Sweetness And Love

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*Bucky gets the girls loaded in the car and they get buckled up

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*Bucky gets the girls loaded in the car and they get buckled up.*
Winnie- Daddy where are we going??
Bucky- well I know how much you girls love your macaroni so I was thinking an Italian place.
Jonnie- yummy!!
Elizabeth- I'm gonna get spaghetti!!
Odette- can I get pizza??
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- I'm sure they have all of that!
Winnie- Mmhmm sounds delicious! *She smiles and Bucky laughs and looks back at all of them in the rearview.*
Bucky- alright, let's go!

*He drives there and he lets the girls pick the music. They pick Disney songs on repeat. They pull up to the restaurant and Bucky gets all the girls out. He walks inside with them all hand in hand. The hostess looks at them and just smiles*
Hostess- well hello there! And what are y'all celebrating??
Winnie- our daddy is taking us on a date! *Winnie beams up at her.*
Hostess- oh well that's special! And we happen to have a special booth for you 5!
*The girls smile and giggle. The hostess leans over to Bucky*
Hostess- I hope the back booth is okay, Mr Barnes?
Bucky- perfect, thanks you! *He whispers* alright girls, follow this nice lady.
*They all follow her and skip their way to their table.*
Winnie- I wanna sit next to daddy!
Jonnie- No I want to!
Elizabeth- No me!
Odette- my turn!!
*Bucky smiles and scoots in the middle of the booth. The girls file in next to him. Winnie and Odette on one side, Elizabeth and Jonnie on the other.*
Bucky- alright girls, you wanna look at your menus?? *He hands them their kid's menu. They all take their crayons and start to color. Bucky even took one and has some crayons. He colors and talks to the girls as they wait for their waitress.*
Bucky- so are you girls ready to start school??
Odette- I'm a little nervous *She doesn't even look up, just coloring away.*
Bucky- why's that?
Odette- because it's a big school.
Bucky- that's understandable. Elizabeth? Are you ready??
Elizabeth- yeah, I like learning. *She smiles up at him*
Bucky- Jonnie??
*Jonnie balances the crayon on her lips and looks at Bucky, it falls and she laughs*
Jonnie- I don't want to go, but I know I have to.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- that is correct!
*She giggles and puts the crayon back on her lips.*
Bucky- Winnie??
Winnie- I'm excited to go back to school with Sarah and Nora!
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- you live with Sarah, you see all the time!
Winnie- I know but at school it's different.
Bucky- okay, is Nora in your class?
Winnie- No, she is in Grant's remember?!
Bucky- oh right! Yes. And y'all play together outside.
Winnie- Yup! *She smiles and then shows Bucky her picture.*
Bucky- very pretty *He smiles*

*The girls draw pictures and show Bucky one by one. He applauded each of them. The waitress walks up and Bucky asks her to take a photo of him and his girls, before the food fest starts. She laughs a bad gets a really cute picture of all the girls huddled around Bucky. He orders all their food and it gets out rather quickly.*
Winnie- Mmhmm macaroni!!
Elizabeth- spaghetti *Her face is covered in red sauce.*
Odette- can you cut my pizza?!? *He cuts it up and she eats it all.*
Jonnie- my macaroni is all gone!
*He pokes her belly*
Bucky- I think I found it! *She giggles*
*Bucky eats his food in between the girls begging for his attention. They are done way before he is so he just gets a to go box. He pats and they head out to the car*
Winnie- Daddy?? Can we get ice cream??
Bucky- you bet!
*The girls jump and squeal. They get loaded in the car and they head to the ice cream shop. He gets them each a little kids cone with their ice cream and then they sit in the grass and eat it. Jonnie climbs in Bucky's lap and snuggles up to him, chocolate all over her face and now his shirt. He just smiles and kisses her head. Winnie and Odette finish their ice cream and start to do cartwheels and flips in the grass while Bucky watches. Elizabeth took his phone and she is trying to take photos. She gets a few good ones, then she climbs into Bucky's lap with Jonnie. Winnie and Odette are definitely the spitfires, they will knock you out in a heartbeat if they need to and Elizabeth and Jonnie are the goofy, sweet, gentle ones. Winnie and Odette can be that way too, but more often than not they are running around and just bossing people around. Bucky laughs as he watches his girls. He takes pictures and videos of all of them.*

Bucky- okay girls, we gotta head home!
*They all grumble and get in the car. Once they are on the road they all pass out. Bucky just laughs and enjoys the quiet ride home, looking back and seeing their sweet, tired faces. He pulls in and gets them inside, they were not happy about waking up but then they got in the bath and it all went away, these girls love bath time, or anything to do with water really. Bucky let them bath in your shower and tub, they liked to watch the water flow over and drain into the shower. They get dried off and dressed and he tucks them into bed, reading them a story and then kissing them Goodnight. As he walks out of the triplets room he is just overwhelmed with how he has been blessed.*
Bucky- okay Winnie boo, your turn.
*He carries her to bed and tucks her in*
Winnie- I love you daddy
Bucky- I love you too Winnie boo *He kisses her head* Goodnight.

*He closes her door and lays down on the couch, he looks over the picture tires Elizabeth took and the ones he took. He then sees the picture from the restaurant, his files surrounding him. So much sweetness and love just hanging on his metal arm, not scared one bit, just loving their time with their daddy. He wipes a tear from his eye and then he gets up to get ready for bed and read.*

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