Top Notch Parenting

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*You are about 3 hours away from the compound with awhile to go

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*You are about 3 hours away from the compound with awhile to go. Jonnie and Odette have been in and out of their seats and sitting with Bucky. He holds them and watches shows with them or let's them nap a little in his lap. Elizabeth is just happily sitting in her chair coloring. Winnie keeps looking at Bucky with the two girls, she will call out to him and he will look up and give her attention but not like she wants*
Winnie- Daddy?! Look at my drawing!
*He looks up and smiles*
Bucky- looks good Winnie! *Jonnie shows him her picture and Bucky acts amazed* wow!! Can I have this?! I can?! Thank you!! *He tickles her and she laughs. Winnie turns around and pouts. She is determined to not cry.*
*Bucky gets Jonnie and Odette back in their seats. They fall asleep but Jonnie wakes up earlier then them. She leans up and whispers to Winnie.*
Jonnie- Winnie? I need to go potty.
Winnie- don't fall in! *She says and Jonnie looks scared. Winnie was just making a joke but she say this as a way to get back at Jonnie a little.*
Jonnie- w-what??
*Winnie goes on to scare Jonnie with a huge lie about the bathroom. Grant just smiles and joins in thinking they are just playing. About an hour later Jonnie announces she has to use the bathroom, loudly.*
Jonnie- I have to go to the bathroom!!
*Bucky looks at you and back at Jonnie.*
Bucky- okay, just go.
Jonnie- No Daddy you don't understand, I really have to go!
*Bucky nods and laughs to himself*
Bucky- ah! Well you can do that in the little bathroom right there.
Jonnie- no! I- I need to go home. I- I need to go in my bathroom.
*You just smile and let Bucky handle this situation.*
Bucky- I promise, that bathroom is just like yours at home. *She looks scared*
Jonnie- No!! I- I I'll just hold it.
Bucky- okay, fine. *You nudge Bucky* what?? She will go eventually.
Y/N- or she will get backed up and then we will have a bigger problem.
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- okay Jonnie come on. *He stands up and helps her out of her seat. You try to not laugh as She walks over to the bathroom, she is walking like a she's trying to keep it all in*
Jonnie- No, I'll fall and die!! 
*Bucky stops and looks down at her.*
Bucky- what?? *Bucky was very confused. She hasn't been scared of falling in the toilet since she was first potty trained.*
Jonnie- Winnie and Grant said- *She looks back at them and they are giggling and have a mischievous look on their faces. Winnie sticks out her tongue and turns around. Jonnie gets mad.* They said that since this is a jet there is no where to store all the potty stuff so there is just a big hole in the floor and you have to be careful or else you'll fall out and die!
*Bucky does his best not to laugh, you cover your mouth so they don't hear you laughing and Tony just laughs out loud. Jonnie looks around and sees everyone laughing or trying not to laugh, she starts to look sad, like she is gonna cry.*
Jonnie- I was scared and now- I- *She looks down. You notice a certain smell* I- I'm sorry! *She cries as Bucky realizes what's happened.*
Bucky- oh Jonnie, sweet little Jonnie. It's okay and I promise nothing is going to happen to you in there.
Jonnie- But Grant and Winnie-
Bucky- I will handle them, how about you let mommy help you get changed, okay?
*She sniffles and you walk over to her. You have a change of clothes ready to go and a pack of wipes. You whisper in his ear as he walks by.*
Y/N- Umm as funny as that was, please rain down hell fire on them. 
Bucky- oh I plan to! *He gives you a big smile and you smile back and kiss him.*
Y/N- come on sweet girl. *She looks up at you*
Jonnie- are you sure mommy??
Y/N- yeah baby, look I'll go in first! *You walk in the bathroom and show her that it is totally normal and safe. She takes a deep breath and follows you in. You get her cleaned up as Bucky handled the others.*

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