Tell Me All About It

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*You wake up in the morning and roll over into Bucky's arms

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*You wake up in the morning and roll over into Bucky's arms. You just stare at him while he sleeps, no care in the world, just pure, blissful peace. You play with his hair as you take in all he is. Everything that you've both been through, who would have thought you'd end up here. Pregnant with your sixth child while your five other children sleep soundly in their beds. In a giant compound filled with your best friends and family. All this feeling of family and the hormones, it makes you miss your mom a little. An odd feeling as you were so young when you lost her and there isn't too much you remember but still every girl deserves a mom. You'd never admit this to Bucky because you know he would kill himself trying to make it right, but when you were in labor with all your babies a small part of you wanted to cry out for your mom. Maybe you need to tell him, you don't want to make him feel like he's not enough though. He is, he is more than enough, it's just instinctual to want your mom when something is hard, isn't it? At least that's how your kids acts, and you don't mind it one bit. You hear Bucky hum, you look done and see he is awake. You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- how long have you been awake?
Bucky- right about the time you really zoned out in thought. *You laugh and kiss him again.* Mmhmm good morning
Y/N- good morning
Bucky- what's going on in that pretty brain of yours, huh??
*You smile and kiss him, moving your hand along his waist. You whisper against his lips*
Y/N- I'll tell you later *You kiss him as he hums and smiles. You roll on top of him and he rubs your body. You smirk and move your hands down his arms to his hands, you gently remove them and raise them above his head. He quietly laughs and just lets you have your fun. You keep his wrists in one hand while you trace the other down his body. You nibble on his neck and moan, Bucky hums.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you can't have sex baby
Y/N- I know, doesn't mean we can't have some fun. *You kiss his neck and chest. You release his hands and move down his body, kissing his stomach and abs. You get to the waistband of his boxers and you look up at him.*
Bucky- you're killing me baby girl *He smiles*
Y/N- I know *You wink, you move down farther and kiss his thighs, squeezing them gently before moving back up Bucky's body. You tease his nipples a little and then kiss him again.*
Bucky- you are breathtaking, you know that? So incredibly stunning and I'm just in awe of you. That you would love me. *Bucky is playing dirty, playing off your emotions and hormones. But you know he truly means every word he is saying. You start to tear up a little and he just smiles and opens his arms. You sigh and lay down in them and he rubs your back.*
Y/N- that was sneaky and mean.
Bucky- that was called being a good husband and knowing when to whip out the praise. *He tickles you and you laugh and kiss him.* Now are you gonna tell me what you were thinking about?
Y/N- No, I will just not now.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- you wanna see pictures from the date?
Y/N- yes!! *You shoot up and Bucky laughs, sitting up as well.*
Bucky- okay, here you go.
*He hand should his phone and you use your Face ID and unlock his phone. You open his pictures and find tons of pictures from last night.*
Y/N- did the girls take some of these??
Bucky- Yup!
*You laugh and swipe through the photos and videos. Some are blurry and others are clear. The girls are jumping around and singing and then the phone falls and faces the sky. You laugh. Then it's in selfie mode and it shows Elizabeth and Jonnie in Bucky's arms. The phone then falls in Bucky's lap and you hear him groan and then pick up the phone. You laugh*
Y/N- that one got you, huh??
Bucky- Yup, right in the jewels. *You laugh and kiss his cheek and continue looking through the photos. Bucky took a selfie with each girl and then there is a big group one. You send it to yourself.*
Bucky- did you and Grant have fun?
Y/N- yeah, actually I need to talk to you about some stuff.

*Bucky sits up, realizing this is a more serious conversation. You tell him about Grant and how he is feeling about being a hero.*
Bucky- well I'm glad he's not feeling pressured by us. I hate that he's getting it at school though.
Y/N- yeah, he seemed more at ease after we talked.
Bucky- good! You know we may need to spend more one on one time with all of them.
Y/N- yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Bucky- Grant especially, he almost cried when he thought I was coming along and would be taking your attention away from him. He just wanted his mama all to himself for a bit.
Y/N- that breaks my heart-
Bucky- hey, he is okay. He just wants more time. And I think we can make that happen, don't you?
Y/N- yeah, we can. Especially before Ben comes. *Bucky nods and kisses you. He takes your phone and unlocks it with his Face ID. He looks at the pictures of you and Grant. Both of you look so nice and really enjoyed your time together. Grant is just having the time of his life in each photo, snuggled up with you and happy. You snuggle up next to Bucky as he sends the best picture of you and Grant to himself. He looks down at you and kisses your nose.*
Bucky- hey, talk to me. What's going on?
Y/N- I just wish I had had parents, that's all. My mom was gone before I really knew her and my dad was the asshole to end all assholes so... I'm just glad we can give our children better than what we had. Which I know your parents were great-
Bucky- well, for their time they were great. A lot has changed since then as well. *You smirk and kiss him.*
Y/N- I love you and thank you for being the dad our children deserve.
*He smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- thank you for being the mom our children deserve.
*You snuggle closer and he kisses you. You hear little hands on the door and you laugh, Bucky hits the remote and the door opens. They all come running in and climbing in bed.*
Y/N- oh come here! Tell me all about your dates!
*The girls start talking at once and just smiling and giggling. Grant quietly talks with Bucky and Bucky just listens and smiles. You all sit there in the glow of the morning light as the kids tell you all about how much fun they had. You rub your belly and just imagine what it's gonna be like in a couple months.*

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