouth guard out.
*You take it out and he gently smiles at you.*
Winter- I didn't think I'd see you so soon- where am I?
Y/N- okay, I need you to listen. *He nods, you explain what you're doing and he just listens, shuri and her team just stay quiet and off to the side.*
Winter- so you're not getting rid of me again? *He looks worried, you start to cry a little*
Y/N- No Winter, we are making it to where you can never be used to hurt anyone ever again but yet I don't lose you-
Winter- and I don't lose you *He leans up and kisses you, you take his face in your hands and wipe a tear from his face.*
Y/N- we need your help though. We have to do this a lot, turning you and turning you back. But you can only be free when I speak your words.
Winter- I understand, I will do my best.
Y/N- okay, I'm going to turn you back. *He nods and leans back down and you say his words. Bucky shakes his head and looks at you.*
Bucky- did it work?
*You nod and kiss him*
Shuri- okay, that was successful this time, now we must do it again.
*Bucky nods and you take a deep breath.*
Y/N- you've got this baby. He's on board too, he gonna try to help as well. *He nods*

*This goes on for hours, him fighting and screaming, trying to break free but standing strong until you use his words to free him. He is exhausted and crying, in pain and just trying to stay strong for you.*
Y/N- okay, we're done for the day.
Shuri- y/n we-
Y/N- No, we're done. We can't start again tomorrow. *She nods and looks at him*
Shuri- he's done well today but I'm afraid this is going to be harder than I thought. It will take longer. *You nod and wipe a tear. You pull Bucky up and take him back to the room. You lay him down and hold him tight. You just cry and hold him.*
Y/N- I'm sorry Bucky! I- this is all because of me- because I wanted-
Bucky- No baby- it- he's-
Y/N- shhh baby, don't- just rest-
Bucky- No I want to say this *He takes a deep breath.* he loves you, I love you. I want him to experience your love as well. He deserves this *He rubs your arm and kisses you* I want this as well.
*You cry and nod*
Bucky- but I don't know if we will let you go through this, not now with you being pregnant. I just-
Y/N- shhh shhh baby, I know. We will see.
*He holds you tight and rests his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat and calming down.*

‼️Sorry it's late! 😅❤️‼️

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