You. Did. What?!?

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*You get dressed and get the kids dressed

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*You get dressed and get the kids dressed. Bucky is making breakfast as you get clothes washed and suitcases unpacked.*
Bucky- okay so I'm gonna take Grant to the store. We are gonna get some lumber and stuff for a fence for the goats.
*you laugh*
Y/N- okay, so that's what our busy day is? You building a fence?
Bucky- Will you just trust me! *He smiles and kisses you* come on Grant! *He grabs his waffle and heads out the door with Bucky.*
Y/N- okay Winnie- *You look and she is gone, up the stairs to find Sarah. You sigh and look at the triplets.* okay girls, y'all wanna help clean up the house?
Odette- not really
Elizabeth- I just want to read
Jonnie- my goats need me.
*You sigh and nod. You eat and then head back upstairs. Bucky was right it was a busy day, between all the laundry and cleaning the house since you were gone for basically a month, you didn't have time to even sit down before the kids came in asking for lunch.*
Jonnie- mommy I'm hungry
Odette- can I have a grilled cheese?
Elizabeth- ooh with bacon too!
*You laugh*
Y/N- you want a bacon grilled cheese sandwich?
*She nods*

*Bucky and Steve have all the posts in the ground and they take a break for lunch. Bucky walks in and sees kids are moving around the kitchen as you try and cook. He can tell you're getting frustrated.*
Winnie- Stop Grant! *She hits him*
Grant- ouch! Mom?! She hit me! *He pinches her and he runs away. She screams and chases him. They bump into you and you almost drop the pan.*
Y/N- Grant and Winnie stop!
Bucky- kids listen to your mom! *He kisses your cheek and goes to wash his hands*
*They sit but keep hitting each other. Jonnie is digging around for fruit snacks for everyone and Odette is getting juice boxes. They are trying to be helpful but they are just in the way. Odette dropped one and it spilled but she didn't notice, you turn to grab some butter when you slip, without thinking your grab the hot stove to balm e yourself, it's hot and you let go instantly causing yourself to fall to the ground on your back/Side. The kids scream and come to your side, Bucky runs back into the kitchen and sees you laying on the floor.*
Bucky- y/n? What happened?!
Grant- she fell
Winnie- she burned herself too
Jonnie- here mommy, I have some ice for you! *She literally hands her an ice cube from her cup.*
Odette- I'm sorry mama I didn't know it spilled!!
Elizabeth- is the baby okay?!
*You hit your side pretty hard, your hip hurts and so do your ribs. Ben is moving like crazy. Bucky shushes the kids*
Bucky- okay okay, y'all go sit please. Thank you for your help but go sit.
*Steve walks in*
Steve- what happened?!
Bucky- she fell, could you hand this to the kids? *He gets the plate from the counter, it's full of sandwiches.* it'll keep them occupied.
*Steve takes it and gives it to the kids. He then comes back and kneels by your side.*
Steve- you need help getting her up?
Bucky- No, I'm just giving her a minute. She hasn't spoken yet. Could you handle the kids till we're sure she's okay?
Steve- yeah, sure thing.
Bucky- Hey y/n?? You okay?
Y/N- just get me to the couch please.
*Bucky nods and lifts you into his arms. He lays you on the couch*
Bucky- I'm gonna look at your side, okay?
*You nod. He lifts up your shirt and sees some bruises already forming. He kisses them and then kisses you* I'm gonna grab some ice okay. Is he okay? *He rubs your belly and Ben moves all around*
Y/N- yeah I think so.
Bucky- okay, I'm still calling your doctor.
*You nod. Bucky gets one ice and gets you situated while he calls the doctor*

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