Coming Into Her Own

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*Bucky gives you the best massage of your life, hands rubbing over your sore muscles and his mouth leaving little love bites all long your body, driving you crazy*Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky, either seal the deal of knock it off

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*Bucky gives you the best massage of your life, hands rubbing over your sore muscles and his mouth leaving little love bites all long your body, driving you crazy*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky, either seal the deal of knock it off. *You whine and pull him up to you, you kiss him and Bucky chuckles against your lips*
Bucky- sorry baby, we aren't doing anything tonight. I know we have the green light but after the other night I want you to rest. I know we need to get these babies moving but I'm not quite ready for the girls to make their entrance yet. *He kisses your cheek and you smile, you understand but you're not happy about it. You and Bucky head to bed*

*The next day you get Grant dressed and as Bucky chases Winnie around.*
Winnie- mama!! Elp!?! *She jumps on the couch and hides behind you. Bucky laughs and sits next to you, Winnie hides against your back. You laugh*
Y/N- what's going on Winnie Boo?!
Winnie- Dada ic ong dess!! *You laugh*
Y/N- Daddy picked the wrong dress?!? What?!  Daddy how could you?! *You pretend to be shocked*
Bucky- oh oh silly of me! *He makes a funny face* I'm sorry Winnie boo, which one do you want? Come show me!
*She jumps down and runs into her room, Bucky laughs and follows her. She points to her dusty rose colored romper.*
Bucky- you want this dress?? *She nods* this isn't a dress baby-
Winnie- dess!! *Bucky puts his hands up and laughs*
Bucky- okay, this dress it is
*Bucky gets her dressed and she runs back out and stands in front of you to fix her hair*
Y/N- oh I love your dress baby, you look so cute!
*Bucky walks in*
Bucky- you know that's not a- *You give him a look and Winnie crosses her arms and stares at Bucky*
Y/N- let her believe it's a dress, it's not worth the fight. *You laugh and Bucky shakes her head. He sits down and brushes you away.*
Bucky- trust me Winnie boo, you want Daddy to braid your hair, mama never really had practice with this. *Winnie giggles and looks at you. You kiss Bucky's cheek and Winnie yells at you*
Winnie- Nooo!! Mama no!
*Bucky smiles and laughs, you pout*
Bucky- oh now you know how it feels!
*You grab his face and make a big show of it. You kiss him again and Winnie pouts*
Y/N- he was mine first Winnie boo! *You kiss her cheek too and she giggles*
Winnie- wuv ooo mama!
Y/N- I love you too sweet girl
*Grant climbs up on the couch and kisses your cheek*
Grant- luv ouu mama!
Y/N- thank you Little Wolf!
*Bucky finishes braiding Winnie's hair and she twirls around in her "dress" and shows off her hair*
Winnie- mama!! Oook
Y/N- I see! Daddy did a great job, didn't he!?
*Bucky looks at you and smiles, he leans in and kisses you, sweet and gentle. You hear Grant and Winnie giggle, Grant runs away and acts silly, Winnie covers her eyes and squeals. You laugh and Bucky kisses you again*
Bucky- alright, who wants to go get lunchboxes and clothes for school?!
*Grant cheers and runs to the door, he waits by it because Bucky hasn't unlocked the new lock that's out of his reach. He looks at Bucky impatiently. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- I'm coming, I'm coming! *He walks over and opens the door for Grant, Winnie comes running by. You laugh and follow them out the door, Bucky closes it behind him and goes to help Winnie and you down the stairs.*
Grant- Saaar *He jumps off the bottom stair and runs over to her. She is eating breakfast in her chair and she laughs as she sees Grant. Winnie runs over and pats Steve's leg, he turns around and laughs. He picks her up and she smiles at him.*
Grant- Atttt!! *Nat turns around and picks him up*
Nat- Hey Grant! You want some yogurt?! *Grant smiles and nods. You and Bucky finally catch up to Grant and Winnie*
Bucky- well thank you for the offer but we are gonna go to out for breakfast.
Y/N- gonna make a whole morning of our school shopping trip.
Nat- well have fun!! *She sets Grant down and he stands by Sarah's highchair. She waves her hand in his face and he kisses it. She giggles and Grant smiles. Bucky laughs and Steve walks over and lifts Grant in the air, tickling him.*
Steve- watch it kid! *He makes a funny face and Grant laughs and squeals.* here take little Casanova here. *He hands Grant to Bucky and he laughs*
Bucky- let's go Little Wolf! Your natural charm isn't welcome here! *Bucky walks away dramatically and you laugh.*
Y/N- we will see you guys later. *Steve waves and you kiss Sarah's head* bye rah-rah!
*She smiles and waves. Winnie waves and takes your hand, she walks out the door with you. Bucky gets Winnie in her seat next to Grant and then helps you in, you're needing a lot of help these days. Bucky climbs in and starts the car. He look in the back seat and sees Winnie and Grant smiling back at him through their little mirrors. He winks and they laugh, he looks back at you*
Bucky- we're gonna need to get three more car seats, and soon. *You sigh and nod. You rub your belly*
Y/N- yeah, maybe we can grab those today.
*Bucky nods and kisses your cheek.*
Bucky- alright, let's go! *He rests his hand on your thigh and you blush. He chuckles and takes off down the road*

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