So Many Babies

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Wattpad is being weird and I can't post a photo with this... 😒😒

*You dig around in your bathroom*
Y/N- I can't find any tests.
Bucky- did you check under the sink??
Y/N- yes!
Bucky- did you check under my sink??
Y/N- ye- No, why would they be under yours?!
Bucky- I remember you saying something along the lines of "So if I have to use these before Winnie is two you'll have to grab them and realize the choices that lead us here."
*You laugh because you do remember saying that. You check and sure enough there they are! You grab one out and Bucky walks in the bathroom, you push him out and shut the door*
Bucky- I've seen you push a human out of your vagina and yet you make me leave so you can pee on a stick??
*You laugh*
Y/N- yup!! Because if this is positive you're never seeing my body again! *You tease, Bucky walks in the bathroom and leans against the wall*
Bucky- see you say that but we have another baby so *He smirks and you roll your eyes. You finish up and wash your hands. You and Bucky just wait in silence.*
Y/N- you know, I don't care what this says... I know I'm pregnant. *Bucky smiles and takes it from you* oh god Bucky... I mean I knew they were all close together but now that it's actually going to happen I- ugh I don't know-
*You sit on the edge of the tub and hang your head. Bucky looks at you and then the test. He kneels in front of you*
Bucky- don't freak out about it baby, it's gonna be okay. I feel I should let you know that the test is negative.
*Your head shoots up*
Y/N- what?!? *You hold your belly and start to tear up* it's negative?!?
Bucky- yeah, *You take a deep breath and wipe your tears* look now we can plan a little more and really get ready for them. Yeah??
*You nod and hug him*
Y/N- as freaked out and stressed as I was, I was really expecting it to be positive. I'm actually sad now.
*Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- I know baby, it's okay though. *He sets the test down and you take it to look at it. You gasp and hit his arm*
Y/N- it's positive you asshole!
Bucky- No it's not- nothing was showing up, that's means negative!
Y/N- that means it was done yet!! **You roll your eyes*
Bucky- oh, well it's done now?! *You nod* and it's positive?!? *You laugh and nod* we're having a baby?!?
Y/N- Babies!!! 3 to be exact! *Bucky laughs and shakes his head* did you really miss read the test or were you pulling a Friends moment??
Bucky- I'm really just an idiot and couldn't read the test. *He laughs and you chuckle. You kiss him and he speaks against your lips*
Are you happy??
*You pull back and look at him, his beautiful blue eyes gazing over you. You look in the room and see baby clothes all over the floor, you laugh and look back at Bucky*
Y/N- yeah, and there's no one else I'd rather do this with. *Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- I love you, *He leans down and kisses your belly* and I love you three. *You run your hands through his hair and he pull you hand to his lips, he kisses your fingers and you gently smile*
Y/N- let's keep it between us for now, yeah?
*Bucky nods and lifts you into his arms*
Bucky- I mean Steve probably already knows, *You laugh as Bucky walks into the bedroom* his weird sixths sense probably went off the minute we conceived. *You laugh again and Bucky lays you on the bed*
Y/N- Ha! Probably!
*Bucky looks down at you*
Bucky- you wanna talk about this or-
Y/N- let's just celebrate, I wanna be happy about this, I was freaking out a little earlier and that's not what I want to remember of this night.
*Bucky nods and kisses you*
Bucky- Let's celebrate

*You and Bucky celebrate almost all night, you had to cut him off eventually because you are pregnant after all!*
Bucky- oh come on baby, *He smirks* I know you've got one more in you! *He winks*
*You laugh and run to the bathroom*
Y/N- yup! And that's where it's staying! *You tease and Bucky comes running at you and you squeal. He picks you up and walks into the shower with you*
Bucky- fine but let me at least clean up my mess... huh?! *He kisses your neck and you giggle*
Y/N- Nope, hands to yourself. *You pat his ass and he roll his eyes and pulls you into his arms, he kisses you and then nibbles your nose, you giggle and push him away. You two get cleaned up and head to bed*

*You are about 2 months pregnant now and you are starting to show, especially with having triplets.*
Doctor- Triplets!! Wow how excited are you two?! You'll have 5 kids under 4!
*You and Bucky both nervously laugh*
Doctor- I'm gonna be honest with you two, this is a very high risk pregnancy so all the things I said you could do during your last two, forget them. Bedrest, no heavy lifting-
Y/N- what is considered heavy??
Doctor- well to you I have no idea *You and Bucky chuckle and your doctor smiles* anything you have to strain to lift, at least right now. Once you get farther along you should refrain from even lifting your other children. *You nod and look at Bucky*
Bucky- okay what else??
Doctor- all the times I said your "normal" sex life was okay?
Bucky- yeah-
Doctor- yeah not anymore, I mean I don't need the details but I'm assuming your normal is not missionary.
*Bucky chuckles and you blush*
Bucky- Ha, Umm you'd be correct. *He clears his throat*
Doctor- well now it is, come your third trimester, if you make it that long, there will be strict no sex because at that point your body could go into labor at any moment and it's doesn't need any extra help.
Y/N- so you're tell me that my sex life for the foreseeable future is almost non existent.
Doctor- Thats not what I said, look you just need to be careful, we want to keep those babies in for as long as we can.
*You and Bucky agree. You head home and as you walk into the door Steve is walking by. He stops and looks at you and Bucky*
Steve- so... you're pregnant?
*Bucky looks at you and laughs*
Bucky- Told you *You laugh and nod, Steve smiles and hugs you both.*

*Everyone is happy and Tony speeds up the renovation. Winnie thinks it's funny that your belly is bigger, Grant keeps looking at it and patting it, you're about 4 months now but look about 6, the girls are growing*
Grant- Baby!
Y/N- yeah Grant! Mommy does have a baby in her belly!
Bucky- 3 babies!
Grant- Baby! *He looks for Winnie* sissy!!
Winnie- annnt
Grant- innie!! Baby!!
*Winnie toddles over, it's so cute. She drags her piglet doll with her and touches your belly. She laughs and Grant smiles*
Grant- Baby!!
Bucky- yeah Grant, you're gonna have 3 more sisters!
*Grant touches your belly*
Grant- Sissy?? *He looks at Winnie* sissy.
Y/N- yeah, you're gonna have more sissy's
*Grant smiles and kisses your belly then he runs off.*
Grant- innie!!! *Winnie follows after him. You sit back on the couch and rub your growing belly*
Y/N- so many kids...
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Yup, that's my bad, I'll take the "L" on that one. *He teases and you laugh, you kiss him as he turns the TV on. You hear your babies playing in the background and it's the best sound in the world, their little giggles and squeals.*

‼️Any body watch Pam&Tommy?! 🥵😏😉😳😅😳😅😘❤️All I can say is wow! ‼️

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