A Great First Day

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*Bucky and you take a warm bath and end up being all warm and fluffy all night, just making out and not being able to get enough of each other

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*Bucky and you take a warm bath and end up being all warm and fluffy all night, just making out and not being able to get enough of each other. The weekend goes by and before you know it Monday morning comes. Your alarm goes off and you get right up and get dressed. You go wake Grant up and he whines a little.*
Y/N- I know, but today is your first day at preschool baby. We need to eat breakfast and get dressed.
Grant- I ired mama *He rubs his eyes*
Y/N- I know you're tired baby. Come here. *You hold him tight and he snuggles into you. You kiss his head and he smiles*
Grant- I ungry mama
Y/N- okay, let's go wake daddy and then we will go get breakfast. Okay! *He nods and run out of the room, he pushes open the door to your room, he climbs on the bed and crawls over to Bucky side. He pats his face and wakes him the same way you woke Grant. He kisses his cheek*
Grant- Dada, ake up.. eee need bekfast!
*Bucky chuckles and pulls Grant into a hug as he keeps his eyes closed. He kisses his head and Grant starts to wiggle around*
Grant- Dada dada! I ungry..
Bucky- okay bud, how about we go make breakfast
Grant- yes!
Bucky- alright, let's go.
*Bucky lifts Grant in his arms and takes him downstairs to start breakfast while you get his clothes ready. You get Winnie's clothes out and wait till breakfast is ready to get her up. She is cranky when you wake her up before she's ready to be woken up.*
Y/N- okay, Winnie boo, it's time to wake up. We have to eat breakfast and go to school. *Winnie rubs her eyes and whines. She stands and lifts her arms to you* I know, I hate waking up too. Let's go eat, yeah?! *She nods. You get her out of her crib and hold her hand as she slowly walks out of the room and down the hall. You are winded and need to call Bucky to help her down the stairs.*
Bucky- y/n?? You okay?
Y/N- yeah, just a little winded. I'm gonna get dressed and get their clothes. I'll bring them down with me. Once I walk down these stairs I can't walk back up. *Bucky nods and squeezes your hand.*
Bucky- come on Winnie boo.

*You get dressed and slowly head downstairs.*
Y/N- crap, Bucky. I forgot their clothes.
Bucky- I'll grab them, go eat. *He kisses your head and you walk over to the table. Grant and Winnie are slowly eating their food. You can tell they are a little nervous and so are you.*
Bucky- okay, who's ready for school?!
*Peter walks in*
Peter- I am! *He laughs and you smiles. Bucky gives him a gentle shove* I don't have to be at school till 10 today, can I come with y'all to drop them off??
*You look at Bucky and he shrugs*
Y/N- sure!
*Steve and Nat walk into the kitchen with Sarah, she is all dressed and holding her stuffy*
Y/N- hey SarBear! Are you ready??
*She hides her face in Steve's shoulder*
Steve- We had a rough morning, Miss Sarah here pitched a royal fit when we woke her up.
*You laugh and point to Winnie*
Y/N- if I hadn't of had food ready for her that would have been miss priss too.
*Nat smiles and looks at you*
Nat- y/n?? You okay??
Y/N- yeah, just a little nervous about today. My babies being away from me and our family.
*She takes your hand and you see that she feels the same way.*
*Sam, Yelena, and Kate walk in the room*
Y/N- what are y'all doing up??
Sam- I'm always up this early.
Bucky- yeah but you're usually running or something, not actually here.
Yelena- we thought we'd go with you guys this morning. See off my nieces and nephew.
*You smile, that was the first time Yelena has ever considered you or your children as family. She notices your look and she smiles and then walks out. Kate looks around*
Kate- I Uhh I just don't want to be left here alone, also I thought I'd see Graham cracker and Win off to school.
*You and Bucky laugh*
Y/N- the more the merrier!
*Tony and Pepper are getting Morgan ready for school*
Tony- hey we are gonna go with you guys, Morgan is just gonna be late today. *You smile and look at Bucky*
Kate- Clint said he would be here if he could but he's got his own kids he's got to get to school
*You smile*
Y/N- thanks guys, it means a lot.

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