Wild Nights

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‼️Hopefully y'all like this! I went a tiny bit wild but nothing will come of it! Just some fun! 😉‼️

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‼️Hopefully y'all like this! I went a tiny bit wild but nothing will come of it! Just some fun! 😉‼️

*You get ready, you decide to wear a short little blue dress. It's tight and it leaves very little to the imagination.*
Nat- he's never gonna let you leave wearing that!
Y/N- well good thing I'm not asking for permission *You smirk*
Wanda- true! But you might want it, you know just in case "Daddy" makes an appearance. *You and Nat laugh*
Y/N- ehhh it'll be more fun this way!
*You head downstairs*
Y/N- okay Bucky, we're off!
*Bucky sees you*
Bucky- hold it!!
Nat- told you *She whispers and you smirk, you walk over and Bucky pulls you into his arms, he rubs your ass, Nat and Wanda look away.*
Bucky- you trying to make me jealous??
Y/N- Ha! No, why would you say that??
Bucky- because all these men get to see you in this tonight but I don't. It makes me sad *He pouts and you laugh and kiss him*
Y/N- yeah but you get to see what's underneath tonight. *You wink and grab Bucky's ass, a moan escapes his lips, it's surprises everyone in the room.*
Nat- Damn *She whispers*
Wanda- that was kinda hot *She whispers back and Nat nods. You kiss Bucky and walk out the door.*
Y/N- be good!
Bucky- yeah you too! Or not! *He smirks and bites his lip. Nat and Wanda laugh and to tease Bucky you three walk to the car draped all over each other.*
Bucky- well fuck... *He looks at his watch* ehh I got time for a shower *He runs up the stairs, his pants growing tighter by the minute.*

*You climb in the car, you sit in the front seat while Nat drives, Wanda sits in the back. Nat takes you to a bar in town, it's filled with people and loud music. You get drinks and find a table to sit at.*
Y/N- oh as much as I love my kids I am so glad to be without them for a day!
Nat- amen! *She raises her glass*
Wanda- okay, no kid talk! *She smiles* just us girls!
Y/N- amen!
*You all have about 3 drinks each. Wanda made it so all the drinks her and Nat had didn't effect them. A couple men started to notice how well you all could "keep up"*
Man 1- so, you ladies know how to drink don't ya.
Y/N- wow, super observant *Nat laughs*
Man 2- so you three girls up for some fun? *He leans closer to you and Wanda swoops in and puts her arm around you.*
Wanda- We are, but not with you.
Man 1- oh I see you three together?
Nat- only on the weekends, and our men don't mind. *You and Wanda try not to laugh*
Man 1- well I doubt any man would mind if you three ladies gave them a show. *You roll your eyes and start to ignore them.*
Man 2- oh bratty I see, well maybe a real man could put you in your place, huh?! *You turn around*
Y/N- you know what?! You're so right! I should call my husband-
Nat- which one?? The Winter Soldier or White Wolf?
Wanda- Definitely Winter soldier
Y/N- yeah and maybe my friend here can call hers too, really help put us in our place. Nat will you call Captain America or Nomad??
Nat- Definitely Nomad
*Wanda smiles*
Wanda- and I'll just call my good friend the Hulk
*The two men look terrified, they stumble over their words run away. You three laugh and order more drinks*

*Two hours later*
Wanda- okay, you've got to tell us!!
Nat- yeah, how was it?!
Y/N- okay fine! Honestly, it was amazing! I couldn't move if I wanted to do I was completely at his mercy, just hanging there and waiting to be-
Nat- wrecked
Y/N- Devoured
*Wanda and Nat smirk*
Nat- Huh... maybe I need to get Steve to install one of those bars in our room. *She smiles*
Y/N- oh Steve would fucking love it
Wanda- what to use on Nat?
Nat/ y/n- No for himself!
*You all laugh and continue on with your stories*
Wanda- so you two regularly peg Steve and Bucky?! *You and Nat nod* wow, I never would have guessed that. Like I know they both enjoy getting bosses around every now and then but I never thought y'all actually-
Y/N- fucked them
Wanda- yeah!
*You laugh*
Y/N- yeah we do... you and Vision ever-
Nat- does Vision even have a-
Wanda- okay, yes he does and now we don't.
*You finish your 10th drink*
Wanda- So... you two ever? *She motions between Nat and you. You both laugh a little*
Nat- No, but I already know how it would go.
Y/N- oh do you?!
Nat- Oh yeah! Remember back in Hydra?! I stand by what I said, you'd be a mamas girl, for sure!
*You shake your head and laugh*
Wanda- But like you totally could if you wanted to.. right?! Like Bucky and Steve would totally be okay with that.
Nat- Definitely
Y/N- absolutely, but it'll never happen.
Wanda- wow, not even a kiss?! *She teases and you look at Nat*
Y/N- ehhh maybe one day, she'd have to get me drunk though.
*You three laugh and finally decide to order some food.*
Y/N- so Nat have you thought about the kid question??
Nat- Yes and I've told Steve that when Sarah is potty trained we can start trying again. *You smile*
Wanda- why do you think you were so apprehensive before?
Nat- I just wanted time to focus on my girl. She's the only one I have so I wanted to relish the time I had with just her. *You wipe a tear*
Oh good lord y/n's emotional again!
Y/N- of course I am! It's so sweet!
Wanda- you're not pregnant are you?!
Y/N- Ha! No, I've made sure that isn't happening anytime soon. What about you Wanda? Have you been able to find Billy and Tommy??
Wanda- No, but I won't stop looking, ever.
*You take her hand and squeeze it. You eat and throw back a couple more drinks before you head home. When you get there you see the lights off and no cars in the driveway.*
Y/N- where did everyone go?!
*You walk in and the lights turn on and everyone yells*
Bucky- surprise!!!
Steve- Happy Birthday!!
Grant- mamama!!!
Winnie- yay!!!
Peter- wooohooo
*You laugh and look at Nat and Wanda*
Y/N- that's why y'all kept me drinking huh?!
Nat- Yup!!
*Bucky walks up and kisses you*
Bucky- happy birthday baby
Y/N- thank you Bucky!
Steve- we invited everyone and made sure to keep the drinks flowing!
Nat- thank god! *Nat heads over with Wanda and starts fixing herself something.*
Y/N- this is amazing, thank you!!
*There are pretty twinkling lights, the back doors are open to the pool, letting in the summer breeze. The food is cooking and it's smells so good. There is a huge cake and all kinds of sweets*
Bucky- only the best for you *He kisses your cheek and you smile* but first you need to say Goodnight to the kids and then we can party.
Y/N- who is putting them down??
Bucky- Peter and Kate *You find them and snuggle your babies for a bit. You kiss them Goodnight and they both wish you a sleepy happy birthday, your heart could burst. You head back downstairs and find Bucky to thank him once again for a wonderful day.*
Bucky- ha y/n we have guests!
Y/N- I don't care, I want you. Now *You kiss him and lift your leg up his side. He takes your leg and pulls you against him.*
Bucky- Mmhm we need to move, someone may see!
Y/N- when has that ever stopped you before?!
*You smirk and kiss Bucky. He moans and lifts you in his arms. He moves through the kitchen and finds the pantry. He walks inside and shuts the door. He bunches your dress up around your waist and he slides your underwear to the side. He pushes in and you moan, loudly.*
Bucky- ha shhh you gotta be quiet! The mucus loud but not that loud!
*You smirk and move your hips with Bucky's*
Y/N- Mmhmm you're just too good!
*He smirks and kisses you. He speeds up and your ass hits the wall over and over. You moan as he hits your sweet spot, you cum with no warning and you move out of Bucky's arms. You drop to your knees and take him in your mouth. You suck him off and he cums deep in your mouth, singing your praises as he does*
Bucky- Mmhm so good baby girl! Just like that! * he pulls you up and kisses you* damn you'd think it's my birthday! * you laugh and kiss Bucky. You situate yourself and so does Bucky. You walk out and see if anyone heard you, it seems that no one did. You walk out into the hallway and you see Dr. Strange and his date Christine Palmer. They look at you both knowingly and you blush, Bucky just waves and pulls you past them.*
Bucky- I told you to be quiet Baby girl! *You giggle*

*You are drinking and talking with everyone when Tony suggests a game*
Tony- since everyone here is officially an adult, looking at you Peter, let's play some adult Never have I ever!
Steve- what makes it adult??
Tony- ehhh you'll see! *He smirks and sits next to Pepper.* who's first??
Y/N- I'll go! Never have I ever done drugs
*Tony side eyes you*
Tony- I'm pretty sure the serum counts as a drug.
Y/N- fine, recreational drugs.
*Tony raises a hand, so does Thor.*
Bucky- Thor?!?
Thor- what?? Some man offered me something called molly, it was nice but I'll never do it again.
*You laugh and shake you're head.*
Y/N- alright what happens now??
Tony- now you choose, we have to do what ever you deem right. *You laugh and start to think devious thoughts.*
Y/N- we will go low key first and y'all have to snuggle up together till something else takes y'all away from one another.
*Tony opens his arms*
Tony- I'll snuggle a god, I'm secure!
*Thor laughs and walks over, he sits next to Tony and Tony lust and arm around him.*
Bucky- okay, I'll go and I'll actually slice it up! *He tease you and you laugh* Never have I ever had a threesome *Everyone ooohs and looks around. Tony raises his hand and so does Thor, you see Loki walk in and raise his hand. Then Nat raises her hand and that shocks all of you.*
Steve- what?!?
Nat- it was with Daniel
Steve- and who else?!
Nat- Sydney..
*Your jaw drops*
Y/N- No?!? What!!! *You can't stop smiling*
Wanda- I thought you said you've never been with a women.
Nat- I never said that and Sydney's not a women
Steve- when was this discussion?!
Y/N- at drinks earlier! Well damn Nat! *You laugh and high five her*
Thor- why does Steve looks is displeased about this Sydney person? It was in the past right??
Steve- yes but-
Bucky- but what??
Y/N- this is Sydney! *You show them a picture
Of him and they all understand now.*
Bucky- Damn!
*Steve rolls his eyes and Nat kisses him. She whispers in his ear*
Nat- Don't worry, you're still bigger than both of them *She winks and Steve blushes*
Steve- good!
Y/N- okay, what do they have to do??
Bucky- I say they have to race around the house and then down a whole beer.
*They all stand up and run out. Thor finishes first, Nat doesn't even try.*
Nat- I don't run unless I have to *She smiles and snuggles up next to Steve*
*The game goes on and Tony loses one of his cars to Strange. Steve loses his pants and shirt. You have to sit in Bucky's lap. Peter has to preform a song and dance number, he goes all out. The others leave and it's just your main group left. Pepper went to bed and so did MJ and Kate, so the only women there are You, Nat, and Wanda. Last question of the night goes to Bucky and he had a secret wish he wanted to see fulfilled before his eyes.*
Bucky- okay, this one's gonna be a little gross on my part but I'm always such a gentleman and not like this I just have to, Never have I ever NOT kissed a women. *He smirks and looks at you. You roll your eyes and Nat just smirks and shakes her head. Wanda scoffs. Wanda lifted the spell on her and Nat hours ago so they are feeling their drinks and you've been throwing them back so quickly that you're starting to feels a little buzzed and a little wild*
Y/N- wow, if you wanted to see Nat, Wanda, and I kiss all you had to do was ask. *You smirk*
*Nat walks over and stands next to you and Wanda stands on the other side. You turn and Nat kisses you, you then turn and Wanda kisses you, then they kiss in front of you. You all smirk and look at the guys, every single one of them are just stunned and staring with smiles on their faces. You laugh and look at Wanda*
Y/N- now wipe the minds of everyone except our men
Wanda- Gladly! *The men start to protest but she does it and now they don't remember it happening. You three laugh and your men just smile*

*The night ends and you head off to bed, Bucky holds you back to make sure no one else is around or can hear what he's about to say. He pulls your back against his chest and whispers in your ear and his lips brush your ear.*
Bucky- That was hot! *You smirk and turn around*
Y/N- like what you saw??
Bucky- Oh yeah! But Daddy doesn't like anyone else tasting these perfect lips of yours, but I'll give it a pass since it's your birthday. *You smirk and kiss him.* now let's get upstairs, Daddy owes you some birthday spankings! *You giggle and laugh as Bucky slaps your ass while you run to the room*

‼️Also lol, my second day at a new posting time and I'm already late! 😅😅‼️

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