Busy Schedule

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*The rest of the day everyone is getting settled into their new normals

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*The rest of the day everyone is getting settled into their new normals. Yelena and Sam setting into parenthood. Nat being the older, helpful sister. You and Bucky planning out your summer*
Y/N- okay, I think maybe we could stay home in July. So we will travel and do our vacations in June.
Bucky- sounds good to me baby. What will our vacations be this year? *He smiles*
Y/N- well... *You smile and pull him close, like you're trying to butter him up* before Ben was born I was researching some big family trips.
*Bucky catches on to what you're doing. He smirks down at you and sighs. He lifts an eyebrow at you*
Bucky- how much is it gonna cost?
*You giggle*
Y/N- not as much as you think! *You try to butter him up some more. You rub his back and give him your best innocent eyes* the kids will have so much fun! And they will all enjoy it-
Bucky- Ben will enjoy it?! And it will be June in-
Y/N- I know, I know- look Ben will be with me the whole time in the stroller and me and you will take turns watching him and the others being with the kids!
*Bucky smiles and shakes his head*
Bucky- it's still gonna be hot as hell!
Y/N- well it's a good thing you look really sexy while you're all sweaty and being fatherly. *You smile up at him as you rest your chin on his chest. He laughs and you kiss his chest. He lets out a loud dramatic sigh and takes your face in his hands.*
Bucky- fine, we can go. *You smile and start to celebrate when Bucky laughs and pulls you close*
Let's not tell the kids yet, let's wait. *You agree*
Y/N- when should we go?
Bucky- maybe once Ben is 2 months old. Give him some extra time to grow. *You nod*
Y/N- the 2nd week of June it is! *You smile and kiss him* I'm so excited!!
Bucky- I can tell! *He laughs* be honest is this for the kids or you? Because I remember promising you a trip many years ago and it seems you're just using the kids as leverage at this point. *He narrows his gaze at you and you laugh*
Y/N- both! *Bucky tickles you and you kiss him*

*You and Bucky are making plans for your secret trip with the kids and Steve walks by*
Steve- hey what are y'all doing? Oh cool-
Y/N- shhhh the kids don't know.
*Steve nods*
Steve- I want to take the kids but Nat refuses to carry Samuel around when we go. So we are waiting a couple years.
Bucky- see, that's gonna be you. *He looks at you and you shake your head*
Y/N- oh hush! *You tussle his hair* I believe you had something to talk to Steve about.
Bucky- oh yeah! Okay so I've been in talks with Shuri and she said she can get us a meeting with their architect by the end of June. So we were thinking of taking the family back out there for the last two weeks and making some plans. What do you say?
Steve- I'll talk to Nat and let you know but it sounds good! On another note, y/n what would you say to you and me going for lunch?
*You look at Bucky and then back at Steve*
Y/N- I'd love that *You smile and Bucky agrees*
Bucky- yeah, you two go! Have some fun!
*You look back at Steve*
Y/N- how about tomorrow? We can go when Ben is napping.
Steve- sounds good! *He heads off to find the Nat and tell her about the trip.*
Y/N- you gonna be okay with Ben?
Bucky- y/n, come on. Look at me. *He motions to himself and you smile and look him up and down.* I'm a pro at this. *He kisses you* he wont even notice you're gone.
*You pout a little, you didn't like that thought.*
Bucky- actually he probably will and he will probably be grumpy and give me a hard time *You laugh* but we will be okay. You have fun with Steve, I know it's been awhile since y'all were able to spend some time together. *You kiss him*
Y/N- thanks babe

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