Love Is Messy

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*The weeks fly by and soon it's Steve's birthday

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*The weeks fly by and soon it's Steve's birthday. You and Bucky plan to get him out of the house while Nat sets up his party. You take him to the art museum and to lunch. You have Odette in the stroller while Bucky has Elizabeth strapped to him and you have Jonnie strapped to you. Grant and Winnie stayed back to "help", Peter and Kate are watching them for you guys.*
Steve- y'all really don't have to do all of this, honestly!
Y/N- we want to!
Bucky- yeah! Most of our time is taken up by our kids these days. We feel like we haven't seen you!
*Steve laughs and nods*
Steve- yeah, I went to the gym to train, and I was actually winded! I need to get back in shape. *You look Steve up and down and tease*
Y/N- yeah, because you've totally let yourself go. *You say sarcastically. He laughs and wraps you in a tight hug.*
Steve- alright where to next??
Bucky- nothing now, back home for your party. And this year I think Nat invited literally everyone you know.
*Steve groans and then smiles. Y'all head home and party all night. And by all night you mean 9pm and then Steve and Nat are kicking people out*
Scott- come on man?! One more drink!
Steve- No, I'm exhausted! Drive safe and thanks for coming!
Shuri- just cause you're over 100 years old doesn't mean you have to act it.
Bucky- yes it does, Shuri stop antagonizing him. See you soon!
Carol- great party, happy Birthday!
*Everyone leaves and you all start to head to your rooms when you accidentally overhear Peter talking to Kate.*
*You whisper scream and push everyone back*
Y/N- Back up! Back up!
Bucky- wha-
Y/N- Peter and Kate!
*Steve and Bucky look at one another and nod*

Kate- so what did you want to talk about?
Peter- I've been doing a lot of thinking-
Kate- okay?
Peter- I'd like to take you out on a date-
Kate- Really?! *She smiles*
Peter- y-yeah
Kate- what about MJ?
Peter- I want to see what we have-
Kate- But she's still here, which means you haven't told her that you're going on a date with me.
Peter- No I have
Kate- so you're just testing the waters
Peter- wouldn't you rather test the waters before we dive in?
Kate- I'd rather just dive- *She leans forward and kisses Peter* but if you wanna tiptoe in then fine, I'll see you later.
*She leaves and Peter leans against the wall and hangs his head in his hands. You motion for everyone to go on past and you come up next to Peter and hug him. He holds you tight.*
Peter- I just don't want to lose them
Y/N- I know Peter, I know.
*Peter heads off to bed and you catch up with Bucky. He holds you as you two walk to the room. You get ready for bed and fall asleep in his arms.*

*The next day Peter goes on his date with Kate. You wish him luck and they head out.*
Peter- So I made reservations at this great place.
Kate- okay *She smiles at Peter*
*They drive there and have a lovely and quiet dinner, probably the quietest they've both ever been. They get back to the compound and Peter stops in his tracks, he looks at Kate.*
Peter- Kate I'm sorry
Kate- What? Why?
Peter- because I was so in my head tonight I couldn't even enjoy our date. He hardly talked and I didn't even complement you on how nice you look- can we have a do over?
*Kate laughs and nods*
Kate- yeah, I'd like that. *Peter opens the door to the car* oh you mean right now?!
Peter- yeah!
*She gets in and Peter takes off. He stops on a random road in the city.*
Kate- Peter? What are we doing??
Peter- this is my spot, where I come to think. I wanna show you.
*Peter goes in to the gas station down the road and grabs some snacks. He then uses a wed and slings himself and Kate up on stop of the building. It's tall and has an out of use billboard on top. They sit down and Kate opens her snacks. They laugh and share so many stories, their most embarrassing moments, what they wanted to be when they grew up, their favorite movies. They both had a lot of fun, when the laughter dies a little late looks at Peter and he leans in and kisses her. He slips one hand along the side of her face. She smiles, it was nice but it didn't feel right, even the night before when she kisses him there wasn't a spark, there should be a spark. She pulls back, they look into each others eyes and Kate sighs. She strokes the side of Peter's face and he can tell what she's thinking.*
Kate- Peter.
Peter- yeah.
*She gently smirks and kisses his cheek*
Peter- I do like you Kate, but-
Kate- but you love her, *Peter starts to apologize* Peter you never have to apologize for loving someone. Truthfully, I didn't feel a spark, there should be a spark. We both deserve a love like y/n and Bucky's.
Peter- I don't know if anyone can have a love like theirs.
Kate- Steve and Nat do, Wanda and Vision do, from what I've heard Winnie and Thor and Sarah and Grant do, in the future of course *Peter laughs and nods*
Kate- and even though it doesn't thrill me, I can see that you and MJ have that type of love.
*Peter gently smiles and tears brim his eyes*
Peter- I'm sorry that all this hot so screwed up and messy. *Kate shrugs*
Kate- love is messy *Peter hugs her and she kisses his cheek* maybe we can have a friendship like Y/n and Steve!
Peter- yes!! *They both laugh and then hop down, they make their way home and for the first time in weeks Peter feels a weight off his chest and Kate feels free, which is odd but she doesn't mind it.*

‼️Okay, so I am wrapping up Winter's Widow on Tiktok tonight! The crazy thing is today exactly a year ago I posted my first part of this sort and today I finish it! 😱 I don't even plan it that way! All of that to say, I am start Thunder's Throne on TT tomorrow! I am changing when I post though and that will effect when I post on here. I am only posting once a day between 12:30-1pm EST! I will post the TT and Wattpad chapter together, hopefully that will help out some of you who are in different time zones! So look for tomorrow's chapter at 12:30-1!! 🥰‼️

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