Now Let's Focus

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*The day goes on and you stay seated by the fire as Steve and Bucky fix the heater

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*The day goes on and you stay seated by the fire as Steve and Bucky fix the heater.*
Steve- yeah that lever right there
*Bucky does something, you hear a bang and crash and then a horrible burning smell.*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
Bucky- it's okay! ThTs the good burning smell!
Nat- is there ever a good burning smell??
*You point to her and agree*
Steve- yeah, it's just burning away all the dust from the year. It's fine.
Y/N- I'm not looking to add "give birth in the snow AND fire" to my bingo card of life.
*Nat laughs and Bucky walks over to you and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- it's okay, I promise.
*You rub your belly and groan. Bucky is by your side in a minute.*
Bucky- y/n?
Y/N- I'm- Mmhm I'm okay. I just- ahhh! *You grab your belly* contractions!
*Bucky rubs your back and looks to Steve and Nat. Nat moves to find some towels and clear off the table. Steve gets the kids upstairs.*
Steve- hey kids! Let's go watch a movie upstairs!
*They all cheer and yell. They run inside and up the stairs, safely out of the way. Bucky kisses your shoulder and then pulls you up*
Bucky- come on baby, we need to see where we're at.
Y/N- we're at?!? Me! I'm the one pushing a baby out of my body with no meds and in a cabin!
Bucky -I know baby, I know. Let's see where you're at.
*You groan as you walk. Bucky lifts you on the table and you lay down. He helps you pull your pants down and off. Nat comes down with the towels and sheets. She drapes one over your lower half.*
Bucky- okay y/n, I'm gonna check and see how far along you are.
*You nod and lay back. Nat sits by your head and just holds your hand as Bucky checks you*
Bucky- okay, good news! You aren't having Ben here! Bad news is, you're only about half a centimeter dilated. Which means this could go in for awhile.
*You scream and cover your face. Bucky helps you sit up. You hear little feet come downstairs, they stop before you can see but you know it's Grant.*
Y/N- Grant, come out.
*He does*
Bucky- we need you to stay upstairs with Uncle Steve.
Grant- I heard mommy yell, is she okay?
*He looks so worried. He walks towards you and Bucky pulls him into his lap.*
Bucky- mommy's okay, she's getting ready to welcome your new little sibling into the world. But to do that we need you to stay with Uncle Steve, okay?
*Grant nods and hugs Bucky. He looks at you  and you rub his cheek. He hugs you and kisses your belly. He whispers*
Grant- see you soon
*He runs back upstairs. You look at Bucky and cry. He stands up and holds you close. He rubs your back and kisses your head. Nat quietly leaves the room to give you a moment.*

Bucky- look, everything is going to be okay. It's stopped snowing and it's starting to heat up outside. We will be out in no time.
*You sniffle and take a deep breath.*

*The kids are running in and out of the house. Some notice you on the table.*
Jonnie- mommy! *She giggles* you don't sit on the table! *You smile and she runs out.*
Odette- mommy? Why aren't you wearing pants?
*You groan at the realization you still need to get dressed again.*
Bucky- go play outside.
*She does, Bucky helps you get dressed again. Nothing else happens the rest of the day, a few contractions but nothing too bad. The snow is melting more and more but there is still a lot on the road. Throughout the night your contractions become stronger and stronger.*
Y/N- ahhhh! *You quiet your screams shading your pillow so the kids aren't scared.* Bucky check me, I have to be ready to push!
*He checks you*
Bucky- oh baby, you're only about 3 centimeters now.
*You cry and lay down. Bucky gets a cold rag for your neck and just holds you. The kids wake up early and they want to see you.*
Winnie- I wanna see mommy, please?
*Bucky looks back into the room and sees you sitting up.*
Bucky- okay, but let's make it quick. Then get dressed and play outside.
*She comes in and crawls in bed next to you. She hugs you and kisses your belly.*
Winnie- I love you mommy
*You smile*
Y/N- I love you too Winnie boo.
*She goes and plays outside with Grant and the others. James, Anthony, and Samuel stay inside with Steve and make cookies.*

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