Are You Happy

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*Ben sleeps and wakes about every 3 hours

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*Ben sleeps and wakes about every 3 hours. You feed him and change him, he whines a little when you are trying to get him to sleep. It would really help to have a Paci but Tony didn't bring one. You end up using yourself as a Paci and he passes out while nursing each time.*
Y/N- I really need the snow to let up.
Bucky- I know baby, it started again while we were sleeping. Another foot of snow was dropped.
*You sigh and nod. You pick up your phone to call Tony*
Tony- hey y/n! How's it going?!?
Y/N- Ben is here and he is doing great!
*You hear cheering and congratulations from everyone*
Y/n- thank you! Look we need more supplies. It looks like we will be up here for awhile. Another door of snow was dropped in the last hour and it's not melting yet. Is there anyway you could fly some more stuff over?
Tony- definitely, Text me what you need and I'll get it over there in the hour.
*You thank him and hang up. Nat knocks on the door*
Nat- hey! I wanted to show you this.
*She shows you a picture of Sam and Yelena at the hospital with the birth mom of their son. She is in labor.*
Y/N- oh he's almost here!
Nat- yeah, I'm glad this worked out.
Y/N- I still can't believe that it took this long for the adoption to go through. They made it seem like it was a done deal.
Nat- I think it was. They just didn't know that the mom hadn't given birth yet. She led them to believe she was much further along than she was.
Y/N- well I'm glad she's able to be at the hospital. She's already signed away her right?
Nat- yeah, but there is still a chance she could change her mind. She could change her mind up to
Two weeks after so let's just hope it all goes well.
*You nod and look down at Ben. You tear up a little*
Y/N- I just- I can't imagine how desperate she must be to give up her baby. I could never. *You look at Nat and she nods*
Nat- I know what you mean, but she's doing what's best for her and her son. And he's getting a kick ass family out of it.
Y/N- yeah he is!
*Ben grunts and Nat laughs*
Nat- he is so noisy!
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- I know!
*Bucky grunts and laughs from where he lays on the bed.*
Nat- seems he takes after his dad!
*You laugh and Bucky laughs again. He turns over and looks at you.*
Bucky- when will Tony be here?
Y/N- before dinner, he will try to melt some of the snow too with some blasts.
*He nods and then snuggles closer to where you're sitting.*
Bucky- wake me when he gets here and I'll go get the stuff and help. *You kiss his head and rub his back. You know that later he will be doting on you and Ben so you'll let him sleep now. You know you've worked hard today but so has he. Not push a human out of his body tired but watch his wife be in agonizing pain, deliver his baby on his own, and hope his wife recovers and is okay, kinda tired.*
Y/N- just sleep baby. *You put Ben down and snuggle up with Bucky.*

*Tony gets there and Bucky gets dressed to get all the supplies. He helps Tony shovel and clear out some snow.*
Tony- there, hopefully it will all start melting.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- still too bad to get the helicopter here?
*Tony nods*
Tony- it's pretty bad up there *He points to the sky* even I'm flying low and I'm starting to freeze up. Hopefully in a couple days we can get y/n and Ben to the hospital and get them checked out. Is everyone okay?
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yeah, I just want to get them both checked out sooner than later.
*Tony nods*
Tony- we will keep and eye on the weather. I'll get the helicopter ready and the minute it's safe we will come out here and get y'all.
*Bucky thanks Tony. He walks inside and sees you walking downstairs with Ben in your arms*
Bucky- baby baby baby *He rushes over and takes Ben* you've got to be careful. You are 10 hours post birth. You've got to take it easy. *You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- I am hungry and I needed to move around a little.
*Bucky rubs your back and looks down at Ben. He nods to the bags by the door*
Bucky- I think pepper packed some underwear and pads for you as well.
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- okay, let's what Tony brought
*You unpack all the bags. There is some food and stuff but mostly it's bottles and your pump. A couple Pacifiers and swaddles. And tons of onesies and diapers. Steve and Nat walk in*
Steve- I would have killed to see Tony flying through the air with all these bags in his arms. *You laugh and nod agrees. She gets all of Ben's things upstairs for you and Bucky as you head up. You get Ben changed and swaddled. You nurse and then gets his Paci. He takes it and falls right to sleep. You could cry out of happiness. Bucky smiles and pulls you close*
Bucky- he's so cute
Y/N- yeah, I just want to watch him sleep.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- I get that, but you need to eat. Come on mama, we need to get you some food.
Y/N- we don't have a monitor so someone needs to stay up here.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- you go, have a moment. I'll stay up here with the little man. *You thank and kiss him*
*You walk back downstairs and sit at the at the table, you make yourself some food and just sit in the silence for a moment. All the emotions from the day start to boil up and you start to cry. It's small sniffles at first but then it turns into big sobs. The hormones from the birth and the fact that nothing went right and you had Ben in this cabin and you're still stuck. You just can't calm down. Nat or Steve must have heard you because you suddenly feel two arms walk around you, one real one metal. You lower your head into Bucky's shoulder and he rubs your back. He kisses your head and whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- I know baby, I'm sorry. *He takes you upstairs and lays you down on the bed. He holds you close and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.*
Bucky- I know baby, you were amazing today. I know it didn't go as planned. You're okay, Ben is okay. We will get out of this and we will get home soon. I love you so much. *He kisses your neck and rubs your back. You fall asleep while Bucky holds you. When you wake up you are feeling better.*
Y/N- hey *He looks down at you. Ben in his arms*
Bucky- hey, how are you feeling?
Y/N- good, it was the hormones and just everything else. But I'm okay.
*He nods and kisses you*
Bucky- you wanna hold him?
*You nod and sit up. You hold him close and Bucky holds you. The kids come in around dinner time and spend some time with you and Ben. It's nice and they just love him so much*
Elizabeth- I love my little brother!
*You and Bucky laugh. The kids head downstairs for dinner. You stay up with Ben, just as you start to get lonely as you hear the kids running back upstairs. They have their food and they all sit down on the floor and eat with you. You tear up and look at Bucky. He walks in and gently smiles. You offer a quiet 'thank you' and he kisses your head. He gives you your dinner and he sits with you as you all eat. You look around and see everyone smiling  and having fun. Your heart is so full. You look at Bucky and he rubs your back.*
Bucky- are you happy?
*You nod and he smiles*

‼️WE GET MORE BUCKY BARNES!!!!! He is gonna be in the Thunderbolts movie, which I don't know how I feel about that yet but whatever! WE GET MORE BUCKY!! 🥰❤️ also enjoy all the new photos!! ‼️

‼️WE GET MORE BUCKY BARNES!!!!! He is gonna be in the Thunderbolts movie, which I don't know how I feel about that yet but whatever! WE GET MORE BUCKY!! 🥰❤️ also enjoy all the new photos!! ‼️

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