Baby- Moon pt4

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*He lays you down on the bed* Bucky- so beautiful *He kisses you as he boxes you in

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*He lays you down on the bed*
Bucky- so beautiful *He kisses you as he boxes you in. You run your hands up his back and down his shirt, feeling his warm skin beneath your fingers.*
Y/N- I need this gone *You pull at his shirt, he smiles and lifts it off.* and this *You pull at yours trying to lift it off. Bucky lightly laughs and helps you*
Bucky- what about this? *He plays with the straps of your bra. You smile and nod. You bite your lip as he sits you up. He reaches behind you and unhooks it, letting it slide off. He pulls you close, his bare chest against yours, his warmth and muscles feeling so good against your body.*
Bucky- better?
Y/N- so much
*You pull him into a kiss, he lays beside you again and you two continue to make out. You run your hands along his chest as he holds you. Occasionally he will stroke your sides and along the side of your breast, leaving goosebumps along your skin. He kisses your neck and down your chest as you to grow close and closer. It's extremely sensual and exactly what you needed to get going.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky *You say Breathlessly. You pull at his pants and he gets the hint.*
Bucky- I've got you, y/n. *He kisses you as he removes his pants. Pulling them off in one motion. He leaves his boxer briefs on, you notice when you move your hand along his ass and you feel them. You pout a little*
Y/N- Bucky *You whine, you didn't mean to but that's how it came out*
Bucky- I know, I just want to draw this out a little. The build up is just too good. *You whimper as he kisses you, you quietly agree against his lips.*
Y/N- okay
*He gently smiles and kisses you.*
Bucky- I love you so much, y/n.
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky.
*He slips your pants down and off. He teases you through your underwear as he kisses your neck, returning his attention to the love bites he left earlier. He pulls your underwear to the side and poises a finger at your entrance. He slowly pushes one in and you moan as you slowly stretch around it.*
Y/N- Mmhmm baby- I- please?!
*Bucky kisses you and removes his finger. He kisses his way down your body as he reassures you.*
Bucky- trust me, I've got you baby.
*You whimper as he pulls your underwear down and off. He slowly spreads your legs as he trails his hands up your thighs. He slips his hands under your ass and gives a gentle squeeze as he peppers your skin with kisses. He gets closer and closer to your center. You let out a blissful sigh as he slowly licks up your center to your clit.*
Y/N- oh Bucky!
Bucky- I've got you *Is all he says*
*He lays down between your legs and lays them on his shoulders. He rubs up and down your thighs as he starts to sensually eat you out. You moan and grind against his face, he holds your hips down and keeps you in place.*
Bucky- let me take care of you baby girl.
*You smile and take a deep breath as Bucky goes back to what he was doing. He slips a finger inside you and starts to pump in and out at at steady pace. You moan and he smirks against yours skin. He adds another one and starts to curl his fingers. You see stars and cum with no warning, squirting in his mouth and on his face. He works you through your high, he lightly laughs and sits up. You see him wipe his face off on his discarded shirt. You blush and hide your face, he moves your hands and kisses them before he kisses you.*
Bucky- No need to be embarrassed baby. I love it when you do that *He smiles and kisses you. He sees the look in your eyes, the embarrassment replaced by lust.* you want more, huh?!
Y/N- I want you! *You wiggle your hips and he smirks. He pulls his boxers off and boxes you in. He kisses you and speaks against your lips. He thrusts into you as he does.*
Bucky- you got it baby girl *You gasp and grab his arms as you arch off the bed, moaning as he stretches you.*

Y/N- Bucky- *He cuts you off as he kisses you and starts to thrust in and out. He goes slow, you can feel every inch of him inside you. Your eyes roll back as he brushes past your sweet spot. He kisses your neck, knowing that just felt amazing.*
Bucky- you feel so good, so tight baby
*You move your hands up his chest and settle them on his shoulders. You then move them up and take his face in your hands. You bring him closer and kiss him as he speeds up every-so-slightly.*
Bucky- Mmhmm fffffuck *He speeds up and moans in your ear. He hits the right spot and you cum, hard. You are about to black out when you feel him cum inside you. The sounds he makes are so beautiful, he's so vulnerable with you and that could make you go another round. He kisses you as he slows down and gently pulls out. He kneels above you and looks down at you, he smirks and laughs a little. You smile and rub your hands up his chest.*
Y/N- Mmhmm you were so good. Always so. Fucking. Good!
*He laughs and lays down next to you. He pulls you close and kisses you*
Bucky- it's only cause I have an amazing partner. *He kisses you chest, then your neck, then your lips* the best one a man could ask for.
Y/N- I love you so much
*You feel all warm and fluffy. Bucky kisses your nose*
Bucky- I love you too, Y/n.
*You smile and snuggle up to him. You start to think about your life with Bucky, you get an idea.*
Y/N- hey Bucky?
Bucky- hhmmm? *He hums in response. He's about to fall asleep, you laugh*
Y/N- what if we spent some time with Odette and Winter?
*Bucky opens his eyes and looks at you*
Bucky- what do you mean?
Y/N- you turn me and you spend sometime with Odette. Then she turns you to Winter, they spend some time together, then he turns me back and get some time with him, then I turn you back.
*Bucky rubs his face and lightly laughs. He sits up and nods*
Bucky- okay, yeah. That would be nice, since they are actually in our side now.
*You smile and kiss him, he looks you in the eyes*
Bucky- you are super sure?
*You nod*
Y/N- yes Bucky. I want her to spend some time with you and I want her to really experience this *You rub your belly and he looks down at your hand and smiles. He kisses it and then kisses you. He takes your face in his hands and says your word.*
Bucky- Swan

*You enter what use to be the back room. Instead it's a training room. One from Hydra.*
Y/N- what in the- Odette?!
Odette- what?
*You turn around and come face to face with yourself. She smiles*
Y/N- you redecorated?!
Odette- well yeah. That old room was more Winter's speed. Since he created me it made sense that my "holding cell" would look like his. But we are our own person now, so I changed it.
Y/N- is this- *You look around and you try not to cry, you remind yourself it's not real.* this is where we trained with Johnathon.
*She smiles and nods*
Odette- yeah, I mean the room wasn't this emerald green color and there wasn't a ballet bar in it- *She looks at you* but yeah, this was the room.
*You nod and wipe a tear.*
Y/N- he was too good
Odette- he definitely had his moments- from what I can remember of him.
*You smile and take her hand. You place her hand on your belly and close your eyes. When she opens hers she is laying in Bucky's arms.*

Odette- hi
*Bucky gently smiles*
Bucky- hey *You kiss him and he hums against your lips*
Bucky- good to see you too
Odette- this was nice of you two, thank you for this- *Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- well I wanted some time with you and she wanted some time with Winter. And we both wanted y'all to have some time together... *Odette gently smiles and kisses him*
Odette- well what are we waiting for?! I've been craving some of your sweet lovin'
*Bucky laughs and moves between her legs. He smiles and she blushes.*
Bucky- lovin' or fuckin'?
*You pretends like you're thinking*
Odette- I can't choose so I guess we will have to settle for both! *Bucky laughs and nods. He kisses you and pulls you close*
Bucky- then Buckle up, baby.

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