Friend Time

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*You eat dinner and head up to bed with Grant and Winnie, Bucky stays back to help clean up

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*You eat dinner and head up to bed with Grant and Winnie, Bucky stays back to help clean up.*
Steve- She's looking a little low. *Bucky watches you walk up the stairs and nods*
Bucky- yeah, I think they have dropped a little, which means literally any day now.
*Steve nods*
Nat- I'm gonna go up and talk with y/n, you have Sarah, Steve. *He nods and Nat heads upstairs.*
Bucky- so are you and Nat-
Steve- Nope! *He smiles and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- you two aren't thinking about anymore?
Steve- not at the moment, we know we have three boys but we aren't really focusing on when, just focusing on getting some sleep at the moment. *Bucky laughs and nods, they clean in silence for a bit*
Bucky- have you spent time with y/n recently??
Steve- No, I've been meaning to stop by and steal her away for a bit but *He motions to Sarah* babies. *Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- well feel free to steal her away a little later, I won't mind.
Steve- you sure??
Bucky- yeah! *Bucky laughs* I've got some plans for tonight and if things go well for me and y/n then we may just have some babies by tomorrow night. *Steve looks at Bucky confused* sex Stevie, I plan to have sex with my wife tonight so get your friend time in now because she might go into labor.
*Steve nods and laughs*
Steve- okay, didn't need that much information.
*Steve takes Sarah upstairs and gets her ready for bed*
Steve- hey Sarah, I hope you know how much daddy loves you. *She looks up at him and touches his lips with her hand. He smiles and kisses her hand* mama loves you too, she's just a little overwhelmed, so could you go to sleep for us? *Sarah giggles* yeah that's what I thought. *He kisses her head and lays her down, she cries and then entertains herself. Steve turns on the monitor and heads to your room with it.*

*Nat comes in the room and Sees Grant running around without a diaper and Winnie crying on the couch, wrapped in a towel.*
Nat- you need some help??
*You pop out of the bathroom and nod*
Y/N- yes please! Put a diaper on Grant before he owes everywhere. *Nat does what you asked and then gets Grant dressed in his pjs. She gets Winnie dressed and ready for bed too. You walk into the bedroom and lean over the bed. Nat walks in with both kids*
Nat- go tell mama Goodnight and that you love her. Aunt Nat is going to put you to bed tonight.
*Grant runs over and hugs your legs*
Grant- I luv y-yooou mama! Goodnight!
Y/N- Goodnight baby, mama loves you too. *You blow his a kiss. Winnie wanted you to hold her, Nat walks over and you give her a hug and kiss her head*
Winnie- I ouve oouu mama! Ooonight mmwwwahh *She kisses your cheek*
Y/N- I love you too Winnie boo, Goodnight.
*Nat takes them to their rooms, turns on their noise machines and oil diffusers. She gets them in bed and gives them their stuffies. They both pass out*

*Nat finds you laying in bed*
Nat- how you feeling??
Y/N- like I have three babies fighting their way out of my body.
Nat- well at least you're a realist!
*You laugh, Nat lays on Bucky's side of the bed, she hugs one of the decorative pillows to her chest and sighs. You look at her, she stares straight ahead*
Nat- I think I'm pregnant... *You are utterly shocked, you can't even form a sentence.* I haven't taken a test but I'm late.
*You pick your jaw up off the floor*
Y/N- ummm okay, well I have a test in the bathroom. I figured I buy a giant box back when I saw that giant family photo. *Nat laughs and nods, she goes to the bathroom and finds the test.*
Nat- can I take it in here??
Y/N- go ahead!
*Nat takes it and comes back out. She holds it in her hand as she lays down and stares up at the ceiling.*
Nat- If it's negative Steve is permanently wearing a condom, I don't care what he says about it feeling different. If it's positive, I'm never having sex again. *You laugh and agree*
Y/N- I get what you mean.
*You sit in silence, she hands you the test*
Nat- I can't look because if it's positive I don't know if I can be happy about it at the moment. *You nod and take the test.*
Y/N- well you still get to have sex, tell Steve to buy condoms in bulk, it's cheaper. *Nat sighs in relief*
Nat- please don't think of me as a horrible mom, I just- I don't know if I could handle another on right now. It's all still so new and I'm just trying to keep my head above water right now.
*You take Nat's hand*
Y/N- I could never think you're a bad mom. You're aloud to have bad days or weeks! Just keep going, I promise it gets better. *Nat looks at you and nods, she wipes a tear*
Nat- thank you y/n.
*You smile and nod. Steve walks in and sees you two laying in the bed. He walks in and kisses Nat.*
Steve- you okay? *Nat nods* look *He shows her the monitor* she's asleep, she put herself to sleep. I think she was ready to do it herself and we were still trying to rock her. *Nat smile and squeezes your hand, you squeeze it back*
Nat- sweet girl, getting so big. *She get sup and kisses Steve* if you don't mind I'm going to go take a bath and just sit in the silence. *Steve smiles and rubs her back* thanks again y/n. *You nod and smile, she leaves. Steve lays down where Nat was*
Steve- so y/n, how've you been?
*You laugh and so does Steve. He holds your hand like Nat did*
Y/N- oh Stevie, we're parents.
Steve- yeah, we are. And I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing... you?
Y/N- Well I'm a pro so *You flip you hair and Steve laughs. You smile* no, I have no idea what's happening, just making sure they get fed and feel loved. That's all I got. *Steve smiles and nods.*
Steve- do you ever miss your life before kids?
Y/N- sometimes, it would be nice to be able to do something or complete a task without someone hands patting my butt wanting my attention.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- you'd have to go back to Pre-Bucky to get that!
*You laughs and agree*
Y/N- Steve I need to be honest with you for a moment. *Steve sits up and looks at you* you need to check on Nat, I think she's dealing with some- well I don't really know what it is. She's overwhelmed and I'm only telling you this because I would want her to tell Bucky if I was in the same place. Just check on her.
*Steve nods and sits up, he kisses your head and thanks you*
Steve- the minute these babies are out and able to survive and hour or two without you, we are going to dinner, need to catch Lucy up on our lives. *You laugh and agree*
Y/N- its a date! *You smile, Bucky walks in and laughs*
Bucky- I told you to come have friend time, not seduce my wife! *He jokes and Steve raises his hands and laughs*
Steve- She's all yours! *He kisses your hand and then pats Bucky on the back, he leaves and closes the main door, Bucky walks him out and locks the door behind him. He walks in and sees you sitting in the edge of the bed. He smiles and walks over to you.*
Bucky- come on, I've got some sweet, sensual plans for us tonight. *You smile and Bucky kisses you*

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