What Did I Tell You

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‼️TW- swearing lol, slapping, spitting, rough Dom/Angry/passion-filled Bucky! It gets a little fiery people! 😈🥵🤤‼️

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‼️TW- swearing lol, slapping, spitting, rough Dom/Angry/passion-filled Bucky! It gets a little fiery people! 😈🥵🤤‼️

*You walk in the bedroom, the curtains are shut and the blinds shut. There is some music playing, it's so low you can't hear what it is exactly but it definitely sounds sensual. There are candles lit and the lights are dimmed. You see Bucky walk out of the bathroom, he is wearing his grey sweatpants and they are so low you almost see his goods. You smirk and walk to the closet*
Y/N- so, am I going the whole 9 yards and throwing on some outfit that you'll rip to shreds-
*Bucky wraps his hands around your waist, brushing along your stretch marks and c-section scar. You try to pull away and he holds you in place. He leaves open mouthed kisses up your neck, you relax into his embrace.*
Bucky- surprise me *He nibbles on your ear as he whispers. He runs his metal fingers down the other side of your neck and then suddenly all contact is gone and the door to the closet is shut. You turn around and Bucky had left you alone to change. You take a deep breath and start to get undressed, you look at yourself in the mirror and see your scars and stretch marks. Your body is slowly healing and soon you'll get back to working out and training, you just don't feel like yourself. Like the shell of the kick ass Black widow women you were before. You start to get in you head and you don't realize the door open behind you, Bucky walks in and he hears you sniffle and sees you wipe tears away. You give yourself a pep talk without realizing he was there.*
Y/N- okay y/n, you've got this. He loves you, he literally seen your insides at this point and he still wants you so that's something. You'll be yourself again one day and if not *You sigh* that's okay too. *You run your fingers over your scars and marks. And a tear falls* ugh y/n this is silly, it's just skin, a body! He loves you for more than your body! *Bucky gently smiles and realizes he's about to cry too. He slips back out before you notice.*
Y/N- okay, we're gonna call this a self esteem exercise, you're gonna walk out completely naked. Nothing on your body and just be proud of what your body has done. It has brought life into this word, 5 times! And it has literally brought the Winter Soldier and Captain America to their knees begging, your body is incredible and you need to start believing it even if you don't feel it! *You nod and take a deep breath, you let your hair down and open the closet door, you see Bucky sitting in the chair in the corner, lot in thought. When he hears the door open he looks up and his jaw drops, he stands up and you swear you see a tent in his pants already. You'd be lying if you said that didn't make you feel a little better.*
Bucky- wow, when I said surprise me I didn't realize you were gonna literally leave me breathless.
*He walks towards you and pulls you into his arms. He kisses you deeply and rubs his hands along your body. He brushes your scars and marks and you break the kiss*
Y/N- Bucky-
Bucky- let me help you with them, like you've done for me. Please? *His eyes pleading. Your heart melts. Bucky kisses you. He looks deeply into your eyes and moves his hands to the side of your face, not touching any other part of your body, just your eyes.* y/n I love you so much, just you. Every part and version of me loves every part and version of you. You are my wife and the mother of my children. My best friend and partner and all of that makes the physical aspect of our relationship what it is. Without all of that this wouldn't be anything special. *You almost cry and Bucky chuckles, realizing he just stuck his foot in his mouth again but hopefully he can explain* and what I mean by that is, your body and our physical relationship is just the delicious icing on top of our 45 layered cake of a relationship. It makes it sweet and interesting but it's not what makes us, us. Baby look at me. *You do* you are everything to me and without your love and kindness I wouldn't be the man I am and none of that has anything to do with your body. *Your tears fall, this time understanding what he's trying to say. He kisses them away and holds you close* now, will you let me help you with your scars?
Y/N- yes Bucky, please. *You and Bucky both wanted to just tear into one another and really break in this sex play room Bucky made your new bedroom to be, but it's like the universe knew you two really needed this instead, you'll get to the other stuff later.*

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