Winter- James' Wolves

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‼️These new photos of Seb are making me Feral! So enjoy them with me! 🤤😏🥵🥵🥵‼️

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‼️These new photos of Seb are making me Feral! So enjoy them with me! 🤤😏🥵🥵🥵‼️

*You go about your day with the kids. They want to drag you all around and show you where they've been playing all week.*
Winnie- Peter took us to this cool waterfall pool thing. I don't think we were suppose to be there but it was still fun!
*You look at Peter and he shrugs.*
Grant- I learned how to fight with Okoye!
*You look at Bucky and he just smiles.*
Jonnie- can I have a baby goat?!
*Bucky picks her up and tickles her.*
Bucky- maybe, come on I want to take y'all somewhere. Y'all get dressed while I go take care of something.

*You get the kids dressed and they watch a show while waiting on Bucky.*
Bucky- hey Shuri! I have a question-
Shuri- and I might have an answer but if it involves the new tricks with your hand I'd rather not answer-
Bucky- No! No *He laughs* Umm it's about the land out by the river. The land my little guy is on. I was wondering if I could buy that from you, or the Wakandan government.
*Shuri smiles and nods*
Shuri- well actually the land is yours.
*Bucky looks confused*
Bucky- what do you mean?
Shuri- I was told not to bring it up unless and you quote my late brother "the white wolf comes home". He didn't know if you'd ever find peace outside of here, so he made arrangements for you to have a small bit of peace here. The reason no one is within 3 miles of the river where your hit is, is because it's all yours. Tchalla made sure of it. *Bucky smiles and tears up a little* so I will take your money if you insist but it's is already yours.
*Bucky nods and wipes a tear.*
Bucky- Thank you Shuri- thank you. How are you by the way? Your mom-
Shuri- we are surviving, we keep moving forward. It's what he would want up to do.
*Bucky nods gives her a hug. He then makes his way back to the room.*

*The kids are ready to go as Bucky walks in.*
Grant- where are we going?!
Elizabeth- can I bring my book??
Odette- do I have to walk?
Jonnie- let's go!!
Winnie- do we need to bring anything?
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- so many questions!! *He kisses you* they get that from you! *You laugh and slap his ass.*
Y/N- kids get your shoes and head to the door. Don't bring anything else.
*They all hop to it and Bucky leads them outside.*
Y/N- can you tell me where we are going??
*He looks at you and smiles*
Bucky- our home away from home *He winks and you hold his arm.*
Y/N- so Shuri sold you the land??
Bucky- Nope, it's was already mine. *You look at him confused.* I'll tell you later baby. *He kisses your head and you walk down the road.*
Winnie- Daddy are we going to the hut?
Bucky- we will see! Let's not call it the hut anymore. Come up with a fun name for it.
Grant- okay!!
Winnie- oh fun!!
Jonnie- Goats!!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Thats a weird name Jonnie-
Jonnie- No look, Goats!
*She runs down the road to the pen of goats. She jumps in and finds the baby. He runs around with her and you just laugh*
Y/N- we're gonna have to take that goat home with us.
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- yeah, probably *You laugh and rub Bucky's back.* okay kids, gather around!
*They all gather next to the river.* mommy and I have a surprise for you. This land is ours and we are going to build a house here!
*The kids look at each other and then look around.*
Winnie- But does that mean we won't live with Sarah anymore?! *That got Grant's attention*
Grant- what?!? No!! We can't- *His sisters look at him and smirk. They start to tease him.* I mean she's Winnie's best friend and I'll miss uncle Steve! We can't!
Jonnie- oooo Grant likes Sarah!!
Odette- he loves her!
*The girls giggle and Grant just sighs*
Bucky- we aren't moving here. It will be a place to get away to during the summer and when you're not in school.
*The kids all nod and understand.*
Bucky- okay, now Grant where do you want your room to be?
*Grant smiles and runs around, he picks a place near some trees. Winnie picks bear the river and the triplets pick between the river and where the animals are. You rub your belly and watch them all run around and giggle as they plan out the house.*
Bucky- well I don't know if we can put the water slide from the top of the house to the river but we can try.
*You laugh and Bucky looks back at you and winks.*
*The kids end up playing in the river while you and Bucky sit on the bank.*
Y/N- so tell me how you scored this little piece of heaven? *Bucky tells you how it was left to him.* wow, that was really nice of him. I wish I could have met him.
Bucky- he was a good man
*You lean your head on Bucky's shoulder. He rubs your arm with his metal hand. He smiles as he feels the warmth of your arm.* I can't get over this, it's amazing. *You giggle and kiss him*
Winnie- ewww! Mommy, Daddy stop!
Grant- I'm gonna be sick!
*You laugh and kiss him again. The triplets giggle*
Bucky- I love you
Y/N- I love you too
*The kids get out and come lay in the grass to dry off.*
Grant- we should name it after dad or something!
Winnie- yeah!
Jonnie- Daddy's house!
Elizabeth- Thats not what they meant. They meant his actual name.
Odette- what's his actually name??
*The kids all look at each other*
Grant- Thats a good question
*You and Bucky are watching the water rush by as the kids come running up.*
Winnie- Daddy what's your name?
*You and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- well my name is James-
Grant- then why does mom call you Bucky? And Uncle Steve?
Bucky- Thats because of my middle name-
Jonnie- what's a middle name??
*You and Bucky look at each other.*
Y/N- it's just another name that you are given at birth.
Winnie- like mine is James!
Bucky- Yup, exactly!
*Grant thinks for a minute.*
Grant- how did you come up with your super hero names?
*You and Bucky look at each other again*
Bucky- they were given to us.
*Grant nods*
Grant- do you like them?
*You gently smile and so does Bucky*
Y/N- yeah Bud, I like mine.
Bucky- and I like mine.
*Grant nods*
Grant- Winnie, come here *He pulls her off to the side, you look at Bucky and you two smile.*
Grant- I think I know what we should name this place. *Winnie smiles and nods*

*The kids go about the afternoon playing until they are exhausted and hungry.*
Jonnie- I'm hungry mama, can we go back to the palace?
Y/N- yeah baby, let's go.
*You all start down the road when Grant and Winnie Stop you all*
Winnie- we know what we want to name our new house.
Grant- Winter-James' Wolves
Winnie- it's all of our names wrapped into one!
*You smirk and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- how so?
Grant- Winter, you and mom. James, you and Winnie. Wolves, you and all of us kids!
*You and Bucky laugh and nod. You hug and kiss Grant and Winnie.*
Y/N- it's a great name for a house!
Bucky- a little long but I like it! *He smiles* come on, let's go eat! *Bucky lifts Jonnie and Winnie on his shoulders. You hold Grant and Odetts hand, Elizabeth walks in front of you all reading.*

‼️I know what I promised... 😅😅 sorry. It won't happen today. But tomorrow is feeling like a very smutty Friday! So buckle up! 😈😏😉🤤🥵‼️

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